Chapter 15

2141 Words

Cole's POV The sun is already starting to take a leave for today and I am running to the palace like crazy. I just witnessed something I never did. Probably no one did. I check the coast and see Evelyn is not here in palace. "Where is Evelyn?" I ask Tabitha who is prepping for our dinner. "Queen and Miss. Samantha went out for an evening walk" Tabitha says. I nod and walk to my room. I switch the shower on and stand under it even though the water are not hot enough. I close my eyes recalling the whole incident. The screams. The name. The lake. Everything screams so different. What if...? What if there is something wrong and I need to meet a witch?? Because whatever happened today does not even explain gravity. As far as I am sure, there is no volcano under the lake. "Davi

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