Chapter 10

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Cole's POV "So you are telling me that former King Michael actually introduced himself as my uncle?" Liam asks me. We are at the lake that we call as Bardo lake. That bastard hid himself here for weeks and we had no idea. He was a mermaid with a triggered witch gene. A terrible combination that Evelyn and I took down. "And why wouldn't I do that?" We both hear King Michael's voice. He walks to us with a couple of beers in one hand and an iced coffee in other. I already start laughing at what is coming. "Oh please! I am turning 21 next week!" Liam scoffs. "That means you get to have alcohol in a week" King Michael smirks giving Liam the jar of iced coffee. We three sit on the grass and look at the lake and caves before us. The sunset seems peaceful now. "For a fact, I cannot believe you are five years younger to me" I whisper as I take a sip of my beer. "Please. Let us not jump into timeline" Liam scoffs with an eye roll. But in reality, his trauma makes him older than just turning twenty one. Losing his parents at an age he doesn't even know what parents mean. Getting adopted by the beta couple who did nothing but abused him all his nineteen years. Losing his mate for another Alpha. Woah! I wonder how he is still in good shape. "So.. what about Maria?" King Michael asks. "What about her?" Liam asks again. "She is lovely. Beautiful. So I want you to go ahead if you have something in your mind" King Michael says taking a sip of his beer again. "Except, murdering her!" I shake my head at Liam again. "I am sorry I couldn't laugh at the lame joke. Didn't want to waste my calories" Liam scrunches his nose. "King Michael-" "Shut up! And call me Michael. You are marrying my daughter and in time.. you would be the King!" He lashes out on me. I nod. Clear my throat and start talking again. "How is Samantha doing?" I ask him. "Oh! Evelyn is done for today. Samantha and Evelyn are having some ladies time as they are calling it. Which is why I am here. To bond with my boys" he smirks as he looks at Liam and I. Liam lets out a sad smile and takes a sip of his now probably almost warm coffee. He never really had someone to call family except Evelyn and Celia. But now Evelyn is all busy with Queen responsibilities and Celia is a Luna to another pack. "I want you both to stop looking at me as a King. That part of my life has ended. I am a successful man. My daughter is the Queen now and I am getting married!" He says. "Married?" Liam shouts. Michael looks at me and I shake my head gesturing that I did not tell him about it. He sighs and we look back at Liam who is still confused. "Samantha and I want to get married" Michael says. How weird it is to call him Michael and not King Michael!! "Congratulations! When is it?" Liam asks. "The date is still not decided. Evelyn is totally incharge of that. I did not even have a wedding with Charlotte" He sighs as he finishes his beer. We werewolves don't usually do the wedding thing. But now a days many wolves are having the fantasy of having a wedding. So why not! I look at my ring finger to find the platinum ring with a diamond. The one Evelyn slipped on our wedding day. Hers was a diamond ring that has the design of a crown. For my Queen. "Wow!" Liam whispers. We finish our drinks in peace and it is getting dark. I spent the afternoon thinking it was a nap but I actually slept for three hours! "Where are you?" Evelyn mindlinks. "With your father and Liam. Chilling" I tell her. "I miss you" She whispers. I smile at that. Sometimes, you don't know how lucky you are.. that someone misses you.! Need to be blessed to have something like that in your life. "I miss you more" I tell her. And I stand up. Wipe the dust away since we sat on grass till now. "That was a good session, boys! We need to do this often" Michael says as he stands up as well. "Definitely. But not here" I tell them. They look at me and narrow their eyes. "Evelyn and I come here very often. And in case you want to come here and-" "Okay fine. Jeez! I just want to get out of here" Liam scoffs as he leaves. Michael and I walk towards the palace together. And he sounds all excited about everything that is happening. I am excited too. "It feels different calling you Michael and not King Michael" I tell him. Everyone bows to us as we make our way. "Because you never saw me as Michael. I want you to see that Michael" he smiles. I nod. It will definitely be hard to get used to. But I will try. He and I talk about everything as we walk our way back to the palace. We walk in and see the ladies of the house laughing and eating cut fruits. I don't know who is taking care of who. But I can say I am glad they now have each other. Evelyn was alone. "Oh! I did not expect you both to be here this soon" Samantha says. Michael looks at me. "I missed my mate and I am here. She did not call me" I shrug as I walk to Evelyn. Evelyn just chuckles as she hugs me. I kiss the tip of her nose and she scrunches her nose in the most adorable way. "Samantha told me about what you did today" she whispers. I nod awkwardly not knowing what to say. I can deal with any issue on my own, but when another set of eyes are involved, I get nervous involuntarily. "You did well" she smiles at me and stands on tip toes to place a kiss on my lips. All the four of us sit there and talk about the wedding. They plan it to have it in two weeks. Because they want to celebrate Liam's birthday first. He has no family so they want to do this for him. They also