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Ophelia came out of the hut fully dressed in her battle attire, she took one look around the hut, looked for a wooden touch, light it up and touched the hut, she wore her father's pendant on her neck, smiled and head out to look for the others. so what do you think about all this doma?, you have not really said anything concerning all this, what is your honest opinion, should we indeed help the princess or do you feel it would be too risky a path? hmmm, well obinna now that you asked i will tell you what I think, Its a stupid idea boy, you very well know that this mission Could cost you your life or at worst mine!!, and if you most know, I very much cherish my life and would still love to serve as guardian to many more warriors like you, obinna got up from the tree stump he sat on and stood arms akimbo looked up to the skies and said to be honest doma, I don't even know if I made the right decision, but I have this feeling that it is something must do, and I feel uneasy, hmmm well boy if you put it that way then I believe you should trust your gut, you are no mere human now, so am willing to trust you on this one l, but just this one's ok??, yes thank you doma.. Oh and here comes Ophelia, so how was it princess any good tidings obinna asked her?? we need to move like right now?, your princess is in grave danger, if we don't get to the realm within 3 moons, she will become a spirit and will be lost forever!!!, let's move now, what about rescuing your people?? As they got into the castle through the under water passage drainage, In the heart of the Castle of Bondons, the warrior princess Ophelia's home, a darkness had taken hold. The sorceress Lyra, with powers to manipulate ice, had usurped the throne, enslaving Ophelia's people and threatening to spread her frozen grip across the entire realm. As they approached the castle, Lyra unleashed her icy fury, summoning blizzards and shards of frozen death. Obinna charged forward, Akuku flashing in the fading light, transforming into a spear to shatter the ice and a sword to strike down Lyra's minions. Doma soared through the skies, his wings beating fiercely as he breathed fire that melted the sorceress's icy defenses. Ophelia fought with precision and grace, her arrows piercing Lyra's heart again and again. The final battle raged within the castle walls, the three heroes facing Lyra in a climactic confrontation. Obinna's metal rod transformed into a mighty axe, striking the sorceress with a blow that shook the foundations of the castle. Doma's fiery breath engulfed Lyra, weakening her powers. Ophelia's arrow found its mark, shattering the sorceress's icy shield. In a last, desperate attempt, Lyra struck Obinna with a shard of ice, taking his left eye as a cruel trophy. But the hero's resolve remained unbroken. With a swift strike, Obinna shattered Lyra's staff, banishing her dark magic from the land. As the darkness lifted, the Castle of Bondons was reborn, its people freed from Lyra's grasp. Ophelia embraced her people, her kingdom restored. Obinna stood tall, his remaining eye blazing with a fierce light, Akuku by his side. Doma soared above, a symbol of hope and protection. Together, they had saved the kingdom, their bond stronger than any magic.
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