Chapter 1 - Back home

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Becca POV I sat on the bleachers, the scorching heat burning my skin. The stadium was empty, the season just ended and the Golden Dragon's ended up in fifth place, and all the guys were on a break. They will resume training when the draft is completed and the team gets revamped with those needed reinforcements. You may be wondering What the hell am I doing inside an empty stadium? Or what the hell am I doing under the scorching sun? Well, the answer is quite simple. I can't stand my dysfunctional family. My father was a sports race driver, quite popular… Marcus Alves, he was number one, until that fatal accident that took his life when I was 10 years old. He was handsome, and I love to think I got my beauty ou of his mixed Brazilian features. Tan skin, deep green-amber eyes, and light brown hair…that, if my mother could have a say, would be bleached blonde, even if it goes horribly with my complexion. My mother, a Southern Bell from Georgia. Blonde, blue eyes, exquisite figure and features… with a heavy accent, and an undying Dolly Parton fan, I met my father when she was crowned Miss Georgia in the year 2000. They hid their relationship from the media, mostly because my father loved his privacy, and then they tied the knot… Mom was a loving mother, until the day my father died. She was heartbroken, and didn't have time for me, her only daughter…. Rebecca Joleen Alves. See? She is a fan of Miss Dolly Rebecca Parton… I am sure my father had no idea why she picked those names for me… Anyway, mom changed and, with that, my entire life. Why am I inside the Golden Dragon's stadium? Well, she remarried 6 years ago to no other than, Mr. Robert Pratt, a real estate mogul and the Golden Dragon's owner. My stepfather came with an extended family of his own; Bobby Jr., my stepbrother, 3 years older than me, a complete ass and a real creep. And four years ago, my mother and stepfather decided to reproduce, and that's how my baby sister Selena Pratt came to life. Mom is a beautiful and smart woman. She handled everything PR related to the Dragons. Last year, she was BUSY! A drunk-driving scandal about the star Quarterback Rusty Schwarz, and a domestic violence case for one of the defense guys, had her busy trying to minimize the impact on the team and the brand. Plus, the previous bad season had her scrambling around the media, taking a lot of her time designing a new strategy for the next season. Thus, I am here waiting for her to be done with a meeting. She promised me that if I came home from university for the summer, we would spend some quality time together, and based on how I was received, I would end up spending my summer waiting around her. I am studying abroad, at Oxford. Once, mom remarried and we moved to Pratt's residence. Bobbie Jr tried to assault me when I was 15 years old. I pleaded to her that I needed to be away, and after some tantrums and getting expelled from the Ivy League school they signed me up, Mom decided to send the problem child abroad. I was happy and relieved… lonely, but everything came at a price. “Becca?” I heard over the stadium speakers someone calling out of her… “Miss Becca Alves, please report to the president's office…” I heard again, and I sighed. I have no idea what they want to talk about with me this time. I dusted off my ripped jeans, and fixed my hoodie… Hey! Don't blame me, a long time ago I prioritized comfort over fashion, and I don't think that will be changing anytime soon. I placed away the novel I was reading, and made my way towards the administrative office, most precisely my stepfather's office. I knocked on the door, and I heard the clicking steps of a woman coming towards the door. The door snapped open, and my mother gave me a wide smile… “Becca… there you are…” She beamed, and I rolled my eyes. She was supposed to be at the airport, but, there was a driver with a sign to pick me up, and, without giving me an option, brought me here. “Hey, mom…” I sighed. We were complete opposites. She was bright, spirited and loud, while I was calm, shy and quiet. I think I get that from my dad, but when I see his pictures he was always smiling and beaming, so I guess… life made me this way. “Hi, Robert…” I greeted my stepfather, of whom I have no opinion of, and no relation with… just polite greetings and casual conversations over dull dinners. “Oh! Hi Becca...” He greeted me with a soft smile. He was a bit older than mom, and he had this quiet measured charm that was sometimes a bit unnerving. You never knew what was crossing his head, nor how he would react… “I guess your trip was good…” He said, walking towards the reading area across from his desk… He motioned me to sit and I complied… “Uneventful…” I said and he gave me a quiet nod. My mother clapped and perched up close to Robert, and almost jumped up and down excitedly- “Becca, you are turning 21, and you need to think about your future…” she said with a heavy southern accent, that was all too familiar and too forced for my liking. Since she married Robert, we moved to LA, and thus her accent must have toned down by now… “Mom, I am already 21… “I sighed, and she waved her hand, dismissing my comment, “Anyway… we believe you need to find a handsome, young suitor…. And give us grandkids…” She beamed, and added, “I know I don't look like a grammy, but I want my babies…” She finished, while Robert looked at her with hearts popping out of his eyes. “Excuse me?” I lifted my eyebrows, and she gave me a confused look back. “I don't see what the confusion is, honey?” She said, her bright smile dulling a little. “I don't know, Mom! Maybe because I am about to finish my studies, or maybe I am not interested in starting a family right now… or perhaps I am offended because I bet on my right hand, you didn't have this conversation with Bobby Jr three years ago…” I said, outraged… And my mom chuckled… “Of course, now I see the problem…” She mumbled and I stopped in my tracks. “The problem here is that you have been away for too long…and getting soaked in all of those progressive ideas, that won't do you any good…” She said, “Are you freaking kidding me? A working woman, like yourself, or a woman having ideas on her own, is not, progressive Mother… it is natural… what about my dreams and plans?” I sighed, I had to control my temper because, to be honest, their funding was highly appreciated to finish my studies. “I am not saying you should marry tomorrow… but I believe is overdue for your introduction to society… and maybe find you a couple of dates, getting you out of that frumpy look for once and eventually nailing a relationship that will end up in our final goal… marriage and babies…” my mother said, and I closed my eyes… Was she being serious? I really expect a hidden camera crew popping out of a closet any minute. And when it didn't happen, I realized she was being serious. “Over the summer, I am going to be very busy, but you will come along with me to the draft, and there are several parties that I want you to attend… Those athletes are hot, and maybe, having you swimming in an ocean full of sharks, one will try to take the bite…” She said and I almost puked with the idea. “Is that what it will take for you to get off my case and let me return to London?” I was trying to see the bright side of the rainbow here. I still have one semester left until graduation, and then I can work and be free… “Well, Robert and I were thinking… If you don't manage to get something out of this, we can announce your engagement to Bobby Jr… he is a good option, and you have never had a brother-sister relationship…” She said and I almost punched her. “Are you being serious? Bobby Jr and I have nothing in common… and he…” I paused, I didn't want to say something that would enrage Robert… I didn't care for the guy, but at least I knew how to be thankful and respectful of my elders. “He needs to get his image cleaned, and settle… and you, my dear, are perfect for him…” Moher said. “Alright… I will get to those parties… and then return to my studies abroad…” I said, not trying to comply with any commitment to the ´Bobby Jr.´ situation… “Yes, but it is either you get a man on your means or we announce your engagement to Bobby Jr…” She said and I shook my head, but didn't dare defy her words. Once I am out of school… I can break free, find a job, and get around her crazy ideas…. I stood up, and turned around to see her… “When are we leaving?” I sighed, “After we do some shopping… I can't have you parading around looking like that…” She said and I closed my eyes… I had no idea why I let her bribe me into coming here this summer, but a few hours after I landed what promised to be a fun, loving summer is turning out to be a f*****g torture from hell… Little did I know that life had several surprises for me.
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