Chapter 2

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Aria looked around, the hairs on her neck prickled. Was someone there? She closed her book and placed it gently beside her. She thought she had felt a pull for a moment. Something deep inside her stirred. Goosebumps started to raise on her arms. Frozen, she sat for a moment, listening to the sounds surrounding her. Though the babbling of the water masked a lot of the noises, she thought for a second, that she could hear footsteps fading away. Straining her ears, she listened intently, nothing. Shaking her head, she stood to her feet. Letting them dry in the soft grass, she picked up her book and slippers up. She was just being silly, no one came out here. This was her private place. As far as she knew, no one even knew it existed. It was her haven, an escape from the world. The city was so busy and loud, she needed this. The tranquility helped her rebalance and reset. Looking at the sunlight peeking through the trees. She realised that it was past noon. Her mother would be wondering where she was. She had told her that she would only be a couple of hours today. Picking up her basket, she put her book and shoes inside. Wings would be a better way to travel to make time. A shimmering sound filled the air as her beautiful gossamer wings appeared. Stretching, she unfurled them to the tips. Iridescent and opaque. They shimmered a beautiful pearlescent hue. Every faery had their own style of wings. A special gift given just to them. Aria’s wings were large and powerful. Delicate and beautiful. Celeste had once said they looked more royal than her own. Aria hummed happily and her wings fluttered. Lifting from the ground, she skimmed back through the forest. Her speed and joy were only matched by the birds flying along with her. The fae city soon came into sight, and she heard the sounds and bustle of the residents. Children playing in the street, mothers toiling in their cottages. Further into the city, there came the clanging of the blacksmiths, the armoury and the bakeries. Everything was always busy. Even at night, when the streets were cleaned and things were mended. Everyone helped make things run smoothly. They had soldiers and guards to keep the peace, but they weren’t ever needed within the city walls. Her father was a solider. He spent most of his time outside the city. Dealing with bandits and skirmishes in local villages. Villages like the one she was born in. Aria landed gracefully on the edge of the main square and strolled along to the castle steps. Stopping at the bottom, she looked up at the tall building above her. It’s ivory walls rising high. Each tower was decorated with beautiful golden vines. It was the pride and joy of the kingdom. Windows gleamed, reflecting the setting sunlight. Making her way around the side, she slipped through the kitchen entrance. Smiling at the sight of her mother bent over a large oven. The smell of the kitchen enticing. “Do you need any help?” She called out, placing her basket on the nearby workbench. Pulling out her shoes, she slipped them back on. She had learnt her lesson years ago about the hazards of walking barefoot through the kitchens. Hot dishes, falling knives or just broken crockery had all hurt her feet at some point. Washing her hands, she looked back to see if her mother had heard her. Carissa straightened up and smiled. “Not today my darling, it’s your day off. Go and find something nice to do.” “It’s nice for me to spend time with you.” Aria wasn’t going to be put off. “Besides, I brought mushrooms to add to our dinner.” Pumping water into the sink, she rinsed the mushrooms and laid them out on a chopping board. Carissa came and stood by her daughter. She could never convince her not to work, whether it was helping out in the kitchens. Or studying for the royal tutor. This was just who Aria was, hardworking and a joy to be around. She looked at her sadly, she wished that she could tell her more about who she was. She wished that she even knew herself, but the only thing they knew about her. Was that she was the only survivor from her village. Aria hummed softly, she was naturally melodious. As many fae often were. Her voice held a quality that wasn’t often heard, maybe once or twice a century. She had the ability to split a note in two. As she hummed, it sounded like there was a second voice humming along side her. It never failed to leave Carissa in awe. If she closed her eyes, she could convince herself that there were actually two faeries humming along in harmony. Footsteps echoed in the corridor, and a cloud of silky pink hair entered. Making its way along the countertop, a tiny faery dressed in a silken lavender gown appeared at the end. “Princess Celeste.” Carissa curtseyed. Moving back to give her room. The petite faery with big blue eyes looked with interest at the oven. Carissa chuckled, the dainty princess was often found helping herself to sweet treats. The king often joked that her hair was made of pink sugar. Pulling out a tray from a warming rack, Carissa wrapped two biscuits in a handkerchief. “These will be hot, let them cool a little.” She warned the princess. “They are filled with honey.” Celeste turned her big baby blues towards Aria. “Do I have to share with her too?” She looked so serious, Aria laughed. “No you sugar monster, I will get something for myself.” Celeste grinned. She looked much younger than her age, but she was actually a few months older than Aria. She just liked to play on her babyish looks. With her pint size stature and fluffy pink hair, she could still convince plenty of people that she was only 10 years old. “I thought it was your day off?” She didn’t wait as instructed and started munching on the hot biscuit, blowing out her cheeks to cool them down. “It is, but I came to spend time with my mother.” Aria was still chopping mushrooms. Reaching over, she pulled some leeks and radishes towards her too. Celeste wrinkled her nose. “Always working, never playing. We thought you might come and talk to us about what you were wearing to the banquet.” She nibbled a bit more of the cookie. Aria moved the vegetables into a pot on the stove and wiped her hands down on her apron. “Has Stacee decided what she is wearing?” Stacee was a pixie who lived just outside the castle walls. Her parents were shepherds. Looking after the kings' flocks. She had met Aria and Celeste when she was a teenager. Soon becoming fast friends with them. The trio were often found all laid on Celeste’s large golden bed. Chatting and laughing away. “Mm hmm” Celeste nodded, her mouth too full now to speak. She turned and looked pleadingly at Carissa. “I think I’ve run out?” Carissa laughed and passed her two more biscuits. “That’s the last of them, you still need to eat your dinner!” Celeste picked up the treats and took them with her, her hair swaying around her head like a tiny pink flame. “Come on, you need to choose a dress too.” She pulled Aria with her. “See you later Carissa! She’ll be home for bedtime.” Carissa chuckled to herself. Knowing it was likely that she would see the pink haired princess before bed. As the tiny fae could never resist supper either.

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