Chapter 7

1662 Words

Ok... I send it after thinking for a whole minute of what should I reply and let out a breath. What actually was that with the sudden mood swing? > good girl I stare at the message for a few seconds and decide to ask him the question hovering on my head. Without thinking twice, I type in. But why? > cuz ur a baby I itch my eyebrows at his reply. A baby? What he wants to say? > how old are you hun? Uh...16 > I believe u also know my age. Right? I become more and more confuse. What is he really up to? Yeah 23 > can you count sweets? Of course I can... > good now tell me what's our age difference What is he even doing? Teaching me math like I'm a first grader? 7 years > that's why you shouldn't do it. Your a baby and I'm really older than you got i

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