12 - Can't Seem to Hide

951 Words
Isla Meghan had her head bowed too. She looked up and met my eyes with confusion and rage. I looked around and quickly bowed my head, trying to mimic the others, not daring to look back up at them. The Alpha stormed out with Meghan on his heels. The silence that followed them was palpable. No one dared move for a few long moments before everyone shifted to look back at me. About thirty pairs of eyes fixed on me with a mix of confusion, shock, and awe on their faces. “What did I do?” I whispered to no one in particular. Abigail came up and ushered me outside the back door of the kitchen, looking confused, as well. Once she closed the door behind her and ensured we were alone, she looked me over, puzzled. “What did I do? I didn’t know we were supposed to bow like that when he yelled,” I explained quickly, worrying that she was upset with me. “It’s not something we are supposed to do. It’s something we have to do.” I was confused. “No one can deny a direct order from an Alpha when he commands it,” Abigail explained. “Is that what he was doing with that booming voice?” I asked. “Yes.” Abigail laughed a bit. “No pack member can go against an order, especially an Omega; that’s why we all immediately bowed down like that in submission. It’s a mix of fear and respect, well, mostly fear with this Alpha.” She tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Was the last Alpha different? Alpha Benjamin's dad?” I could tell my questions caught her off guard. Abigail scrunched her face. “I was too young, I guess, to really remember him,” She paused. “Now that I think about it, I can’t really remember him at all.” “Safe to say he was a better Alpha if he didn’t go out of his way to strike fear into his pack members,” I muttered. “You must be right.” “Then why didn’t I feel the need to submit to him?” I asked, confusion coursing through me. It was the first time he used that voice around me; maybe it was something they had to get used to. She paused deep in thought for a few long moments. “Do you remember how there’s a small ceremony for a new pack member when they come to the pack? That's when the Alpha accepts them to Silver Moon, and the new member pledges his loyalty and breaks ties to their old pack.” I shook my head. I had never attended a ceremony before, even a small one. I generally tended to avoid working at any kind of gatherings, if possible. “Remember, ah, it was ages ago at this point; you must have been ten. The head warrior found his mate from a nearby pack, and she came to join him here. Normally, these things would be done without an audience, but since he was a higher-up member, there was a short welcome party after. It was held behind the packhouse, and a small stage was set up. You helped me set up the food out back?” I did vaguely remember that; I nodded slowly. “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter if you remember it. The point is that there has to be an official ceremony to let someone into the pack. I don’t remember there ever being one for you. No offense, but no one really bothered, and there was so much activity with the rogue attack it must have just been forgotten.” “Or no one cared enough to want me to be an official part of the pack,” I mumbled; Abigail smiled down at me but didn’t deny it. “So, since I’m not technically part of the pack, I didn’t feel the need to submit?” I asked. “That’s one theory.” She chewed her lip, looking away. “However, I haven’t seen any Omega from any pack be able to deny an order from an Alpha, even if the Alpha isn't theirs.” She paused, a small crease forming between her eyebrows. I shrugged. I didn’t really have time to think much more about it before we were called back in to finish our work. The Alpha’s interruption put us a bit behind our already tight schedule. When we finished up with the baking and everything was on the cooling racks, most of the Omegas went upstairs to do a spot check of the guestrooms or to help with the finishing touches in the ballroom and dining room. I stayed behind with a few Omegas and Abigail to clean up the kitchen from this morning's baking marathon. The few left behind looked at the mess surrounding us and then at each other. We mirrored each other's wary smiles; at least we were all in this together. “Coffee break?” Abigail suggested, “No use starting all this without the proper level of caffeine in our system.” Everyone agreed enthusiastically as she walked to the coffee machine to brew a fresh pot. I sighed, looking around, trying to figure out where to start in this endless pile of baking supplies. I might as well start bringing all the equipment to the sink so that the counters could be clear for the dinner prep that would begin too soon. I picked up a tray and immediately dropped it back on the counter when I heard a voice crystal clear in my head.
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