Chapter 1

1305 Words
Sunlight bounced off the leaves, while birds sang in the branches overhead. Walking gracefully through the forest. Aria stopped to gently pluck a few mushrooms from the forest floor. Today was the faery’s day off, needing to get away from the bustle of the castle. She had opted to head into the forest to forage for some delicacies for her dinner that evening. Brushing her silky light blonde hair from her face. She carried on deeper towards her private place of solitude. Aria often came this way, seeking solace in the woods. Her life wasn’t unhappy. Even though she had been raised by the castle cook. She was an orphan, leaving an emptiness inside her that she could never fill. Aria sighed, her sea green eyes darkened as she thought about everything she knew. There wasn’t much, she had been found on the edge of a burnt down faery village as a baby. Wrapped in a soft golden blanket with a crescent moon stitched on it with her name Aria. Stitched underneath. peacekeepers from the Faery King hadn’t made it in time to protect the rest of the village. She must have been hidden by her parents. Hoping they’d be able to go back for her. The soldier that found her there had taken her home that day, to his mate. The castle cook, they had no children of their own and Aria had been raised by them. Loved and welcomed by all who knew her. She brought a smile to everyone’s faces. Her white blonde hair a halo around her little head. Her ears long and pointed like the rest of the Fae Folk. Even the King watched her fondly, as she ran after her adopted mother. Helping lay the table and preparing food in the kitchen. He often stopped to talk to her. She was a similar age to his own daughter, Celeste. So he had stopped by the kitchen one day and insisted Aria attend lessons with Celeste each morning. Taught by the royal tutor. It had been a great honour. Her adoptive parents were very proud of her. Smiling, Aria recalled how she had rushed home each day to tell them of all the things she had learned. About dragons and humans. Werewolves and Werebears. She poured over her books each evening. A burning desire to learn more and more. Stepping over a fallen tree trunk. Aria arrived at the glade she had discovered as a child. No one came out this far from the city. She would be alone. A stream trickled through the clearing, and she took her slippers off carefully. Placing them on a grassy knoll. With her feet in the running water, she leant back against a boulder and pulled out a book from her basket. This was her idea of bliss. Being surrounded by pure nature, lost in a story about a world she could only imagine. Her friends weren’t big readers, and couldn’t understand how she could spend hours just pouring over pages. Maybe one day her mate would be? She bit her lip. She was 21 now. A lot of Faeries found their mates around now. She had thought about it on and off. Would he be kind? Hardworking? Would he love her deeply? Would he fill the emptiness she still felt inside? Aria turned the page of her novel. For now, she would just have to read about romance instead. ********************* Sweat poured off his brow as Cassius ran through the forest. He was doing a sweep of his far perimeters. Being Alpha, he took security seriously. Especially after his parents had passed away in a freak rogue attack. His heart grew cold, as grief pulled at him again. A waking nightmare filled his mind as he relived their screams as they were cornered in the pack house. Shaking it off, he pushed himself forward, running faster. It was the only way he could escape the pain. We would do this faster if you would let me run. His wolf, Atticus, complained. Rolling his eyes. Cassius laughed. Atticus would do anything to be out and running. He didn’t care if it was for border patrol or not. You know I need to keep fit too right? He mentally nudged his wolf. It was important that he remained strong too. Daily training with his Beta helped. He pushed his light brown hair back away from his sweaty forehead. Atticus whined and sulked. Surely it was his turn now? Stopping to rest for a second. Cassius gave in with a grin. With a joyful howl, Atticus surged forward. Bones cracked and grew. Golden fur rippled as human changed to wolf. Muscles sleek and strong. Deep brown eyes, the same colour as Cassius’ looked around. He stood tall, a true Alpha Wolf. They were young and strong. Recently turned 22. That’s better. Atticus smirked. Now let’s get this done. Picking up the pace, he raced along the edge of their border. Even at wolf speed. This was going to take a few hours. He was glad to get Cass out and running, it had been a hard time since his parents death. Throwing himself into the Alpha role, he had done nothing but work and work. With training in between. Atticus feared that he was too shut off, that unless they found their mate soon. Cassius would close his heart to the world. They needed a good and kind Luna for balance. Grief was often the catalyst to turning an Alpha into a monster. A ruthless leader with no love or compassion for the pack. The Crescent Moon pack needed better than that. Atticus was determined to help Cassius be the best Alpha he could be. Stretching his legs, he tore through the forest. Leaping over fallen trees and feeling the wind through their fur. Joy filled the both of them as they raced along. They could do this forever. Sunlight leading the way, the air around them sparkled. Another hour in, Atticus slowed to a stop. He sensed something! What’s wrong? Cassius was suddenly on high alert. Would they find a rogue hiding out here? He felt angry, this was why he needed to patrol his borders! He felt the adrenaline surge as he got ready to attack. Someone is up ahead. Atticus sounded excited. Who would cause his wolf so much excitement? An incredible smell hit them, and Atticus staggered on his feet. Caramel, strawberries and the delicate hint of roses. All wrapped up in a sweet fusion. Cassius was overwhelmed with a joy like he had never felt before. All his senses screaming to get closer. MATE! This couldn’t be? A Luna out here? How? Cassius wondered if she was lost from a neighbouring pack, but as far as he knew. This was near the border of the Faery realm. Atticus stealthily moved forward, there was a clearing up ahead. A beautiful blonde woman was sat reading a book. Her feet dangling in the stream. Cassius stared. She was the most heavenly creature he had ever seen. Her small mouth was full. Perfect for kissing, her cheekbones high and defined. He stood watching her for a moment, unsure of how to approach. Excited for her to feel their mate bond too. She clearly hadn’t felt it yet. When she brushed her hair behind her ear. His heart stopped beating. Her Ear! Dainty and pointed. She had the ears of a Faery. Atticus wanted to keep going forward, to meet their mate. But Cassius stopped him. They couldn’t, they needed to leave. Mixed species mates were forbidden. An ancient law that was punishable by death. How could the Moon Goddess have been so cruel? His heart filled with pain once more. Before she could notice him, Cassius made Atticus slip away.
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