Chapter 2 - Fighters

1958 Words
Becca POV Fucking hell, out of every single nonsense my mother could have spewed today, this was completely out of the cuckoo's box… I am 21, and it never crossed my mind to marry and have kids at this age… I have never given it much thought, maybe in a few years, maybe between finishing my studies and planning the ´wedding´ but the reality is that I have never been in a relationship… I have never been in love and I would first kill myself before marrying that bastard. I was stomping the hall while biting my nails, when something pushed me against the wall… “Hello, future wife…” His face was too close to comfort and I tried to push him away from me. “Who the f**k said I was going to marry you?” I snapped… He took a step back and roamed his eyes all over me… “I know you will be getting married to me… it is a fact, it's a done deal… they are just trying to give you a sense of control… your mother knows you all too well… “ He said liking his lips, and I hated the way he was so certain about things… “Well, until then, nothing is set on stone…” I said, walking away from him, trying to put as much distance between me and this prick. I walked and took a turn, hoping he dropped the f*****g act and gave me space, but as usual, luck was not on my side. "You see Becca… some years ago you denied me what is rightfully mine, and now I am going to take it... With or without a wedding… I would prefer you went along with it, because I really think you are gorgeous… in an exotic-prostitute kind of way…” He said while trapping me between his arms, and pushing me inside a dark janitor´s closet. By the way, I have no idea if I should feel flattered by the gorgeous comment or insulted by the exotic-prostitute one… just saying… I shivered, this was not happening… “What do you want?” I said, feeling less brave than before. I was inside a dark closet with a predator… my odds didn't look good. “You…” He leaned forward and kissed my neck forcefully… “Bobby, please… let me go…” I said in a soft, pleading voice, and he chuckled… “I love it when you plead… and I am sure I am going to hear those moans and plead for more later…” he said, ripping my hoodie out of my body… He squinted his eyes, “My, my, my… what do we have here?” He said, looking at my bra-covered breasts. Six years ago, I was a late bloomer still holding baby fat on my abdomen and cheeks. Now, I am a full-grown woman, with perky boobs a bit bigger than average, and a flat tummy, luscious hips and toned legs… What can I say? I grew up and I loved my Pilates. “Please, don't do it…” I said, and he chuckled, squeezing my right boob with force. I am f*****g sure he will leave a bruise on my tender flesh. He leaned into me trying to press my body further in, but I was determined not to go down with a fight… I kneed him in the family jewels, gaining enough time for me to sprint out of there… I was half naked and frightened. I ran without directions, then I saw a door that read ´Golden Dragon's lockers´. I opened the door. No one was supposed to be there, but they had spare gear and shirts around, and right now what I need is coverage and a place to hide. I panted and looked around, and then I saw him… “Becca?” my mind was on overload, and I had a hard time focusing my eyes… “Kid… what happened to you?” another voice was heard on the place, while I tried to cover my chest with my hands… “Here, take a t-shirt…” the older man said, and then turned to the younger one… “Caleb, get her a spare shirt…” the younger man, Caleb gave the older one a nod and moved around the locker room with ease. They handed me the shirt and then offered me some water… “Don't you remember us?” The older one asked, while I shook my head no… “Yeah, you were too young to remember…” He sighed… “Well, let me reintroduce myself… I am Diego Alves, and this is my son Caleb Alves…” He said, and I squinted my eyebrows, why do we share a last name, and what are they doing here? “I am your dad's cousin… and I am th head defense coach of the Dragons…” he said with pride and I sighed… “Uncle Diego?” I smiled, and he nodded, opening his arms for me, and I quickly curled up to the older man… “Now, tell me what the hell happened to you?” He said in a serious voice, and I was ashamed about what had happened, but alas, it was not my fault, and I had to tal to someone about the f*****g deadline my mother dared give me… He was surprised and appalled, while Caleb kept pacing the lockers and frowning… He was pissed. He was a year older than me, and now that I remember, we used to play a lot together… well, at least before the fatal crash. “Dad, we have to do something…” Caleb said, and I sighed, for the first time in my entire life someone was willing to stick their necks up for me. “But we can't make rash decisions… after all they hold the power