Chapter 9 - Mate

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I cleared my throat snapping both of their attention towards me. "Ahm Emily was it?" She looked at me slowly and nodded her head. "I was wondering if your offer still stands? I don't know where any of these classes are if you point me in the right direction it would be very helpful.” “Really?” Emily was looking at me blinking fast. "Yes I/we, I mentioned my brothers with my hands, would love the help." She looked up to Jacob and he nodded his head with a small smile escaping his lips. She squeaked jumping in the air and running towards me. In one move she had her hands around my body-hugging my tide. "Thank you thank you thank you. We are going to have such a good time together you will see." I just smiled at her, her good mood was contagious. "I am Ariana White and these are my twin brothers Matt and Colby." She looked at me with panic starting to fill her face. "That is so strange I think I got the wrong schedule for you the surname is right but your names are wrong. I am sorry I could go back and ask for the right ones?" "s**t" Mat said through the mind link. "Oh, yea there was a mistake they used our middle names on the paperwork I am sure our older brother will fix that later,” I said looking at my schedule. "Nice save Einstein! You are going o be in so much trouble when we go back home." Mat said through the mind link smirking. "What? That's impossible." Now Jacob and Emily stopped walking and looked at us. "What's wrong?" "I...the boys ...we ...w...e ...I don't have the same class with the boys." My voice came out with surprise. "And what's the big deal?" "Jacob you don't understand. I have to talk to Damian."I turned around and walked to the boys. Colby had an angry expression on his face and Matt well was stunned he was thinking something but didn't share it. "Alright then call him." "Call him I suppose I could but I don't have the hotel phone number. I could try to mind linking him. But I know he has his walls up now he had some work to do and didn't want to be bothered." "Why don't you use your mobile?" Emily was looking at me and I could practically hear the gears turning in her head trying to understand what the problem is. "Mobile?" I looked at her questioning. "Seriously? You do have a mobile phone right? I was going to ask for your number.” "I am sorry Emily but I don't." "What? How is that even possible? Everyone has one its 21 century." "We don't," Colby said his voice cold. "Damian doesn't want us to have one there is no reason for it he says." "Let's just skip this class we can talk to Damian later." Matt who hadn't spoken said. "I just didn't understand what the problem is? It's just one class we will meet here after it's over." "Jacob you don't understand," I said tiredly. "Rori I don't like this but he is right it's just one class we will meet with you after it's done alright?" "But Colby I never...we have never...I don't like this." I said stubbornly crossing my hands. He came near me and capped my cheek with his hand our foreheads touching. "Mind-link me if there is a problem. Stay away from trouble and no shifting!" He whispered and I nodded my head. Jacob and Emily were having a salient discussion when I stepped away from Colby I gave a hand squeeze to Matt who just nodded his head and I walked towards them they looked at me. "Ready princess?" Jacob said making me smirk. "Yea I am ready to let's go." I turned around looking one last time at my brothers. But I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for what came later. Most of the students were already in their seats as we walked in. I hate being the new student and having to introduce myself all the time. I could hear the students around whispering things about me. Some were making fun of others who were being horny teenagers but the girls. The girls were the worst! Ten minutes had passed and I suddenly couldn't stand being in that class anymore I felt like a caged animal. I could feel Jemma being restless. "What's wrong with you? You are stressing me out Jemma cool it's dawn!” "I don't know what's wrong I feel strange.” I felt my nails extending. I started losing control. "Jemma you have to cool it. My teeth are starting to show." I put my hand in front of my mouth to cover my canines. "GET OUT RORI NOW!" I lifted my hand in the air making the teacher notice me right away. I said that I wasn't feeling well and asked for permission to see the school nurse. He, of course, agreed, making me jolt from my seat throwing my backpack on my shoulder, and running out of the classroom like my pants were on fire. I run to the girl's bathroom and splashed water on my face. My hands gripped the sink and it cracked. I was breathing heavily. "What's wrong with us?” "I don't know Rori I can't explain it I feel on fire.” "What the hell is triggering this?” "I don't know Rori but I have no control over it. Open a bubble take us to him he can always calm us down.” "We can't not now we are at school Jemma we have to manage through this. We can't just disappear what about the boys?” "I am trying Rori trying to calm down but it's really difficult." Ten minutes later and after a lot of yoga breathing I exited the bathroom. The school's corridor was quiet everyone had classes. It was peaceful calming my nerves dawn. I took a few steps before I smelled it. The air filled with an amazing smell. Woody's musky smell is more like pine and freshly dropped rain mixed with chocolate. I turned around sniffing the air. Nobody's there. Suddenly a young boy came into vision on the other end of the corridor. He was over 6,5 long. His body was muscular and ripped, muscles were showing under his clothes that we were doing a poor job of covering him, almost like hugging him in the best revealing way. Dark brawn shortcut hair, chiseled chin, and chocolate brown eyes. A walking Adonis. I gulped hard. The moment our eyes met I could see his shocked expression too. "MATE," He said. His voice sent pleasurable ripples through my body making me tremble in anticipation. "Mate," Jemma said so silently I almost missed it. My mouth repeated the same word "Mate". " What are you talking about? We don't have that! We don't need that! We have Blake!" I shook my head in denial. "Jemma talk to me. What is happening?” "I don't know. I...I feel so confused. I...I am sorry Rori." That was the last thing she said and then cut the connection she never does that. Too many feelings and thoughts run through my mind. Before I know it my body responds to him and I take a step forward. He does the same it feels like our bodies are in trance. Not losing eye contact for a moment. The next moment the trance broke from a flying girl with fake blond hair who throws herself at him jumping literally on his body and pushing her tongue in his mouth. My breath caught in my throat I felt like someone punched me hard in the guts. My hands turned into fists and I dropped my backpack to the floor. I felt sick. I averted my eyes from the disgusting scene. The bell rang signifying the end of the first class. A sea of students spilled through the doors filling the corridor and I did the only thing I could. I run.
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