1112 Words
JUNE watched as her young mate sauntered towards her. She stared at her in wonder. She observed her like in the movies.   Her mate walks in slow motion as the wind swayed her shoulder-length hair. A smile painted on her lips as their eyes meet. Then, she would put her hair at the back of her ear so that they could stare at each other. A blush would tint her cheeks. June cleared her throat. She shakes her head hoping to put her mind out of the sweet image. She took a deep sigh. It was 15 minutes ago when the lights in her apartment turned off. Looking at the approaching girl, her mate is definitely not asleep yet. The temperature is still humid even if the summer is coming to an end. That being said, June marveled why her young mate is wearing a hoodie jacket on top of her blue pajama pair. As the young woman drew near, a frown is clearly painted on the beautiful face of hers. The tall woman noticed that the pajama worn by her mate was painted with black paws. That simple thing brought a smile to her face. June leaned on her bike as her mate stopped in front of her. She braces herself, waiting for a reprimand. “You want coffee?” The teenager asked after openly staring at her. Surprised by the question, June just shook her head. “I’m not a coffee person.” She added. “Me, too.” The young woman put her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie. Her mate looked away when June did not say another word but rather observed the woman in front of her. Her mate looked really young. Though her eyes were hidden by the glasses she wore, it did not hide how expressive her hazel eyes were. At the moment, those hazel eyes were very curious but she did not see any dislikes in them. June felt a little better. The petite woman starts fidgeting. The teenager must have felt that she is also openly staring. “It’s your bedtime already.” June uttered, breaking the silence. “Are you going leave when I return to my unit?” “Yes.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” Her mate raised her chin and meet her eyes. Those hazel eyes seem to be looking at the depths of her soul.  “You never left even when the lights of my apartment went off.” “W-what?” She stated, completely taken aback. The young woman stayed looking at the tall woman's stunned face. Her expression has no care that her observation has rendered June almost speechless. “I remember you.” Her mate muttered. “Really?” She responds with a smile. The petite woman nodded. “You saved me from those hooligans ten days ago. You started following me the next day.” June gawked at the teenager like a fish out of the water. Her jaw almost fall in the floor in surprise. Her mate could put her job in jeopardy. She is definitely busted. “You knew?” Her mate nod again. June gulped the invisible lump in her throat. She thought she did the stalking like a pro. “Did I scare you?” She asked. The feeling of being uneasy creeps inside her. She did not want to start on the wrong foot with the human mate. June understand that relationship between human does not start with stalking. She also realized that her little mate is not stupid. “The first couple of days, yes. However, when you did nothing but watched me, I felt safer. If you wanted to harm me, you could have done it when you rescued me that night. But that would  be in contradiction on saving me.” The teenager explained like it was a natural occurrence in her daily life. “I won’t hurt you.” “I know. Thank you.” June beamed at her. She breathe a little easier.  “I hope it’s not creeping you out.” The young woman shook her head that made the older woman chuckled. “In my years of experience, this is the first time that someone served my a*s on the platter for stupidity.” She announced, accepting the inadequacy on her part. “You stalk someone before?” The teenager asked with wider eyes. “No, but this has been the first time that I’ve busted when I’m shadowing someone.” Her smile widen when her beautiful mate seemed to relax with her clarification. She felt overwhelmed when the teenager returned her smile. She breathe out to calm her heart. “I’m June Pascal, by the way.” “Diana Griffin.” “Nice to finally meet you, Diana.” She reached out her hand. “Same here.” June grinned when sparks enclosed her palm when their hands clasped. A flashed of shock marred the other woman’s face before staring at their joined hands. Feel that, little mate. She thought to herself. She squeezed the smaller hand with hers before letting go. When their hands separate, Diana discretely gazes at her hand before placing it on her side. “I should go.” “Goodnight, Diana.” “Goodnight.” Her eyes followed Diana as she crossed the street back to her apartment complex. A smile is still painted on June’s lips. “By the way, you can knock on my door next time. It’s quite chilly here at night.” Diana said, her back still on her. “I’ll keep that in mind, little girl.” The young woman waves her hand as she continues walking. June sighed when she can no longer see her mate. The smile returned to her face. Finally, she knew the name of her little mate. Knowing that she is a keen observer is an added bonus. She bit her lips to stop herself from laughing. She has been fooled by her mate. She thought she made herself unnoticed as she followed her for days. Perhaps, she could start wooing her by knocking on her door. Dianna already told her that she could knock, right? Maybe tomorrow is a great way to start. She mounted her motorbike after putting on the helmet. She revs the engine. She made a last glance at her mate’s window. The lights were off. She sees no shadow behind the curtain. Diana must have been true to her words. Goodnight, little mate.
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