to remove us from our livelihood, and we would not be able to help at all…” Uncle Diego said while I bit my lip. Yeah, Robert was a powerful man, and I could see he listened to the nonsense my mother could come up with. I took a deep breath, “I will go along with the parties and dates… that I don't mind… I mean, it is not the most comfortable thing for me, but I can manage… it is nasty Bobby, the one I just can't stand and makes my stomach hurdle…” I said and they nodded. “Well, then… we will help you to stay away from him as much as possible…” Uncle Diego said, and I saw a small smile on Caleb's lips… “I have always wanted to punch him... Now I am going to have a f*****g good reason…” He mumbled and I chuckled. This was my cousin and best friend when I was little, and I believe he still is. We dropped the Bobby Jr. subject and started talking about random things… “So what are you studying’” Caleb asked, “I am doing a Business Major and a minor in fashion design at the same time…” I said proudly, and Uncle Diego chuckled… “She is exactly what we need…” Uncle Diego added. “Look, would you be interested in designing the new uniform and image for the dragons?” Uncle Diego asked, and I lifted my eyebrows. “You see, Caleb here got a license with the team… he will revamp their image and manufacture all of their fan merchandise and uniforms, jerseys, and whatnot for the entire season… only if the design he comes up with is approved…” Uncle Diego said and Caleb blushed… “I wanted to play, but an injury put me out… so I decided to start my company. We have been doing fairly well… I am sure you have seen several of our popular logo-tees… The company is called Orange Peel…” He said and my eyes widened… “Oh! Come on!... I love the ones with the sassy phrases… those are my fave…” I said and he chuckled… “Not everyone loves them… some of those messages are quite harsh… like the ones that say ´My eyes are up here¨” He said and I laughed… “I actually have one of those…” I laughed, and he chuckled… “So, what do you say? Would you like to become our secret weapon? I mean to get Orange Peel to the next level and into sportswear?” Caleb said, and I nodded. “Of course… I would love to…” I gave him a hug… “Alright… just so you know if your design is approved, you will be making A-LOT of money…” He chuckled and I gasped… I never thought I would be getting paid, but earning some money aside from the allowance that Georgette and Rbert sent me, was the first step to freedom… “Well, I am ALL-IN!” I said, feeling confident that I would design a f*****g great jersey, one that will be used for years to come… Life is full of whiplashes… not over 24 hours ago, I was in London, and now I am in LA… hours ago, I was informed that I would be placed on the market and forced to find a suitor… an hour ago, I was almost rapped by the one my mother did picked for me if I don't fulfill their time-terms, and now! I am with my dad's family protecting me and getting my escape plan in motion… I am certain that the surprises for the summer are over, aren't they? *** Two weeks had passed and every day, Cal comes and picks me up and drops me off at night. Some nights I spend them over with him and Uncle Diego. Uncle Diego has been swamped with work… they are planning the roster of players for the upcoming season and the draft is just days away. Mom loved two of my designs, and I secretly congratulated myself… She didn't know I was the designer, and as such, they decided to use one for home games and the other for visitor games. Caleb and I have been working nonstop, because the jersey and new image will be revealed at the draft… No pressure… she approved of the image two days ago, giving us very little maneuver time, but Caleb's company pulled through, and the jersey would be ready today… Surprisingly, the quality and texture were exactly what I expected them to be… even better than the high renowned multi-billion brands. “Are you ready to go?” Caleb asked me, and I chuckled… “I will never be ready to be displayed like cattle…” I joked and he laughed, “You know, cus… you are a beautiful woman, smart, kind and funny… Any guy would be lucky to have you look their way…” Cal said and that warmed my heart… He was the best friend and cousin a girl could have… “I am not going with you, and I know for a fact that neither does Bobby Jr… so you should be fine… Dad will be very busy, but not too busy to help you around…” Caleb said and I nodded. He sighed, and then said something that I had not expected… “You know, Becky… your daddy would have been proud of you… Us Alves are not quitters, we are fighters… and you have that fire… a proud Alves through and through…” He said making my heart beat faster… his words were all I needed to pull through these upcoming days.
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