
1075 Words
Greyson walked out of the pack house to see if he could find Scarlett, he wanted to deliver the news that her alpha wanted her to stay with him. He stood on the large front porch with his hands in his pockets scouting around his pack lands. He was wearing relaxing slacks and a button-up shirt that he had folded up the sleeves to his elbows, he looked perfectly handsome in the casual business attire, his shirt clung well to his muscled upper arms. His broad chest made all the females around him swoon, but for Scarlett, he was just another well-built werewolf she was not interested in. He spotted her sitting on a large branch high up in a tree taking pictures of some children running around on a grassy field. He sauntered over and saw that she struggled to get down from the branch. She considered jumping down but stopped herself as she was scared she could hurt herself. Suddenly Greyson came into view and he held his arms up towards her showing her that she could jump into his arms, Scarlett pursed her lips as she didn’t want to jump into the arms of the alpha, but she had not much choice. So she reluctantly jumped and Greyson caught her midair.  He made sure to let her down very slowly and close to his chest so she would be flushed to him as he let her go. He gave her a little smirk as her face lowered down and met his, he wondered if he should kiss her on the way down but thought it to be risky. He let his hands linger on her waist after her feet met the ground and Scarlett had to sidestep to get out from his embrace. She cleared her throat a bit as she was affected by his handsome frame and it made him smirk even more. She whispered a thank you as she walked out of his grip. He followed her as she walked towards the packhouse, he wanted to touch her again and feel those sparks on his fingertips. The look on her face however told him that he already pushed the limit on how much she could take, so he walked next to her with his hands in his pockets.  Scarlett broke the silence, “so I guess you are here to tell me I can’t leave pack grounds.”  She was slightly annoyed when she spoke and it puzzled him how she knew what he wanted to talk about.  “How did you know that Scarlett?” He mused at her while waiting for her answer.  Scarlett sighed but kept looking forward to where she was walking “sounds like the kind of cr*p a mountain alpha would pull.”  She seemed dejected as she spoke, Greyson furrowed his brows, he was still not any closer to finding out how she knew. But then Scarlett broke the silence again with a slightly more chirpy tone, “besides, daddy texted me telling me that he was happy that the great alpha Greyson Blaine would take care of me while those pesky rogues are out and about.”  She accentuated great with hard sarcasm and it did not escape Greyson, but he chuckled at her wording. Scarlett did not seem happy as he chuckled and shot him a side glance of disapproval. Greyson was not affected the slightest, he was used to angry and out-of-control werewolves. A slightly annoyed human was not difficult for him, he thought he could handle her easily. Scarlett suddenly stopped, they were a few steps away from the front porch of the packhouse. She turned to look at Greyson and took her time to look at his face, it was like she was reading him, and Greyson stood there silently letting her get to what she wanted to say. She slowly raised her hand and put one finger on his forearm and just looked at the finger touching him, then she looked back at his face like she was trying to understand him.  “Can you feel it? The sparks?”  Greyson’s mouth lifted on one side to a little smirk that was both cute and dangerously sexy, he answered in a husky voice, a deep voice that gave shivers over Scarlett’s spine.  “Yes Scarlett, I feel them.” Then he leaned in and whispered close to her ear, “and they feel amazing.”  Scarlett froze where she stood and it was like his breath fanning the side of her face made her shiver, she felt hot at the same time like her body couldn’t decide what to feel. Greyson could sense her reaction and his eyes flickered to black as he watched her go through all those emotions. He could see it in her eyes, she was intrigued by him, but also annoyed. Then her eyes sparkled with attraction, and it made his chest rumble in satisfaction. Scarlett had not heard that sound from a werewolf before so she gasped and looked at him like something scary had just happened.  He took his hand and gently held her arm as he explained to her what just happened, “when a male senses his mate's reaction to him his chest can start to rumble in satisfaction, it’s almost like a purr of pleasure. I could sense your attraction to me and my wolf got happy.”  Scarlett tilted her head and looked at him in both intrigue and hesitation, then she spoke out with confidence and determination, “I want my own bedroom. I’m not sleeping with you.”  Greyson was slightly shocked by her boldness but also annoyed that she didn’t want to spend time with him, he wanted to refuse and make her sleep in his bed but he thought that would probably not bode well.  “Fine, I’ll move you to a bigger guest room, the one you have not is not suited for longer stays”  He sauntered over to the steps and walked into the packhouse, Scarlett followed and they both met Jaxen.  Greyson seemed agitated as he gave the order to Jaxen, “Scarlett needs a bedroom, could you show her the guest room next to mine?”  Then he walked to his office and shut the door with a little more strength than he needed to, left stood a slightly awkward Jaxen giving Scarlett a small and nervous smile. 
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