Q&A - Jartre

4242 Words

I have existed longer than anyone can even begin to comprehend. In that time I have witnessed the birth of galaxies and have even destroyed a few. I have power beyond one’s wildest dreams and yet, standing inside that tiny loft, telling that curvaceous and fragile spitfire what I am and what she is to me, I’ve never felt more powerless and insignificant. She confounds me in ways no one ever has. I don’t even know her and yet I find myself already changing around her. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say she’s turning me into someone I used to be. Someone I thought died a long time ago. As I pour myself a large drink, I feel the air shift and I look up to see Ezillus standing bright-eyed in my living area. “So, how did everything go?” they ask with a s**t-eating grin as they lazily sit

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