383 Words
As they stepped through the shimmering portal, the air grew thick and heavy, like a physical force pressing against their skin. The landscape before them was unlike anything they had ever seen. Towering mountains of granite and stone stretched towards the sky, their peaks lost in the clouds. The ground beneath their feet was dry and cracked, as if the earth itself had been split open by some ancient cataclysm. "This is the Realm of Giants," Ophelia said, her voice barely above a whisper. "A place of ancient power and forgotten lore. The princess we seek is held captive by the giant king, Groteus, in his fortress of black stone." Obinna's eyes narrowed, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Then let us not tarry. We have a princess to rescue." Doma flapped his wings, the wind from his feathers whipping their faces. "I'll scout ahead, see what dangers lie in wait." As they ventured deeper into the realm, the air grew thick with an eerie silence. The only sound was the creaking of ancient trees and the rustling of leaves beneath their feet. Ophelia led the way, her eyes fixed on a path only she could see. Suddenly, Doma returned, his wings beating rapidly as he hovered before them. "Giants ahead!" he whispered urgently. "A patrol of five, armed and armored. We must be cautious." Obinna drew his sword, its blade glinting in the fading light. Ophelia raised her hand, and a soft, pulsing glow emanated from her palm, illuminating their surroundings. As they rounded a bend, the giants came into view. Towering above them, their massive frames seemed chiseled from the very mountains themselves. Their eyes, cold and unyielding, fixed on the trio. The leader, a giant with a black beard that reached his waist, sneered. "Puny mortals, what business do you have in our realm?" Ophelia stepped forward, her voice steady. "We come in search of the princess, held captive by your king." The giant's laughter shook the ground beneath their feet. "You dare to challenge Groteus? You will make a fine addition to his collection of... playthings." With a flick of his wrist, the giant leader summoned a massive boulder from the earth, hurling it towards the trio. Obinna leapt forward, his sword flashing in the fading light...

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