decided to invite Maria. "Oh! Evelyn!! Our wedding is totally in your hands. I trust you" Samantha says. Evelyn nods with a huge smile. "I know I never really asked this but," Evelyn pauses to look at her father and soon to be step mother, "do you plan on getting marked?" Samantha takes a minute before she finally answers. "I don't know. Maybe and maybe not. I just want to see what the life has in store for me. At one point, if I want to be marked by this man as his, so be it!" She smiles wide. "But sometimes, the werewolf mark triggers the werewolf shift. There are chances you can turn into werewolf yourself. It is more complicated than you think it is, Samantha!" Evelyn asks with a worried face. Samantha smiles and holds Evelyn's hand. "I can really understand that you are trying to tell me about all of this. But the moment I came to know I fell for a werewolf let alone the King of all the wolves out there, I am all ready for the challenge! Even if I don't turn into werewolf, I would still be happy with him as a human. Just like how we were till now" Samantha smiles again. Evelyn nods with a smile. Then that means it is a green flag for the wedding! "Then I will take care of every little thing that includes in the wedding!" Evelyn says. Both the ladies share a hug and the men.. we just sat there looking at them. I know that it would be awkward if we get up and hug and sit again. "Okay. Now, if you boys have something to take care of., Feel free. Evelyn and I are going to cook for today. We already sent Tabitha home" Samantha says. "You cook?" Michael asks in surprise. "Oh shut up, Mikey! Just because I never cooked for you doesn't mean I don't know how to cook!!" Samantha rolls her eyes. "I am a retired King. So I guess I will just sit at the counter bar and watch what you are making. I'll mindlink Tabitha to come for rescue if needed" Michael shrugs making me chuckle. "And I have an issue to talk about with the patrol. We need tighter security" I tell Evelyn. She nods and hugs me one time before pulling away. I just cannot get enough of her, so I pull her to me again and kiss her forehead. I walk out towards the North Borders. That was where the Rogue pounced on Liam out of blue. If there is some unusual rogue movement, then we need to be prepared. Alphas now a days are using Rogues for their army so the Royals wouldn't suspect. Evelyn being the Queen and Bluebloood pack being the capital pack, we need to be on our alert mode all the time. But then again, no one really has the guts to declare a war against a Royal. It is like.. they start walking and you don't have another option but fall on your knees and show your neck in submission. "The only werewolf who never did any of that is us!" Odin smirks. True. Almost two years ago, I remember attacking the Royal army. Evelyn got down and started fighting with me. It astonished her that even though I was a rogue, I still gave her a good competition. She threw me in silver cells and held hostage for more than a month. Tortured me to see if I can break. And one day when she realised I wasn't even fighting back, she purposefully hurted me to gain a reaction. Evelyn also stabbed me with a silver knife and that is when I marked her. I did not intend on marking her that way but it all just happened. A long story of our STOLEN BITE. Funny how we almost killed each other at one point and now we cannot spend a day without talking to each other. Love in us grew as we grew too. Soon, we will be a family of three. I cannot stress enough how happy all of this makes me. I reach the check point of North Borders. "Good Evening, Alpha King" the patrol head Mr. Nate bows. I cringe at what he called me. I am not a King yet. But everyone keeps calling me King. "Can I know what the f**k is happening here?" I ask them. "S-sorry Alpha K-" "Your Beta and I were patrolling yesterday and there was a rogue who pounced on him. I eliminated the danger but wasn't that your job?" I ask him. He stands silent with his head low. "I want you to remember that there are kids sleeping peacefully because they trust the security. Imagine a random rogue wandering on our pack lands and pouncing on people!" I scoff. Once I made sure he regrets what he did, I walk out and start walking along the borders. The air is cool and crisp. I spot a movement again. I groan. What is happening at our borders! They need to know not all Rogues are good. Because some, are used by other Alphas on a secret mission to invade other packs! I follow the movement in my defensive stance. Behind the tree sits a man covered in dirt and matted hair. He is eating some fruits and he stinks so bad. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. I guess my voice startled him because he jumped a little. But then sighs when he notices I mean no harm. "I-I am sorry. I needed rest and I found this tree" he whispers. His voice sounds so weak and he is so old. Considering the stick figure, these might be his last days. "It's okay. Eat those fruits, have some sleep and leave the first thing in the morning" I nod at him. He nods his head but he is looking straight into my eyes. I don't feel good under his gaze so I nod and turn around to leave. "I know you" he says like he finally realised who I am! "Yes. I am the Rogue Alpha" I shrug without turning around and walking towards the palace. "No. You were the kid that I lost.! I never saw eyes like that boy. You have the same eyes. Your mother left you with me when you were a baby!"
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