Book 2, Chapter 4

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Zeke The fat man came waddling up to me frantically wearing a toothy yellow grin. "Well, hello there! You're a biggun ain't cha?" He said with a chuckle. I just stared down at the man with a blank expression. "How much?" I growled. The man took a step back. "Right to business then? Well, it's three hundred per hour. Or you could pay eight hundred and get her for the night." He said with a wink. "How much for every night this week?" I asked flatly. His eyes bulged. "Well, I'd have to think on that." He said in astonishment. "Well, figure it out!" I snapped. The man jumped and scurried off like the rat he was. I watched as he spoke with a hard-looking woman at the bar. They put their heads together and glanced up at me occasionally. He smiled broadly at the woman before hiking his pants up and walking toward me. "Five thousand for the week." He said firmly. I pursed my lips together and nodded my head. "Let me call my boss and tell 'im I ain't gonna be in tomorrow." I said as I stepped back and gave him the black pack credit card Adam had given me to get training equipment with. I stepped into the bathroom and dialed Adam's number. "Yea?" Adam answered on the second ring. "Ummm... I'm spendin' a lot of money at this club over here, but I swear it's for a good reason." I said quickly. The line was silent for a second before he sighed deeply. "What's it for, and how much?" He said. "Five grand, but-" "Five grand! What the f**k you need to spend five grand at a bar for, Zeke?" He thundered. "Listen! There's a woman here and-" "God dammit, Zeke!" "Dammit, listen! There's a woman here. She's covered in scars from head to foot. To top it all off he's sellin' the poor woman off... Adam, she needs help... the only thing I could think of was to buy her for the week." I said quietly. I thought for a second he had hung up, but I heard Tawney in the background. "Adam, he's doing a good thing. Let him do it. So it'll cost a lot of money, so what? We have it to spare. The mill is doing very well. Let him help that woman if he can." She said softly. Adam sighed in defeat. "Do what you gotta do, but listen, you better not be doin' this so you can f**k 'er." I felt the smile grow wide on my face. "I swear to God I ain't!" I said excitedly. "Alright then. Thanks for lettin' me know. Keep us posted." He hung up, and I sighed in relief as I walked back over to the man. "How much for a month?" I asked. I thought the man was going to pass out. He led me over to the bar, where I made him write up a contract saying no one but me would touch her for a month. We agreed on twenty thousand and, without batting an eye, I paid him with the card. He grinned like a Cheshire cat as he led me down a set of stairs behind the bar. "I'm Bruce, by the way. If you need anything, just let me know. Melody can be a handful sometimes, so if she starts actin' up, just rough 'er up a bit and she'll knock it off. There's condoms in the top drawer of the nightstand if you want 'em. Anything else, just ask." He said as we got to the door. I heard screaming from inside the room and I slammed my fist into the door, knocking it off the hinges. Blood began to boil at the sight before me. A short muscular man was buried, balls deep in the poor woman's ass while she was lying sprawled out naked on the floor. The man didn't stop when he saw us, he just pounded into her harder as tears flowed freely down the woman's cheeks. "Hey boss. What's up?" The man said with a wicked grin as he grunted. I flew into a mindless rage as I charged the man and ripped him off the woman by his throat. I roared loudly in his face as my eyes bled a brilliant gold. "How fuckin' dare you!" I gritted out. Without a second thought, I broke his neck and dropped his limp body to the floor. I turned to Bruce who was staring at me, his face a pasty white. "Take the garbage out, Bruce." I snarled lowly. He looked like a bobble-headed doll as he nodded. He raced forward and grabbed the man by the arms as he dragged the dead man out of the room. He pulled the door closed the best he could. I turned to the woman who was still lying on the floor. I slowly approached her and put my hand on her back. She flinched as she sobbed harder. I grabbed the blanket from the ratty mattress and draped it over her, before lifting her small body. I carried her over to the overstuffed recliner and sat down, placing her carefully in my lap as I rocked her. I rubbed her back in silence as she buried her face in my shirt and cried. When the tears stopped, she sat up and stared at me. I had never seen someone so broken. "What do ya want from me?" She said quietly. "I want you to rest. You're safe now. I ain't gonna let nobody hurt you again." I said as I gently encouraged her to lay back down on my chest. "Your shirts wet. I'm sorry." She said softly. I looked down. "I reckon it is." I said with a chuckle as I tugged it off before pulling her towards me. She lay her head on my chest and sat there quietly for a while. "Why are ya helpin' me?" She asked. "Cause... you looked like you needed it." I said plainly. "What's a wolf got to gain from helpin' a siren?" Oh. She's a siren. Huh. I sniffed her. I could smell a wolf mixed with something sweet. "Zeus, does she have a wolf?" "Yea... a real sassy one too." He said in amusement. "I can smell your wolf." I said quietly. She stiffened before hopping up. "Oi! I'm not your bloody mate am I?" She said in horror. I laughed. "Naw. You ain't my mate." I said. She let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God! What a fuckin' mess that'd be, huh?" She said with a short laugh. "What's your name little bird?" I said as I c****d my head at her. Her lips disappeared into a thin line. "I ain't gonna bite ya. I just wanna know your name is all. My name is Ezekiel, or Zeke for short." I said. She bit her lip. "My name is Serenity." "Nice to meet you, Serenity. I'm sorry I didn't get down here in time to stop that asshole from hurtin' you, but I paid that Bruce guy to have you for a month. So... at least there's that." I said with a shrug. Her eyes grew wide. "And what'd that cost ya?" She said in a small voice. "It really don't matter." I muttered as I cast my eyes to the floor. "It fuckin' does, love! It wouldn't cheap, was it? Bruce is a greedy bastard, so I know it weren't cheap." She said as she put her hands on her hips. I smiled and shook my head. "Don't worry ‘bout it. I didn't pay for it anyway." I said as I waved her off. She narrowed her eyes at me. “Fine! Don’t tell me! You’re a right pain in the arse, ya know that?” She said. “So I’ve been told.”
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