Book 2, Chapter 5

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Zeke I spent my days working or training and my nights with Serenity. It was nothing s****l. Sometimes we played cards, other times we watched movies. There were times when we did nothing at all. We just sat and talked. I found out that she had grown up along the coast of the Celtic Sea in a little town called Crookhaven. Her mother was a wolf, and her father was a siren. Serenity was the result of her father luring her mother to the waters' edge and raped her. Her mother could never quite get over it, so she abandoned her when she was three years old in the little house where they lived. She had led a pretty rough life. She bounced from place to place, using her voice to support herself. She had been doing well for herself until about twenty years ago. She was working at a lounge in Los Vegas when Bruce wandered into the place, promising her the world. The problem was, she believed him. He has kept her locked in this place ever since. He allowed her very few luxuries. Once a year, he got her scented soap and a bottle of perfume, but it was nothing she liked. So, I did the only thing a good friend would do. I went out and bought every different scent of soaps, shampoos, and lotions I could find. She laughed for hours about me carrying a bunch of pink floral bags through the bar. I was sitting down in the little room with Serenity playing cards and laughing when Bruce came barreling in. “Melody, get dressed. You need to go out there and sing. My patrons are startin’ to disappear because they ain’t seen you.” He gritted out. “Why is that her problem?” I snapped. “This ain’t about you, boy. She’s my property and I say she’s singin’. Get dressed now, Melody.” He barked out as he turned and stalked off up the stairs. “You ain’t gotta go if you don’t want to.” I said earnestly. “Zeke, you can’t be here all the time. I have to be. If I don’t go up there now, I might not be here to go on tomorrow.” She said as she went to her little closet and grabbed a little skimpy outfit. She went to the bathroom and changed before coming out. My heart clenched at the sight of my little bird being forced to sing for a bunch of goons. “Hey, Zeke?” She said quietly. “What is it, little bird?” I asked. “Will you come up there with me? You know, stand in the back. Sometimes Bruce gets rough wit me after the show.” She said, as she rang her hands. “Sure, birdie. I don’t mind.” I said with a smile. She gave me a small smile, and together, we climbed the stairs. When we got to the back of the stage behind the curtain, Bruce roused the crowd. When he turned to bring Serenity to the stage, his face paled at the sight of me. I grinned wildly and gave him a little wave. I thought about blowing his homophobic ass a kiss, but I changed my mind. Serenity stepped on the stage and sang her song. When it was done, she walked straight back to me, and we took a seat on the couch that had been situated at the back of the stage. Bruce stomped himself over to us and I casually draped my arm over Serenity’s shoulder, earning myself a sassy roll of her eyes. “What the f**k is he doin’ here, Melody?” he blustered. Serenity looked over at me in bewilderment. “Well don’t look now, Bruce, but I do believe the man is sittin’.” She said in mock horror. He narrowed his eyes at her and clenched his teeth. “You know what I meant.” he muttered. I grinned. “Well, I can’t leave my girl alone with those dogs, now can I?” I said. He sneered at me. “Don’t act like you been fuckin’ ‘er, you fuckin’ mutt!” He spit out. I moved my arm from around Serenity and stood to my feet. “What did you just say to me, you fat piece of s**t?” I growled. He gave me a sly smirk. “You heard me, bitch.” He said. I growled loudly as I felt Zeus come forward. I stepped towards him. “Say that again.” I said in a low, deadly voice. “I said-.” “Zeke! Look out!” Serenity called out. I turned to look at her, and as I did, I felt a sharp pinch in my neck before nearly all of my strength left my body and I fell to my knees. I looked at Bruce, who was holding an empty syringe. “What the f**k?” I mumbled as a nauseating dizziness washed over me. “I said, you ain’t been fuckin’ ‘er and I would know. ‘Cause I been havin’ that sweet p***y every day, and it’s just as tight as ever.” He laughed. I turned my heavy head to Serenity, who looked down in shame. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her. “He said he’d kill you and make me watch. I didn’t wanta see you get hurt. Especially, not for me.” She said as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. Bruce walked over to her and squeezed her chin. “Now, when I call you, you’re gonna get your ass out there and sing. You ain’t gonna cause me no problems, or I’ll put a bullet between this dumb mutt’s eyes.” He snapped. “Just leave him be. I’ll do whatever ya want me to.” She said quietly. He grinned like a mad man. “Good girl.” He turned and walked back to the stage and began to pump the crowd back up. Serenity quickly came and grabbed me under my arm. “I am so sorry, Zeke. I never wanted you to get hurt.” She said in a strained voice. “Hey, it ain’t your fault. Just do what he says. The wolfsbane will wear off in a few minutes. I’m a full-blooded wolf, birdie. Not to mention, I used to be an alpha. That s**t ain’t gonna last long, and when it’s gone I’m gonna rip that mother fucker apart.” I said with a sadistic grin. She kissed my forehead. “Please don’t get yourself killed, love. I’ll be a complete mess if you do.” She said. “Well, get ready! Because here comes our little songbird, Melody!” Bruce announced. He was answered with a round of loud cheers. Serenity sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out as she turned and walked back towards the stage. I watched as Bruce gripped her upper arm and reminded her not to do anything stupid. I let out a low growl as I watched her walk slowly onto the stage. Bruce turned and gave me a little wave. Fucker. “Zeus, how long until the wolfsbane is out of our system?” “Almost done… Maybe a couple more minutes or so.” He said. That’ll do. I stood to my feet and slowly started walking in the direction of the stage. Bruce was so wrapped up in the crowd’s reaction to Serenity’s song that he didn’t notice me creeping up behind him. “Done!” Zeus called out. I reached out and grabbed Bruce by the back of the neck. “Now, what was you sayin’?” I asked him. I felt him gulp as he tried to reach into his pocket. I grabbed hold of his hand and snapped his wrist, causing him to scream out in pain. “Don’t even fuckin’ think about it mother fucker!” I snarled as I reached in his pocket and pulled out three syringes full of the liquid wolfsbane. I tossed them on the ground and crushed them. I was about to break his arm when I was distracted by a familiar voice. “MATE!” Alec growled out. I peeked around the corner and saw him standing at the edge of the stage staring googly-eyed at Serenity.
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