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Jason starts pacing around the room muttering "it can't be it can't be."  I am about to get up and shake the hell out of him when he turns around and says, "if it is him, his real name is Alexander Watts.  He is a really bad guy"  "what do you mean dude tell me he is with my Shelly right now"  " you have to promise me you will do exactly what I say you can't go charging off just like you did in all your stories about Elle to save the day do you understand me" "o.k. Yes come on dude you are really scaring me is she in danger" "I hate to say this she is in grave danger.  You need to call the police he is a wanted man.  I don't know how he pulled it off getting into a high school as a student"  "wait a minute dude your last name is Watts don't tell me you two are related" "unfortunately we are he is my older brother" "what it can't be" "yes I hate who he is, but he is bad news we all thought he was dead.  Several years ago he was dating this girl when we were in school together I was a freshman he was a senior he always bragged about how he could get anything he wanted, and he usually did until Samantha"  "wait wasn't that your girlfriend" "yes,  he wanted her so bad and was furious when she told him she would not leave me for him.  Eventually, she did.  What I didn't know till it was too late she only started seeing him because he threatened to kill me.  The last night Samantha was seen alive, she told me everything.  I hugged her and told her I would forgive her, but my brother walked in.  I ended up in the hospital, that is how I lost a year of my life, and my brother killed Samantha with his bare hands.  Choked her to death.  Then he disappeared.  His motorcycle was found in a river the body never found.   In Samantha's autopsy, they found that she was being beaten pretty regularly.  It went on for months."  "Jason, man I am so sorry" Jason looked at me and said, "you have to save her but do it through the police if you don't you both could lose each other. "   I sit there going crazy inside the girl I love the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with is in the arms of a madman.  I look at Jason and say, "It's Lee" "what dude" "it is  Lee he threatened she knew he couldn't get to me.  My Lil bro is the only other person she would destroy herself for besides her own family."  "man dude that is one fine lady you have there" "more like batshit crazy"  "I pick up my phone and call the local police in Los Angeles and tell them where they can find Alexander Watts.  Then I book the next flight home praying I will make to her in time.  Unfortunately, it doesn't leave until noon the next day.  Jason told me he was going too. He wanted to look his brother in the eyes one last time.
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