Chapter 6

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Cole's POV Evelyn and I exchange looks. And we conclude neither of us know about this. "Well, do you believe that he wouldn't be lying?" I ask them. Samantha just looks at me. She doesn't even smile or display any emotion. I don't understand what she must be going through, because I have never been there and I don't want to be there. "I.. I don't know. But what if that's true?" Samantha finally whispers. King Michael hugs her but she doesn't hug him back. She is actively thinking about all the possibilities. Evelyn goes to comfort her and whisper something that Samantha is nodding at. And me.. I just stand there watching them before me. Parents. Always a sensative subject to me. I used to imagine all the time. What it would be like to have parents! What would it be like to know that you have two pillars you can always lean on. But my views on parents changed as I grew up. My pack.. The Rogue Pack. Many of the rogues in my pack are wolves who were abandoned. Why would one do that to their family? But then again, when I saw how elders and the abandoned children got together well as Rogues, I had a tad bit of hope. And then, I saw what Liam's parents did to him and that was it! I guess Evelyn is the one of the few people in werewolf world who is actually blessed with nice parents. "I guess we will discuss this tomorrow. It is past midnight" Samantha says that brings me back to this world. I nod and smile at her as she walks away to King Michael's room with him following her. Evelyn and I sit on the couch still thinking about it. Evelyn hugs me sideways and leans more into me. "I thought we reached our milestone of happy ending on our wedding day. And then I believed Moon Goddess blessed us with a beginning of another happy era the day I realised I was pregnant" Evelyn whispers. I kiss her forehead and she leans more into me. "But how did our lives suddenly turn this way so fast?" She asks in a whisper again. I don't have any answer for that. Because I believed that I finally accomplished everything. Only for things to turn out this way. Considering Liam, Samantha, my pregnant mate taking stress because of this, my hallucinations.. wow judging the way my plate is filled, I am only waiting for my dessert to arrive. "Shall we go sleep? The stress isn't good for the baby" I whisper kissing her forehead again. When she doesn't answer, I smile to myself realising she is already sleeping. I stay there for a while so she can sleep deep. I don't want her to wake up when I carry our to our room. I rub her arms slowly and even in sleep she leans more into me. I consider myself the luckiest man to have her in my arms! After a good few minutes, I try to move her a little so I can stand up with her in my arms. But she doesn't budge. She in return leans closer and snores again. I don't try to move her again and I sit there till I fall asleep. . . . "Oh would you look at this frame!" I hear Liam's words. "Why are you in my bedroom?" I ask him without opening my arms. "Oh! Didn't know the living room is your bedroom. Doesn't feel comfortable knowing anyone might walk in when you and Evelyn might be.. you know... doing..." He trails. I open my eyes and the jerk wakes up Evelyn too. I glance around to see I am on couch and Evelyn's head on my shoulder. I close my eyes for a second when I recalled last night. "We had a tiresome day. Fell asleep here" I whisper. Evelyn nods with her eyes still closed. But she runs to her bathroom not a second later and I rush behind her. She pukes everything she had in her stomach. "Not a pretty sight for you to come in here" she shouts hearing my footsteps. I hear her puke again and I run inside holding her hair back. With my other hand, I run her back. Once she is done and she flushes it away, I help her wash herself and make her sit on the bed. I knock on King Michael's door and Samantha opens it half awake. "Evelyn.. she is ...." I start to stutter in panic. "What? What happened to her?" Samantha looks much more sober. "She is vomitting. I-I don't know.. is it food poisoning? Will she be okay? Will the baby be okay?" I ask her. She smiles at me and then laughs as she pats my cheek. "You are so adorable. I officially envy Evelyn now" Samantha says and I notice Evelyn's presence behind me. Evelyn is smiling as well. And I know I am actually missing a detail or two. But I don't ask them what that is. "It is common during the first few days of pregnancy. It is all fine. Nothing harmful to your mate or your pup" Samantha says. I nod and walk to my room again. Evelyn walks into the room when I am brushing my teeth and hugs me from behind. She smiles at me through the mirror before me. "Seriously! You were so adorable there" she smiles again. I roll my eyes and she walks out again. I take a bath and throw a formal white and blue check shirt and brown trousers. I walk out to find someone who can help me with it. It is only then I realise that I am only friends with very few ladies and of course, they are not here! I spot Liam and shout for him that startles everyone around us. "Yes, Rogue Alpha King!" He smirks. He knows how that title irritates me. I did not have any coronation or some sort, but every werewolf in supernatural world treats me as one. "Shut up and listen. I need a help" I whisper. A girl passing bows to me and I smile at her. "Okay" he nods. "Can you like .. help me where I can get information on how to treat ladies during their pregnancy? I want to be there for Evelyn. It's her first time too. I don't want her to go through something and not even knowing about