Chapter 5

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Cole's POV I did not know little kids could break the adorable meter until I met my niece. Sarah's child.. Nikita is an absolute goofball. She is just eighteen months old and she already has her dad wrapped around her finger. Everytime I meet this little girl, my love for her only grows more and more. "Where is Nikki?" I say in baby voice. I look under the sofa. Under the dining table. Under the chair and behind the chair. I can already hear her giggles and she is right infront of me!! But I just have to ignore and keep searching! I don't know how to act and I don't even know how am I supposed to be a good father in few more months! "Oh found you!!!" I say and hold her before she runs away with her wobbly little feet. She starts giggling and I find myself smiling. I would be holding my little bean soon too. I wonder if Evelyn is fine. It is already night. Did she have her dinner? Is she craving for anything?! "Sarah.." I shout for her. Nikki starts crying in my arms. Oops! I must have yelled a little too loud. She must have felt startled. "What's wrong?" Sarah takes Nikki into her arms and rocks back and forth patting her back. "I was thinking of something.." I trail. "Okay. What is it? It is time to feed Nikki and put her to sleep" she says. "What did you crave during your periods?" I ask her. Her eyes go wide and she freezes for a second before squealing. Nikki starts crying again at the sudden impact and I feel bad for her. Sarah puts Nikki in her walker where she tries to walk instead of crawl. "Oh my goodness! You did not even tell me about it!!!" She squeals again and runs her hands through her red hair. "Okay. Now you get it. Tell me what I asked you about" I roll my eyes. But deep down, I feel warm. I cannot really believe that I am a complete man. I am an Alpha to Rogues. I am married to Queen of werewolves. She is now carrying my child. What else do I need to feel happy? "It depends brother. I craved chocolate cake. Lots of it. Weird enough, I craved pickles. And sometimes they go full on weird that now I cannot even imagine how did I even eat those" she chuckles. I smile with her. "Hey! Guess what?" She asks I look at her with my hand in Nikki's two little hands. She examines my hand as if this is the most intriguing thing in this entire world. "Noah and I will take care of the pack. Go spend time with Evelyn" she whispers. "What? I am their Alpha. I need to see if my pack is doing fine" I say. "And I am the Beta female. My mate is the Beta. We can see and take care of the pack in your absence. If there is anyone that needs you, then that is your mate. So go. It's fine" she smiles. "That my friend, is so true. Evelyn is the one who needs you right now. Not us" I hear Noah. He has a small bowl and a spoon in his hand. Must be Nikki's baby food. "Okay. I just need to talk to my beta about a few things!" I tell Sarah and she nods taking Nikki into her arms. Once she is out of sight, I recall every document I signed and kept on hold. "The urges include a new clothing store, café and liquor mart. What do you think?" I ask him. He thinks for a while before he shrugs,"I am fine with café and clothing store but I am not sure about a liquor mart though" "Exactly my thoughts! Might be a bad influence on children. However, we go to human land once in a while to have or get some alcohol. It shouldn't be a problem!" I say and Noah nods. "And the clothing store.. we need so much. Raw materials to the modern techniques and machinery. Make sure everyone knows what it would be like to run a clothing store. If everything is settled with raw materials, then the plan will be on board" I order Noah. "Yes, Alpha!" "Coming to café, proper planning and food supply would do good because everything else, we can manage. So yes.. it's a yes for me on café" I nod my head. Noah smiles and nods as well. "You both talk way too much!" Sarah rolls her eyes walking to us with Nikki and an empty bowl of her baby food. Did Nikki eat fast or did we really talk for long? "It is time you leave and spend all your quality time with your pregnant mate. Now, shoo" Sarah says and Noah nods at her in agreement. I smile at them. I hold little Nikki one more time and blow kisses on both her cheeks that finally makes her giggle. Aw she is just so adorable. I cannot wait to hold a mini version of Evelyn in my arms. Once Sarah takes Nikki from me again, I wave bye at her. And she just so adorably waves back with her tiny little hands. I cannot wait to hold my little bean and go crazy over my kid's cuteness. I shift into my wolf, carry my clothes in my Wolf's mouth and start running towards the capital pack. The pack where the palace resides. Evelyn is the Queen of werewolves and also the Alpha to the capital pack. "Cannot wait to talk to Tas again!" Odin howls as he runs faster. Evelyn's wolf.. Tasha is one hell of a strong wolf! Odin stops abruptly and I just had to take in my surroundings. I see there is no threat or suspicious motion around us. "Odin! What???" I ask him. "That boy" Odin says and turns slightly to the right. I focus with my werewolf sight and my heart stops beating. I see the same blonde haired boy with striking green eyes looking at me. Odin and I are frozen as we look at him. "Shift back, Odin! I need to do this" I tell him. Reluctantly, Odin gives me the control back. And once I am dressed, I look towards the same direction again. The boy is nowhere to be seen. Someone pats my waist making me turn around. I take a step backward in horror as I see the same boy behind me now. How did he get here? "You want to know the answer?" The boy in a familiar voice asks. I nod. I don't know what he is talking about. But for now, I will pretend that I know. I saw this little kid in my dreams. And