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The next day I drove Noah's bike to school one last time I had even packed all of Noah's things he left me to remember him by to make this easier in a backpack I hid under the seat.  As I pull in Tuppen comes up and says "Hey Evan's I thought we agreed you were leaving Flynn's bike at home for a while"  Justin looks at me and smashes his fist into his palm and smiles really big behind Tuppen's back.  I look up at Tuppen  smiling from ear to ear and say "oh, yeah I know but today will be my last day to ever ride it I am stopping by Flynn's house after school to drop it off with all his stuff we broke up last night"  Tuppen looks at me and raises an eyebrow.  I start to worry that he can see through my smile.  He looks at me and asks, "you o.k. Evans what the hell did he do you don't have to put on a brave face for me".  I tell him, "no, it was all me Tuppen I don't want to be tied down.  I walk away as fast as I can before I lose all my control. Word gets out really fast around here and I all I could think all day long is it's's Friday soon I will be home, and I won't have to keep saying yes Flynn and I broke up.  When I get to Noah's bike, Justin walks up to me and grabs my waist whispering in my ear "you made the right choice would so hate to mess up poor little Lee anymore.  Now, when I turn you around you better put on a convincing show"  as he turns me around I hear Tuppen in the distance "get your.." he stops just as Justin leans down and kisses me and I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back a tears start to stream down my face.  "I hear all the gasps behind me as he deepens the kiss and grabs my ass.  I kept telling myself it was all for Lee I had to keep him safe.  I knew someone was going to be sending a picture of this to Noah, but I had to keep a brave face on I couldn't close my eyes this kiss was disgusting.  As we pull apart he whispers in my ear again saying "don't worry I know where Lee lives so I will follow you to his house just leave Flynn's stuff there and we are going for a ride on my bike got it"  I nod and jump on Noah's bike for the last time and head to Lee's. When I get there June is outside waiting for me she askes to talk to me and just stares at the guy on the bike that just pulled up.  "sorry June I can't I have a hot date" I am trying so hard not to cry the look in her eye's is breaking my heart.  As I walk to Justin, I know this will never be more than a power play to Justin.  He doesn't love me, he just wants one thing, and when he gets tired of me, he will let me go.  I just hope that everyone I am hurting will forgive me.  I smile and wave at her after I jump on the back of Justin's bike little did I know that was going to be the last time I will be allowed to talk to any of the Flynn's for a while.
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