Chapter 28 - Ice ball

1730 Words
“Guys, we have a problem” I shouted as loudly as I could, the Pinkie seemed to get more aggressive, its hissing becomes a small growl, almost sounding like an angry cat. I lowered my head against Cassies and placed my arms over my head. Cassie started singing the song of the moon again trying to calm herself as the Pinkie got closer to us, I on the other hand was concentrating on ice, the thought came to me out of pure fear. This thing was meant to leave women alone but it was doing the exact opposite I felt a wave of coldness leave my skin, Cassie stopped singing and let out a small scream, another wave left my skin, and another and another, I hear a high pitch scream. Looking up I saw that the green eyes were now gone. I lifted my self slightly “move move move,” I said quickly pushing her at arm's length every time I caught up to her, she was in the light of the cave entrance. Mandrake reached in and grabbed her pulling him into his arms and moving out the way so that Lucis could reach in for me. I held out my hand ready to grab his. I let out a scream as I felt something grab my ankle. Looking back more than one pair of green eyes were looking back at me, I counted 3 pairs, my heart sank as the Pinkies began tugging and dragging me back into the dark. “Lilith” Lucis shouted trying to force his way into the cave before he was pulled back, “There is no use, those things kill men for fun,” Mandrake said, pulling and holding Lucis back. “they are going to f*****g kill her” Lucis's words were coming out in broken speech as he tried to fight free. I kicked my legs feeling my feet connect with small bodies, a few times I heard something bump against the walls “Lucis” I shouted kicking and trying to move towards the entrance again only to be dragged back again. each time I looked back I would catch sight of more and more pairs of eyes, this cave was crawling with things, even if they weren’t supposed to harm women, with a pack this size they would probably take down Mandrakes whole f*****g team. I kicked and moved, again and again, I could feel my body getting, I could feel the wet spots from the Pinkies were grabbing my skin with their clas and breaking skin as they did it. I needed something else. “Lucis,” I said kicking a pinkie in the face as it jumped towards me, its claws extended, trying to sink them into the skin. “for f**k sakes, Lucis” I shouted again trying annoyed that I hadn't gotten any closer to the entrance “I need Draco” “what?” I heard him shout, the screams from the Pinkies attacking muffled his voice so much that I almost didn’t hear him I kicked and twisted “Draco!” I shouted as loudly as I possibly could, hoping he could hear me and that he knew I needed my dragon’s help. I fought off more pinkies getting closer to the light slowly, a huge thud shook the ground and I could smell the familiar smell of wood burning, Draco’s breath, filling the cave/ “FIRE!” I shouted laying down on my stomach and protecting my face, this could either kill me or save me. “No” I heard Lucis's voice coming through as the Pinkies fell silent. Heat washed over me, the sound of rushing fire and the shrieks of the Pinkies filled the whole cave. the sound was deafening although I didn’t want to move to incase fire wasn’t aimed just above me, I could feel the heat but it was almost like I was in a bubble, I peeked out from under my arm. I let out a gasp as I watched the fire literally go over something that was basically, well, bubble-shaped. I lifted my head completely, a thin layer of something was defiantly protecting me from the fire rushing in. Draco stopped and two loud thuds told me that he took two steps back. I reached up to touch the bubble. It was cold, as my fingertips touched it, it melted away, I crawled forward made it to the light of the cave, looking back I could still see the green eyes shining back at me, the only way to fix this was to completely destroy the cave. I crawled out of the cave, standing slowly as the men all looked at me with shocked looks on their faces. I stood up straight looking at Draco who stood proudly, his chest looked as though it was puffed out, almost like he proud of himself. “what I asked’ looking from Lucis to Mandrake, who were still staring at me. “how did-” Mandrake started but Lucis interrupted him “That cave was just flooded with fire” both men looked up at Draco, “give the dragon some meat” shouted Mandrake to his men. A few of them scattered and unwrapped two more white sheets that I could now see were stained red from the blood, Draco moved in a circle quickly going for the meat, he knocked over two men before anyone could actually react. Everyone moved out his way as the huge dragon moved this way and that trying to the meat. “That cave is full of the fuckers” I said putting my hands on my hips “guess the stories on them need an update,” Lucis hissed Mandrake crossed his arms over his chest and looked back at his daughter, she had a piece of raw meat him her hands and was eating it, her face was smeared with blood as she took another bite. I looked at her feeling confused realizing something that becomes scary and confusing, “are you her biological father?” I asked clamping my hand over my mouth when I realized that I had said it out loud “ay, that I am,” he said looking at his feet “her mother?” Lucis said looking at him with daggers, Mandrake looked uncomfortable, he kept his eyes to the ground. “Please tell me you didn’t,” I said pitching the bridge of my nose, he shook his head and looked up “Odin, no, her mother was half Pinkie, half-witch,” he said softly everyone went quiet, even Draco that had been scoffing down meat was now looking this way. I looked at him in confusion but dropped the matter. “So what are we going to do about these things” “We make camp,” he snapped looking back at his men “what?” Lucis and I said at the same time “they only come out at night, we will have to wait in the tree lines before they come out,” Mandrake said walking over to his daughter and picking her up, rubbing his nose against hers. “ or,” I said dragging the word out and pointing at Draco, “big feet little cave,” I said when everyone looked at me like I had lost my mind. “that will be the backup plan,” Mandrake said, “their teeth are-“ “you are about to put us all at risk for a few pieces of gold” Lucis snapped “it more than a few, my men know the risk, you are free to leave, although having the witch would help,” he said pointing at me “Hey,” I whined, I knew that I probably looked like s**t full of dirt and grime, Lucis started laughing loudly, making me frown at him, “she’s an elf, not a witch,” he said trying to stop his fit of laughter, I moved my hair to reveal the pointed ears. “Maybe half” Mandrake said “that’s no how things work,” Lucis said starting to get angry “then how did she get out there without becoming charcoal,” Mandrake said calmly, the men in the back were busy setting up the camp in the trees, the only one that was actually paying attention other than the three of us was Draco who was staring at me. “those eyes, I saw the glow in the dark last night when I saved her, that’s the mark of the witch” the two men started getting into each other's faces, Draco had settled down and was now laying on the ground. “Hey” I shouted the two suddenly looking at me, I just did the same d di last time” “last time?” Lucis said looking at me confused, I nodded looking at him “the hags house,” I said when the stupid look on his face didn’t go away. He screwed up his face and then whatever color he had left his face “you set the house on  fire and was out untouched by it” he suddenly said then looked me up and down “I figured that I was fire immune,” I said shrugging my shoulder, “surely anyone that has a Dragon would be?” “no idea, it's hard enough getting close to the beasts, let alone tame them” Draco gave off a huff, “Sorry,” Mandrake said looking back at him, “How did you get out this time,” “Bubble of ice” I shrugged again “’ I felt it” Cassie shouted as she ran up to us “she let off the cold that made the Pinkie go away the first time” a buzz of talking started up as the men heard what the little girl had to say, my focus was bouncing from each man as they spoke to each other under their breath “Look!” I said loudly, “I am not a witch, but we will stay and help. 
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