43 - Stay With Me

3862 Words

Jackson Jackson, can you come to the rec room real quick? - Lucas linked me. Yeah, sure, give me a few. Everything okay? Yeah, the theater is finished. Well f**k, that was fast. “Isla, I have to check on something. Are you okay to stay up here alone?” She looked up from her book from her place on the sofa next to me, her green eyes sparkling. “I could stay here forever.” Her happiness was infectious. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so content just being. “I’ll bring back some coffee.” She nodded, not really paying attention. She was already buried back in her book. I watched her for a second, her nose scrunching up at a part. I loved how into her book she was, and I had been sneaking glances at her all afternoon, too distracted to read mine. I gave her a soft kiss before h

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