Chapter 6

1472 Words

I pick up my phone from the floor with my shaky hands and again check. No I didn't see it wrong. Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into? I quickly dart out from the ** app and call Emily. After the third ring, she picks up and I cry out loud. "Emily!" "What happened?" I could hear the confusing tone in her voice. "H-he-" I almost sobbed. "He-" "He whom?" She cuts me off. "Johnny? What did he do? Tell me that characterless pornstar unfollowed you and I swear I'd chop his balls o-" "No!" I interrupt her. "Johnny didn't unfollow me! He- he- DMed me." I said the last word silently. "What?" She heard like she was just pushed down from a high cliff. "Y-yes." "He DMed you? Like how?! He just-" "Actually he replied to my message.." "What message?" She continued her questions. Oh s**t

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