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“ARE you coming back?” “Not yet” June answered her sister, May, over the phone. “Why?” She sighed. She sip her strawberry frappe before responding. “I still have a few weeks.” She heard her sister took a deep sigh. “We missed you.” “I miss the family, too.” June stood up when she saw the reason why she is staying at that expensive coffee shop. The place has a homey and relaxing ambience. Well, the frappe is great, too. Her sister is still talking on the other line but June can no longer comprehend whatever she is muttering. Her eyes were glued to the petite woman who is about to cross the street. “June?! Are you still there?” “Yeah.” She responded before straightening in her chair. A few moments later, the glass door of the coffee shop opened. The smell of strawberries attack June’s nasal cavity. “She’s so beautiful.” “What?!” June stopped shortly before smiling to herself. “I’ll call you again, May.” “Who’s beautiful? Did you hook up with a girl?!” “Of course not.” “June, what if your mate is a guy?” “That’s not gonna happen.” “But what if mother gave you a male mate?” “Mother did not gave me a male mate. In fact, my beautiful mate is coming this way. Talk to you again, Luna.” She cut the call before her sister can make another statement. Her petite mate is indeed coming her way. Not really her way but in the side of the shop where June is to get extra packet of sugar. She knew that her mate will be in the coffee shop at this time of the day. June has been following her for days. Her mate lives alone in the apartment where she stayed. At 8AM, she will leave the house and goes to the pharmaceutical building until 6PM. However, at 4PM she will buy coffee. June did not know yet the reason why her mate goes to that pharmaceutical building. There is a possibility that she is a daughter of whoever works there or she is an intern. At 6PM, her mate will hail a taxi to go home. The lights in her apartment were on until 9:30PM. Stalking is June’s new hobby. She did not know that she would enjoy trailing someone but knowing the routine of her young mate satisfy her and her wolf. When her young mate left the coffee shop and enter the pharmaceutical building again, June left the coffee shop. She drove towards the apartment where she spent most of her time since she left the pack territory. The homey ambience of the living room greeted June when she opened the door.  A few lego blocks scattered on the floor. “June, is that you?” “Yes.” The squeal of a four year old boy painted a smile in June’s lips. Then came a ball of energy in the form of Juhan. She held the boy in her arms and kiss head. She perch him on her hip before following the smell of delicious aroma. In the kitchen stands Laura. She is the mother of the cute boy in her arms who is currently playing with her long and wavy, chocolate brown hair. “Good afternoon, June.” “Hello. What’s cooking?” “Baked lasagna.” “With lots and lots of cheese.” The little boy butt in. “Of course. Because little Juhan loves cheese.” She agreed and tickle the boy. The belly laugh of the boy enveloped the small kitchen. Laura stared at them with a smile before checking the oven. “Put your toys back in the box. Your father will be here in a few minutes.” Laura ordered Juhan after playing with June. June put the boy down. Juhan left them to obey his mother’s order. “Harry will be home early today?” “Yes. It’s our anniversary.” “Wow! I’m happy for both of you.” “Thank you.” It was through Harry that June met this beautiful family. It was only a four months after she left the pack territory when their paths collided. It was not a good circumstances but she was glad that they met. June was oblivious to her surroundings in the middle of the night. She was leaning on her bike with a pack of beers in hand. She found herself at g*n point. A man in her age was holding a g*n. On normal days, she would have noticed that there is another person with her. On any other situation, she would have detected that this man has a g*n. “Hand me your watch, your phone and wallet.” Instead of obeying him, she opted to observe him. He has heavier eye bags and his eyes were a little puffy. The hand that is holding the g*n trembled slightly. Aside from the growing beard, he seemed clean. She took a deep sigh. “Put the g*n down. Let’s talk why you decided to become a robber.” She stated calmly. Fortunately, the wannabe robber put the g*n down. He looked down with regret. His whole body is shivering a little.  He sat on the pavement. June continue drinking her beer. She hand him one. Without hesitation, he reached for the can and take a swig after removing the pin. “Tell me.” “My son is in the hospital. I’m in debt already. My boss refused to lend me more money. My wife was fired from her job. I don’t know what else to do.” The grief in his voice is pretty  obvious. She even heard him sob as he drink his beer. “How much do you need?” She turned to her drink buddy when she did not hear a word from him. He was staring at her like she has grown two heads. Hope flicker in his eyes. “What’s your name?” “H-Harry Markle.” “Alright, Harry. My name is June. Tell me the hospital where your son is. I’ll meet you there.” Tears fell from his eyes. She smiled at him. She was right. This man is a good man. His need to save his ailing son drove him to do terrible things. She condone anything that harms other people just to justified the end but she cannot blame the guy. Desperate situation pushes any one to do desperate measures. “Everything will be okay. Have faith.” He nodded and wipe the tears in his eyes. “Come on, your boy is waiting.”
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