Lessons in Restraint - Jartre

2924 Words

I stare at her with a mix of irritation and incredulity, “You might be the most confounding person I have ever met, and I’m older than every person on this planet.” She grins, “I take that as a compliment. Are you going to tell me why going through that list was giving you those grumpy lines between your eyes?” she asks, reaching out and smoothing the wrinkled skin between my eyes. Her touch burns deliciously and calms my entire being. It’s such a simple gesture, not meant to mean anything, and yet it ignites my essram with a joy it’s never known. This could be dangerous. “It’s complicated,” I say brusquely. “That is such a lame excuse,” she snorts, “Nothing is that complicated,” she says dismissively. “You think the drama of a God is simple?” I ask, raising my eyebrow in challenge.

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