Love and Hate 3

260 Words
Chapter 3 I cheated on Jacob, What!!! Amy gave a surprise look at Alexa. Why will you do such a thing to Jacob? He loves you so much, more than himself. Alexa replied Amy, it was a one night thing, do you remember the day I went clubbing, I woke up next to a stranger! I was drunk, I don't even know what went wrong. Alexa broke down in tears and now I am pregnant for a stranger who I don't even know, how will I break such news to Jacob, Alexa broke down in tears, regretting all that have happened. Amy sees how sober Alexa look, she moves closer to Alexa to console her from crying, it's alright Alexa, it's ok, everything is going to be alright. Alexa moved back and shouted at the top of her voice everything is not going to be alright, I am leaving Jacob. What !!! Don't even think about it, what will happen to your precious daughter she is just 2, have you thought about your actions, how it's going to affect you, Jacob and little Sarah, thing about yourself and this child. Amy tried to convince Alexa, why not get an abort the baby. Alexa was surprised at Amy words. I can't! I can't! I can't! Alexa shouted at Amy. I can never get an abortion. I have decided to leave Jacob go somewhere and have this baby clear my head a little bit, No one is going to stop me. Alexa broke down in tears, I have made a terrible mistake.
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