11 - Get Your Omega's In Line

1282 Words
Benjamin I called my family into my office a few hours before our guests were set to start arriving. We've hosted a few events, but they haven't been anything close to this magnitude—a few pack meetings with neighboring packs and some smaller ceremonies and dinners over the years. I needed my family to be on their very best behavior today and show everyone just how strong this pack and family were. Even if I didn’t believe my family to be the strongest, they did have the potential, at least, to put on a decent show. I hoped. They sat across from me on the other side of my desk, expectantly waiting while I gathered my thoughts. “You all know just how important this day is for our family and this pack. Everything has to be perfect. No, everything will be perfect. So, I need to ensure that you are on your best behavior, too.” They nodded. “No, I mean it. If you have a problem with anyone at the party or in this pack.” I paused, making eye contact with Julianna; she scowled when it registered, I was talking about Meghan, “We leave that all behind this weekend. If there is a problem, you come directly to me.” No one said anything. “Do you understand?” They all nodded. I sighed, hoping that this actually registered. I placed three boxes on my desk and slid them toward each of them. “This is for you all for tonight.” Hailey and Julianna's eyes lit up as they grabbed the blue velvet boxes in front of them. Seth looked skeptical but took his, as well. Hailey squealed with delight as she opened the diamond earring set. Julianna gasped and came around the desk to kiss my cheek. I stood up and helped her put on the sapphire necklace. I knew Hailey and Julianna would be easily bought, but Seth was always harder to read. Seth mumbled thanks and put on his new watch. “There’s something else for you tonight, too.” I winked at Seth, and this earned me a genuine smile that would hopefully appease him enough to have him actually behave. “Thank you so much, Daddy,” Hailey gushed, “These will go perfectly with my gown.” I smiled at her. “Now that we're on the same page finish getting ready. We’re expected to meet all of the visiting Alphas at the front before dinner starts.” They got up to leave; Julianna had her arm around Hailey's shoulders, gushing about their presents. “Dad?” Seth said, sitting back down, “I wasn’t going to tell you this, but I think you need to deal with it if you want this weekend to go as planned.” What is it now? It was always something with these people. “Go on.” I nodded toward him. “Well, there’s been gossip around the packhouse, nothing much. I just overheard a few Omegas talking in the hall and then some in the dining room when Mom called me down to show me her place settings.” He rolled his eyes while mentioning the place settings. “Gossip about what? Get to the point,” I said, annoyed. “Just about something that happened in your office with Mom and Meghan. They said it was a huge fight. Then there was some speculation that you’re sleeping with her, and someone else said something that mom walked in on you and Meghan fucking.” he said, “Just gossip, but it’s everywhere in the packhouse.” He shrugged. I could barely contain my rage as I stood up from behind the desk, “Thanks for bringing this to my attention.” I brushed past him out of my office. How dare these f*****g packhouse dogs make assumptions about me and my Luna? This would have never been heard of before my time. I would force them to respect me if nothing else. I rushed down to the kitchen and bumped into Meghan on the way. I grabbed her arm, dragging her behind, not stopping to explain, “Come with me; we need to get your Omegas in line.” She looked scared as she struggled to keep up with me. Good, she was my eyes and ears of this place; she should have put a stop to this before it got to me. Isla Isla The Alpha came roaring into the kitchen, slamming the double doors so hard they hit the walls behind them with a loud crash. All of us in the kitchen jumped, and there were a few loud gasps. This was the first time I could remember the Alpha ever coming down to the kitchen. I was surprised he knew where to find it. “It has come to my attention that some of you low lives are so bored with your existence that you have nothing else to think about besides your superiors.” He surveyed the room, making eye contact with most of us before going on. “Normally, this would be expected. As Omegas, your lives revolve around your ranked members." He started pacing back and forth; everyone flinched with each step. "Recently, I’ve heard some rumors and gossip about your ranked members, namely your Alpha and Luna. I won’t dignify these rumors with a response, as they are obviously false.” He paused, anger rolling off him in waves. “I will not tolerate any insubordination from you, spreading baseless rumors around the packhouse. It is a privilege to work so closely with your ranked members, one that you will not soon forget." Everyone around me was looking down at their hands, nodding. The two girls that were gossiping next to me made eye contact with each other, their eyes wide and fear plastered on their faces. "Do you have so much free time on your hands that you need to fill it with blasphemy?” He paused. The room was silent. Blasphemy, that was a big word for the Alpha. I was almost impressed, I thought, trying to suppress a smile. Apparently, not well enough; I caught Meghan glaring at me. Thankfully, the Alpha was so far into his prepared speech that he didn't notice. “Your Alpha asked you a question,” Meghan cut in, still not breaking eye contact with me. “No, Alpha,” we all grumbled. “Do you need more work to fill your excessive amount of free time?” he asked. “No, Alpha.” This time we respond louder in unison. “Well, I’ll leave that up to Meghan to decide.” The Alpha turned to look at her. Some of the Omegas rolled their eyes. We have been working from sunup to after sundown for days now. There couldn’t possibly be any more time taken from us. "Did I see some of you roll your eyes at your Alpha?" Meghan crossed her arms, smirking at us. The Alpha was fuming now; I had never seen him, or anyone for that matter, so angry. He was actually red in the face and looked like he might explode at any second. "You are forbidden to speak on this matter ever again!" He boomed in a voice bigger than himself. It was terrifying how loud it was, sending fear through me. All the Omegas started cowering and lowering their heads, almost bowing, baring their necks up at him. I looked around and realized too late that I should have been bowing too. The Alpha looked at me furiously, seeing me clearly over the other Omega's lowered heads.
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