The long game

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Scarlett was laying on the grass looking up at the sky, it had a baby blue hue with soft white clouds scattered around, it was the perfect background for a photograph. Around her were bustling around pack members of all ages, the younger one was playing, the moms and dads were looking after their little ones. And the older ones were walking around to stretch their legs and get some exercise. It was a large area that suited them all, it had a small playground and a large walking path for the elders to wander about. As the young pack members would jump around she would aim her camera and take pictures, sometimes she would get a young one in their human form leaping around. Other times she would get a shot of a little wolf sprinting around, her most priced picture was of a young wolf leaping over her mid-air. It took her the whole morning, but she was very satisfied with her catch. During the day the pack members would approach her and introduce themselves, they were all very welcoming. And even though Scarlett was human they could sense in her that she was seasoned to pack life. Scarlett was comfortable with the werewolves, she grew up among them. So she blended in well and they found her a natural part of the pack just within the first day.  The alpha sat in his office with his beta the whole day, he would get mind links throughout the day with updates on Scarlett, he had no doubts she would fit in well and let her roam free. The warriors and patrol knew not to let her escape so he felt confident in giving her free reigns to walk around. It suited Scarlett well as she was on her one-year hiatus to take pictures. In the alpha’s office the beta did worry though, how would his alpha convince the human to be his mate? She did not feel the mate bond and she was a very independent and a determined woman, she would not be persuaded easily. Greyson however was calm and oddly enough very relaxed, so Jaxen approached the subject to find out why Greyson was so calm and collected.  “She’s human you know.”  Greyson hummed in a reply to confirm, she was human.  Jaxen did not give up easily, “so she does not feel the mate bond, you might meet some resistance.”  Greyson was not moved by this, he knew very well these facts. So he continued on the same path, that this would indeed be a long struggle.  “Yes Jaxen, I know, she is also very opinionated and determined. It will not be easy to convince her.”  Greyson did not show much emotion as he voiced out the facts about the challenges with his mate, and it puzzled his beta.  “Are you not worried Greyson? What if she never falls in love with you?”  Greyson was not moved by this either, he did not seem worried the least bit.  “The rogue attacks are troubling Jaxen, it would be wise of me to keep everyone safe within my borders. I’m sure the alpha of Silver Moon would appreciate me keeping his pack member safe.”  Jaxen grinned as he understood what Greyson was getting at. If it was not safe for Scarlett to leave on her own she would have to stay, and it would give Greyson time to court her.  “I’ll let the beta know that his member is safe here with us, it is after all our duty to help a member of a potential ally safe.” Jaxen grinned even bigger at Greyson as he played along.  Greyson was pleased with his beta playing along, he wanted to keep Scarlett in his pack as long as he could. And if he could convince her alpha that it was best as well then there would be nothing stopping him, only the alpha of her pack could intervene and have her leave the pack grounds. So he needed her alpha on board with his plan. Alpha Greyson picked up his phone as he had a slight smirk on his face, he dialed the number to the alpha he spoke to the day before.  It rang and soon enough the alpha spoke again in the same gruff voice, “alpha Greyson, is everything still ok with Scarlett?”  He probably saw the number and recognized it from yesterday, Greyson had a smug smile as he answered.  “Yes alpha, she is safe and doing well. I however would like to keep her within pack grounds for the time being.”  On the other end, he could hear a grumpy snort as a reply.  Greyson took that as an opening and continued, “we have had many rogue attacks lately and I do not feel it is safe for her to hike these mountains alone. I’m trying to deal with the issue and was hoping she could stay until it is safer for her to travel.”  The other alpha boomed out without any further thought, “I agree alpha Greyson, keep her safe. My beta thinks the world of her, her safety is important to us. Keep her until it is safe to let her hike again.”  Alpha Greyson made a move like he had done a touchdown, and his beta made a silent cheer motion.  “Yes alpha, I will keep her safe, I’ll be in touch.”  They both said their goodbyes and they hung up. Greyson felt victorious as he now knew he could keep his mate within his borders without breaking any werewolf laws. He knew he had to play the long game, and play dirty to get her. Greyson was up for the game, he wanted her. He wanted her to fall in love with him, and that would take some time. Beta Jaxen flipped through his phone and found the number to her beta, he called him and got an answer right away.  “What can I do for you beta Jaxen, it’s been a long time since we spoke last.”  Jaxen grinned, “It’s going well, my friend. I thought it was best to keep in touch since we now have one of your members in our care.”  It wasn’t until after yesterday’s call that he learned that it was beta Hank that was her step-dad, they had met before at a conference.  The other beta seemed surprised at this and Jaxen elaborated, “Scarlett stumbled over our borders, and we have had some trouble with rouges. But she is safe and doing well within our pack.”  The other beta sighed in relief, “thank you beta, we appreciate it. Send out love to Scarlett, and tell her to stay low. She’s prone to trouble and her mom worries a lot. She’s my stepdaughter, and I know first hand how much trouble she could be.”  Jaxen chuckled, “don’t worry, we will make sure she is safe and causing little trouble.”  They both said their goodbyes, Jaxen and Greyson felt they had won this round.  It was in the middle of the night when Scarlett tiptoed out of the guest room she got. She got all the way down to the front door and opened it carefully, she walked out and turned to close it as silently as possible. When she turned back to leave she walked right into Greyson’s chest. She looked up at his eyes with shock and annoyance before she turned around and walked back in. 
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