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After we left Lee's, Justin drove me to a secluded area, and that is when I learned all his rules.  I couldn't help but remember how I broke rule #9 and wish I hadn't that way Noah would still be o.k. And I would as well.  1.  You are not to talk to anyone without my say so. 2.  You are to never have contact with any of the Flynn's again. (can't have them sneaking messages back and forth for you) 3.  You will never pull away from me  4.  You will make sure what you wear to parties makes every guy wish he was me  And 5.  You will always call me Stud Muffin I didn't answer him fast enough and next thing I know he has pulled me close and slapped me.  "don't think that since our little arrangement means I can no longer touch that Flynn kid I won't be able to get you to do what I want.  I just answer "O.K."  "now that is a very good little girl come here.   I am sorry I hit you, but you really need to learn to behave yourself.  I heard all about how you would yell at your last boyfriend that won't be happening here."  I instantly answer, "yes, Justin."  I couldn't help it a tear trailed down my cheek as I thought of all the times Noah held me in his arms all the times he protected me making sure I never got involved in something like this.  Justin is laughing and says, "don't think your tears are going to make me change my mind. You can cry all you want you are mine now" "yes Justin" is all I say next thing I know he is kissing me, I just follow his lead my heart keeps shattering to pieces.  His hands slide down my back and grab my ass.  We stay making out for what feels like forever.  I am really scared that he is going to want much more, but he stops and says, "let's get you home my love." He drops me off at home, and I can see my dad passing back and forth in the living room, and I know he has talked to June and knows everything.  As I walk up to the house, I try to think of a convincing lie that will let me off the hook about Noah.  I walk in and yell "hey dad, Brad I am home"  I barely make it in the door, and he starts in "since when do you ignore a request from June young lady?  "Sorry, dad, I had my date waiting for me," I tell him, "what?  So, it's true you broke up with Noah, damn it Elle why" "I want to start seeing other people dad come on" I walk away hoping he will accept that answer and go straight to my room.  I look at my phone, and there are dozens of missed calls and texts from all the Flynn's.  My heart breaks even more as I read each one.  I know I am going to have to shut myself off to the world in order to keep Lee safe.  No matter what happens to me, he is what matters as well as Noah.  I know he didn't threaten Noah but losing Lee would destroy him, it would destroy us all.  The only problem I have is that I am now destroying myself.
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