now, I am seeing him in real life. At least I know this is not some kind of scary dream or whatever. "Who are you?" I ask him again. Déjà vu seeps into me. I remember asking him the same question. The boy looks straight into my eyes. And he has this same smile that I saw in my dream. I mentally pray for a different answer this time. "You" he says and starts running away. It takes me a moment to process what is happening before me and my body decides to move. I start running towards the little boy. He is just smiling. Even the dress.. the same one as in my dream few days ago! An adult tee shirt that reaches this boy's knees. And a dirty towel I don't even know the colour of. It is literally covered in dirt. I wonder how many days it might have been since this boy took a nice warm shower. "Stop!" I shout. How can a little boy who is barely five year old run so fast? He is running faster than me and I don't understand how. The boy keeps running and when he stops, he finally looks at me. He smiles and runs again. Is this the time to be checking if I am following him or not? Once I spot him running towards a clearing I know very well, I start panicking. What the f**k is happening right now? I follow the boy only to see Evelyn and Victor talk to each other as they stand at the borders. "Davis?? What are you doing here?" Evelyn asks me. I turn around. I look at every corner to see those green eyes. But I cannot find them anywhere. "What happened? Who are you searching for?" Evelyn asks me again. "Hey! You okay?" Victor asks me. I nod at him. "Ev! Did you see a little boy? He ran this way" I pant. The whole run drained a lot of energy from me. I take small breathes till my lungs are able to work just fine. "Little boy?" She asks me in confusion. "Yeah. Little boy. He wore a dirty tee shirt and held a dirty piece of towel or some fabric. He ran right this way, Ev!! I saw him!!!" I almost shout. I turn around once again and try my best to focus on my surroundings. He must be here around somewhere. "Davis! No one came running. It is you who popped out of blue" she whispers. I look at Victor and he looks dead serious too. This cannot be another dream. Worse, I must be hallucinating right now. But I saw him! It felt so real. Like.. like I don't know how to explain it! "Hey! Hey!! Look at me" Evelyn whispers. She holds my face with both my hands. I am covered in sweat but she clearly looks like she doesn't mind. "It's okay. You must have seen something else" she whispers. Her voice and scent calms me down a bit. But I am still freaking out inside. This cannot be yet another dream.! This is slowly starting to worry me. "Yes. Odin took the control over. And I took a nap. It must be a dream.. sorry" I whisper with a smile. Victor smiles but he is still not convinced with my answer. Not that I care. But I still smile at him anyways. "Why are you here anyways? I thought you were at Rogue Pack checking if it is doing well" she asks me. "I don't know. I couldn't leave you alone" I smile with a shrug. Victor clears his throat dramatically making Evelyn shove him playfully. Victor and Evelyn are now best friends. They all get into the trio mode sometime, William, Victor and Evelyn. "I actually wanted to check on Liam" Victor whispers. Evelyn nods as she looks at him. Maybe that was what they were talking about earlier. But I tilt my head towards the pack and Victor shakes his head again. "I don't know. I guess he needs his space. I cannot meet him and expect him to stay calm" victor shrugs again. Makes a lot of sense. "Alright then. Make it fast and come home. I need a shower right now" I kiss Evelyn's cheek. I nod at Victor Frank as my bye and start walking into the borders. Everyone bows to me as I make my way forward. "Congratulations Alpha!" "Congratulations, Rogue Alpha!" "Congratulations Mr. Cole!" I hear the same words on loop and smile at each and every one of them. It feels so nice to share this news with so many people. And everyone are happy. Because Evelyn and I are giving the throne a heir. I reach the palace with the still same wide smile on my face and I am greeted with absolutely no one in the palace. "Tabitha?" I call our chef out. "Yes, Alpha!" She bows as she walks towards me. "Did Evelyn tell you anything about her cravings?" I ask her. "Not yet, Alpha! But is there anything that I should cook for her?" She asks. I think for a moment before smiling at her. I know what can make Evelyn smile no matter if she is craving or not. "Some blueberry muffins and some tea please?" I ask her. She nods with a smile and turns away while I call her again. "Where is King Michael and Samantha?" I ask her. "They were here till an hour ago, but Miss Samantha received an emergency call so they had to leave" she tells me with another bow. Strange. "Alright. I'll come downstairs soon. Thank you" I smile at her and walk upstairs to our room. Evelyn and I. It feels good that I sleep in that room everyday with her in my arms. And I wake up hearing her voice. I start my day by looking at her as soon as I open my eyes. Some days, when I open my eyes she would be blow drying her hair or getting ready trying to look presentable when Alphas would visit and sometimes she would be still sleeping like a baby.. I just love everything she does. If this is called being whipped, then so be it. I stand under the hot shower and close my eyes. I try my best to erase the incident that happened just few minutes ago. But for some reason, I can't. It felt so real. Like, I could see the little boy and talk to him and it wasn't even my hallucination! The water starts running warm and that is my cue to actually take a shower! I quickly do my business and smile to myself as I grab my coconut scented body wash. Evelyn sometimes uses that only because she wants to smell like