Love and Hate 2

357 Words
Chapter 2 Jacob, I am pregnant, Jacob dance with joy at the announcement of Alexa pregnancy. We are going out to dinner, let's celebrate to this great news my Love. Alexa you are my world, my love nothing can come between us. Jacob kisses Alexa on the forehead, I am making a reservation for us at a 5 star restaurant. you made me a perfect man, I love you Alexa, I am going to make the world a perfect place for you and my unborn baby. Alexis isn't happy she felt guilty over the announcement of her pregnancy, My love why aren't you happy, this is the most exciting news I have received this year, Jacob moved closer to Alexa. Sweetness I don't like the mood you are in, What's the matter? Alexa looked at Jacob with tears in her eyes, holding back the tears from rolling down to her cheek, Jacob draws closer to Alexa Alexa stood up immediately ran to the room and shut the door behind her, Jacob ran after her tried opening the door but it was lock. Alexa! Alexa! Alexa open the door and talk to me Jacob kept Knocking on the door. Jacob please I want to be left alone, I am sorry. Alexa please open the door "I won't leave here until you explain to me, what is going on" The next morning Alexa comes out of the room to find Jacob lying on the fall. Jacob I'm out let's go to the room. No Alexa, Jacob said trying to stop Alexa from touching him. What wrong have I done to you Alexa? Why can't you be happy? Tears rolling down Jacob cheek, Jacob moved closer to Alexa as she became frightened by Jacob reaction, he held her close and hug her so tight, I will be with you in every steps. I am sorry Jacob, I was only been overwhelmed by the news of my pregnancy, knowing how long we both waited for this. Jacob draw Alexa closer and both had a passionate kiss. Alexa received a text from her phone "It's time you tell Jacob the truth" Amy
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