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It's been a week since she broke up with me. As I walk to class I realize I keep wanting to jump on a plane and just ask her why. I go to class, to football practice and back to my dorm to study. I feel dead inside even football holds no joy for me anymore. What makes it worse the day after she breaks up with me some asshat has to send me a pic of her making out with that Justin guy next to my bike, while she is wearing my jacket with his hand on her ass. Damn it why Shelly why-why. I sit there just staring at that picture again. For the first time I notice something I push in closer and closer. I notice her hand is around his neck but she isn't caressing him it is just there. My Shelly always ran her fingers through my hair. As I am examing the pic another dumb ass sends me another pic. I instantly get mad. She is at my house with him he has his arm around and I notice the dress my sweet little Shelly would never wear anything like that. I notice her eyes as she lays her head on his shoulder they are blank. Her blue sparkling eyes look dead. The more I stare at the picture I realize my Shelly is no longer there. About this time I get a message from Tuppen Tuppen: dude don't give up. I am looking into something. It looks like there is more going on with Evans. Noah: What dude just tell me. I go back to looking at the latest picture. The guy in the picture looks familiar to me and I just can't place it. Tuppen: No, not yet please trust me. I got your back, and I will take care of Evan's don't worry. Noah: Let me know if she needs me I will be there I am on to something here. At this time my roommate comes in and says "dude just let her go, man, she doesn't deserve you." "Jason something is up I just got another picture and that girl is not my Shelly. She looks like she is dying inside something is up. Plus earlier I was looking at that other pic again" "why are you doing this to yourself man move on" "no I won't I realized I have been in love with Shelly my whole life. I only stayed away from her because I thought my Lil bro was in love with her only pretending to just be best friends. It wasn't until Rachel I realized he didn't." "ok what about the other picture" "she is not doing any of the things she would do to me it looks like she is just putting on an act a bad one at that." I show him the first picture and he looks at it. He pulls in closer and looks at it "dude have you seen a close up of her face in this pic""no I didn't want to get to close to where she was kissing some other dude why" "I think she is crying" "I grab my phone and look sure enough there are tears on her cheek and her eyes are wide open. I am starting to have hope. I decide to do a google search on Justin Blane but nothing comes up. No social media nothing. I start to really get a bad feeling about everything. I get up to go to the bathroom and left my phone on my desk. When I get back my roommate is as white as a sheet. I laugh and say "what dude did you see a ghost." I notice in his shaking hands is a picture I only saw once before by accident and barely remember who is in it. He turns it around while saying "is this the guy your Shelly is seeing please say no" I look at it and say yes who the hell is he?
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