me. I smile wide when I spot her already in the room. She is changing her clothes into more comfortable ones. "I am finally done for the day!" She sighs. "I hope you had your dinner" I whisper running my fingers through my hair vigorously trying to dry my hair. "I did. I was having my dinner when Victor told me he is at the borders. But I finished my dinner before leaving. Tabitha made some good steak!!" Evelyn smiles. I throw on a grey tee shirt and shorts. Evelyn turns around in her pink pyjama set ready to jump on bed. "Nah uh! There is something waiting" I whisper and hold her hand. She smiles a little and holds my hand in return. I take her downstairs and see Tabitha already left. I ask Evelyn to sit on the couch and I walk into the kitchen. Like the typical Tabitha, she already baked the muffins and the tea is still hot in the pot. I pour the tea in two cups and place four muffins in another plate. "Ta daa!!!" I smile wide as I walk to Evelyn. "My favourite!!" She squeals. "I know" I say and place the plate on the table. Evelyn couldn't wait and takes one while I sip my tea. I know this is a really odd time to have tea but I sort of, wanted it at that moment. Because I feel like I am going crazy and no one notices. Evelyn doesn't talk till she actually finishes eating three of them and then looks at me with an eye roll. "Fell happy I am letting you have one" she says as she grabs her cup of tea. "What an odd time to have tea" she smiles making me smile wide. Exactly my words. "You want to talk about it?" Evelyn asks I shake my head having another sip of my tea. She nods as she sips her own tea as well. "But you know that I am always here if something is not right with you. You know that, don't you?" She asks me. I smile and nod placing my empty tea cup on the table and grabbing the muffin Evelyn left for me. I am glad Evelyn is not pushing me to tell her about my dreams or hallucinations or whatever they are. "It's okay to tell her. Because I don't feel good about this as well" Odin says in my head. He thinks so too? "I mean, the nightmares are getting worse. You need to tell someone. I vote for Evelyn" Odin shrugs again. True that they are getting worse. It was just a dream while I was sleeping a couple days ago and now I don't actually understand a difference between dream, hallucination and reality. "The same nightmare" I whisper. Evelyn turns towards me to give me her complete attention and I turn to face her as well. Her brown eyes looking at me intently making me smile. She is just the cutest little thing ever. "A couple days ago, remember the nightmare?" I ask her. She nods. "Well, it was the same earlier. Only this time.. I don't know if it is a dream or hallucination. Because it is definitely not reality" I shrug. If Evelyn or Victor or anyone else did not see a little blonde boy then he was not real. It is all in my head. She silently looks at me. So I continue saying everything to her. The first dream and the second one. She sits before me patiently listening to everything and she smiles once I am done. Evelyn holds my face with both her hands and smiles at me again. "I am glad that you opened up at least now" she whispers. I kiss her wrist. I am glad she is not judging me. And I feel light now that I have nothing to hide. I smile at my mate who is smiling at me. "If they occur again, we are contacting a witch" she says. I narrow my eyes at her. I pull away from her grip and shake my head at her. She better not joke about this right now. "What?" Evelyn asks me. "Tell me it was a joke," I smile at her hoping she would smile and say it was a joke. But she doesn't. She stares at me with a straight face. "We cannot ignore few institutions, Davis. We are supernatural beings. We are connected to magic and sometimes, we should not ignore them!" Evelyn says. But I don't want to sound stupid for seeing hallucinations or dreams or whatever these are. Yet, I nod. "That is like the Davis I know!" She smiles at me. "I know something else I can do like the Davis you know" I smirk at her. She knows where this is going but she is still into the role play. She smirks at me and places her hand on my shoulder. Just a touch from her and I feel the sparks. I grab her waist and she is ready to jump and straddle my lap. My lips find hers and my hands roam all over her body. "I love you" I whisper in between kisses. "I love you" she says pulling away and I use the opportunity to trail kisses along her jaw. Her hands bury themselves in my hair and her head falls back. I kiss her neck and suck the skin making sure to leave few hickeys here and there. "I can never get enough of you!" I tell her as I pull away. Evelyn smirks at me and kisses me again. I bite her bottom lip making her gasp. Our tongues fight for dominance and I let her have it this time. I grab her ass and give it a gentle squeeze making her moan into my mouth. She starts rocking her hips and my whole body feels like it is on fire. This is what she does to me. She ignites me. Not just my body but my soul. Our makeout session gets cut short when the main door opens. Evelyn rolls her eyes before getting off my lap and I cannot hide my amusement smile. She adjusts her top since my hands made her clothes a little messy and out of place. I stand and take time or more like.. waste my time by removing non existent lint on my tee shirt. "Terrible actors you both are!" I hear King Michael's voice. "Why weren't you here before and why are you here now?" Evelyn asks her father. "Was with Samantha's ex husband," he says and pauses to look at Samantha, "he says she did not go through a miscarriage. The doctors saved the baby but he gave the baby away because he did not like the idea of becoming a father" Now this is beyond strange.
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