Sexy meets Macho Part I

1373 Words
Ever since Kristian and Jasmine met, they have been exchanging messages on w******p. Sometimes just to say and sometimes just to check if there are some book fairs she knows. He was in the process of finishing a novel that he was writing. He has been wanting to finish that novel but he needs a place where he can get some inspiration. He was thinking about going to a place where he can be at peace to finish his novel. He decided to ask Jasmine if she knows a quiet place where he can relax. Good timing that her parents are going to the US for vacation. Her parents met Kristian before they left. Jasmine recommends her parents' resthouse which was also the same place she had recommended to Kassandra. He went to the place several weeks ago before Kassandra had informed Jasmine that she needed a place to stay for a short while. Kristian told Jasmine that he was an aspiring novel writer that needs to finish a story but she did not take it seriously. Kristian was a bit happy because he does not want to introduce himself as a writer because he wants a quiet life. No fans, no one disturbing his private life. He never mentions his profession again to Jasmine and the only thing he said was that he was a critic who liked to read books and give opinions about a story. And Jasmine did not bother at all. Jasmine is also Susie's friend who was Kassandra's childhood friend's fiance'. Susie also loves to go to book fairs and library sessions with Jasmine. She saw Kristian on one of their library sessions who was also her college friend. She knew that Jasmine was his friend too. Well, Jasmine is so friendly wherein everyone can be her friend. She always gives trust easily to anyone. Kassandra invited her to join her at the resthouse for vacation. Too bad she has worked and she cannot go on leave so she cannot go at that time. Kassandra arrived at the resthouse and fixed her things out from the luggage. She put her clothes in the closet and prepared for tomorrow's activity. She woke up early to walk early in the morning to catch some fresh air. She wants to be happy and forget all the bad things. She wants to forget Alvin. She has been crying since last night because of him. She wants to relax and erased the not-so-good memories of him. She thought that the morning air was good and relaxing. Kristian also went out early to jog, it was about an hour before Kassandra strolled. While he was jogging, from afar, he saw a figure of a woman walking. He doesn't know why he suddenly looks at the woman. The woman is sexy and her skin color is tan. He didn't see the face of the woman so he cannot tell if she's beautiful or not but he felt something that he doesn't understand. It's like cupid has targeted his heart. There's something in her that he wants to know more about. It was meant to be... While Kassandra was walking, he came across a handsome guy. He was very handsome. He has a very nice body built (Masculine). She felt like something is pulling her to look again at the guy after passing by. She cannot help but give a second look to this handsome guy wearing a white fitted shirt that shows his body shape. "Wow... Nice body...He must have been working out." Kassandra told herself while checking on the guys' body. Masculine... Firm body. She looks like she had never seen a body like that before. Although Alvin got that figure he's way better than Alvin. Kassandra didn't notice that Kristian was also looking at her. When Kristian passed by, he cannot help himself but look at the woman. It looks like he saw the goddess of beauty. His eyes went over Kassandra's figure again and again. Kassandra's clothes are simple. She wears a white shirt partnered with black shorts and white sneakers. But even if it's just simple, she cannot hide her beautiful body and her beautiful hair slowly flying as the air blows gently. It flows to her face and she removes some hair in her face. She didn't notice that the guy was still looking at her. After a long walk, she decided to take a rest before going back to her place. She felt tired as she has been walking early this morning and reached far from her place. She decided to sit on the bench near the tree. She thought of continuing to walk after resting a bit as she was already far from the resthouse where she was staying. At the side of her eyes, she saw the guy is walking towards her. She suddenly felt nervous when she noticed that the guy was coming to where she was sitting. She was surprised when she saw the guy at the edge of his eyes approaching. Nearer and nearer to her... She did not know why, but there's something in her that made her nervous. She sits properly and looks down as if she didn't notice him coming towards her. She does not want to let him notice that. "Hi, Miss! Are you new here? Have we met before?" Kristian asked. He looks so curious about this beautiful girl. "Um... ah..." Funny, but that's the only response she was able to give to Kristian as she gazed at the handsome guy's dimples while smiling. She simply smiled back at the guy. She felt there's a butterfly in her stomach. "I'm sorry, did I fright you? You look new here... I'm having my vacation for almost a month now. How about you?" Kristian continuously asked while looking at Kassandra. The guy looks kind, way far from Alvin's personality, who was quiet and seldom smiles. "Um... ah... eh... Yup, I'm just new here, I'm also just having my vacation here. I love nature that's why I decided to come here." She told Kristian while still gazing at his dimples. She felt her heart is beating fast. Faster and faster. She's nervous even though there's nothing to be nervous about. Kristian never spoiled himself. Even though he's a novel writer and was always sitting while working, he always spends some time at the gym to work out. He wants to keep his body healthy and fit. He doesn't want to be unhealthy because of his profession. Kristian's parents passed away since he was young and he was the only child. Since childhood, he has grown up with his grandmother. But when he graduated from college he immediately settled down and lived alone. His novels are well-known novels but no one had ever seen his face yet. He never participates in many conferences. He also never went to any dinner invitations as a writer for his novels that were really known around the world. He wears simple clothes and lives a simple life. He doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone when he writes so whenever he needs to complete a novel, he goes to a quiet place like today. "Did I make you uneasy?" Kristian asked noticing that Kassandra is quite nervous while moving her fingers to each other and looking at him. "Nope. I just got shocked when you come near me". Kassandra said. Until now she's still looking at Kristian's dimples. "Oh! I'm really sorry" Kristian said. He finally noticed that Kassandra has been looking at his dimples. He made it even more obvious. He smiled a bit while making himself cute in front of Kassandra. His dimples show deeper as it was earlier. "No, It's okay. I don't have anything to do actually; we can talk if you want. By the way, I'm Kassandra and you are?" while she offered Kristian a handshake. She doesn't even understand why she offered to talk to him. All she knows was she already does the initiative of getting close to him. "Sure! I'd love that. I'm Kristian." As he immediately grabs Kassandra's hand. He touches it with care. He felt her soft and warmed hand while he gazed at her beautiful face.
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