it" I whisper. He narrows his eyes at me and places his hands on his hips in the most dramatic way. "And you think I made ten girls pregnant?" He scoffs. I roll my eyes. True. It's not like he knows how this is all supposed to be going. "Maybe we can visit human land. You can find books or whatever. You can browse little more info through internet" he shrugs. "Okay. Get your car and meet me at the palace. I will tell Evelyn that you and I are going out to human land for some fresh air. Remember the cover up and quit being the dumbass" I tell him and turn around hearing him scoff. I just want him to be the normal sarcastic Liam I know. The one I remember.. he could joke about anything and everything! I see Evelyn having her breakfast and laugh at something Samantha is saying. Samantha is really a motherly figure to Evelyn. And I am glad for that. "Davis! It's Bacon!" Evelyn says. I smile at her as I walk towards her. "I am actually going out with Liam. He and I need some fresh air. We would find something to eat. Are you staying here today?" I ask Evelyn. She shakes her head. "There is a supernatural board meet today. They are considerate about my pregnancy. They are holding the meet in our pack. It is about ways we can make supernatural race superior" Evelyn says and resumes chewing the bacon. I nod. The leaders from different supernatural species together form the supernatural board. Evelyn being the Queen of werewolves is also a part of it. Before her it was King Michael. "You don't have to worry, young man! I can take care of her while you are away" Samantha smiles. I nod with a wide smile and look at King Michael. His face screams 'I chose my lady right, didn't I?' I walk out and see Liam is already waiting in his car. I hop in and he drives faster. He usually drives his car like a bullock but today, he is making it fast. "What? You decided to grow up today?" I smirk at him. "Ha! It's the contrary" he scoffs with his eyes still on road. We jam to music while Liam drives and sings at the same time. It is actually different to see Liam this way. Considering he just got rejected by his mate just couple days ago. Once we reach human land, he parks at a random cafe and we walk inside. Of course we both are hungry. The cafe is cozy and wow it has a book shelf? Is this a modern thing now? I thought people always loved to shove their faces into their phones!! "I'll have a spaghetti with some meatballs. And a coke" I order for myself. "Fried chicken and soda please" Liam smiles at the red head waitress. She blushes looking at Liam. "And the sides would be?" She asks. "French fries!!" Liam and I say in unison and the waitress smiles noting it down. Just as she turns around I ask her,"Hey! Can I check those books out?" She follows my gaze and nods when she notices I was pointing towards the book shelf behind her. "You can read any book you want. But you cannot take it home" she smiles. "Oh! We are men with manners, darling" Liam winks and the girl's face is now as red as her hair. She quickly walks to the kitchen to probably let them know about their new order and I smirk at Liam still trying to check her out. "What are you smirking at?" He asks me "I like the change" I smile. "Well, now this is me finally trying to live. I don't want to stand in the same place anymore" he says. I nod and pat his shoulder as I stand up and walk to the bookshelf. I see so many books on personality development, fantasy books, erotic ones even! I don't find anything that would help me but I grab a book that has the title "My Alpha Boyfriend" . Sure enough, the blurb says the man is an Alpha werewolf. I show the book to Liam and he smiles. I open and read ten pages till our food arrived. The redhead manages to give Liam more french fries than I find on my plate and I roll my eyes. "Look. Whoever wrote this mentioned that this Alpha Boyfriend says werewolves are allergic to lillies" I smile. We laugh way too much as we read more about the mentioned myths in the book and ask for the bill. When paying, Liam manages to slip his phone number that he wrote on a tissue to the red head. "Damn you!" I laugh and shove him playfully making him laugh when we reach our car. "That girl is hot.! So this is me shooting my shot.! I am an eligible single now" he shakes his head as he starts driving again. He takes me to a bookstore and claims this store has books for everything. Walking into it, I find it huge. It has hundreds of books and I take help of a helper girl to choose few books on learning about pregnancy. She gives me a magazine for free because she thought I was adorable to be buying these for my wife. Why do people keep calling me adorable for doing this?! "Liam! We are done. Can we leave?" I ask him. His face is in his phone smiling at something as he types fast. "The girl's name is Maria" he smirks. He asks me to drive since he is busy texting. I thought she was working. But judging the way she is still finding ways and time text Liam, I guess she is interested in him too. Whatever makes him happy. We don't take that long to reach the pack and Liam quickly gets back to his Beta duties. It feels incredibly great to see Liam doing fine and taking chances to be happy. I am actually glad I spent time with Liam this way. Maybe we should do this often since he is the only friend I have right now, in this pack. I sit on couch and start reading the magazine first till I accidentally eavesdrop at the conversation that King Michael and Samantha are having in their room. "But what are we going to tell them.? This is big, Michael!!!"
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