Friday afternoon before I left the office, Viola informed me that the tuxes had been delivered, and the client was ecstatic with all the preparations that had been made. “Make sure you’re not late this evening. In fact, leave early today and head home to freshen up a bit first. You never know…” I frowned. “Never know what?” She patted her bun. “Nothing. Just be there on time.” Viola was acting cagey. In fact, all the staff in the office had been giving me sly smiles for the past week. When I pointed this out to Van, he shrugged it off. “Maybe you’re looking more rested than you have been in the past. You always look so worn out.” Thinking of Van, I went down to his office, only to find out that he’d taken a half day to run errands, apparently. He hadn’t mentioned he’d be doing that