
1189 Words
Kristian slowly drove his car heading home. He can't believe what happened. His lips get closer to her lips. He can't forget Kassandra's soft lips. It tastes so sweet. He felt like he was still in heaven reminiscing about their kiss. "She's really so beautiful and her lips are soft, " Kristian told himself. He traveled far and finally reached his house. And when he arrived... "Hi, Kris!" Gwen said while showing cute gestures to Kristian. When Kristian arrived she immediately opened her door and went out. She moves her eyes making it pretty for Kristian. "Oh hi! You're still awake at this hour. Anything I can do for you?"  Kristian said while gazing at beautiful Gwen. "Well, Yeah. I can't sleep." Gwen said wishing that Kristian would spend some time talking to her. "Oh is that so? Let's have some tea then. I'm not sleepy too after all" Kristian said. He opened his door and pointed at it as if he is instructing Gwen to get in. "Sure!" Gwen happily steps inside Kristian's house. In her mind, she was in the thought of alone time with his ultimate crush. Isn't it nice? Right? Imagine that he can be alone with Kristian. Both of them entered the house and Kristian instructed Gwen to stay in the living room and sit down on the sofa. He made some tea for her. He asked Gwen to try his newly bought tea that likes so much. It tastes neither bitter. The taste was just enough for killing time or relax time. "Ouch!" Gwen said as sip the hot surface of the teacup. She put some air using her hands to her lips. She's angry at her stupidity not realizing that the tea was very hot. "Are you okay?" Kristian asks while getting some tissue. Because of nervousness from what happened Kristian wipe Gwen's lips not realizing that he was already gazing at her lips and touching its softness. He looks at her and she looks at him. Gwen gazed at him waiting for his next move. Their eyes met and slowly their face was getting closer and closer. "He's really so handsome... His cute dimples. His beautiful lips..." Gwen told herself while swallowing her own saliva as she waits for what's going to happen next. Kristian was still gazing at Gwen's face. But something's wrong... "Kassandra is really so beautiful. Her beautiful eyes, that seems like always saying something that only her and I understand. Her soft lips, that I can't forget and want more of her kiss. Her beautiful face..." Kristian said to himself while gazing at Gwen. He can't forget how soft Kasandra's lips are. He saw Kassandra's face to Gwen. His lips almost meet hers when Kristian's cell phone rang. They're back to their own self. They felt uneasy as they realized what happened and what's about to happen. They moved towards the sofa's edge and sit far away from each other. Gwen felt annoyed about what happened. She thought of Kristian having some feelings for her as their lips almost met. "It's so annoying. We're almost there... " Gwen told herself. She felt the pain from the hot tea from earlier. Kristian immediately took his cell phone from his pocket and look at who's calling. It's his grandma. He immediately took his cell phone into his pocket and look on who was calling. "Why is she calling at this hour?" Kristian asked himself. He immediately answered the call. "Hello, grandma?!" He said on the other line. "Grandson! How are you? I miss you. When are you going to visit me?" As the old lady continuously asks on the other line. "Grandma, I'm sorry I have been busy lately. I'll visit you next week." He told his grandmother. The old lady felt happy about what she heard. Her grandson will visit her. Unknowingly his Grandmother contacted Kristian because she will introduce him to a woman that she wants to be her grandson's wife in the future. He went back to the living room immediately to check on Gwen. "I'm sorry for what happened... Are you okay now? Is it still painful?" He asked Gwen as it shows how worried he was. He felt like she had feelings for him. From the way she looks at him as he showed how worried he was for her. "Yeah, I'm okay... Though it's a bit painful and hot it will be gone later." She said while touching her lips. "By the way, Why you can't sleep, do you have any problem?" Kristian asked. "Oh, nothing. I just can't sleep" She told Kristian though it shows like she has been waiting for Kristian to arrived all night. "Oh, okay. I just thought you have a problem,..." He told Gwen. They talk all night and had a great bonding. It's been a while since she hadn't talked to her friends. Ever since she started stalking Kristian, she lost track of her friends and never had time to talk to them. It's quite late in the evening when they noticed that they've been talking to each other. They didn't even notice the time. "Thank you for the time, Gwen. I had fun. We can continue next time. It's already late. Let's call it a night then" Kristian told Gwen. "Oh Yeah. It's midnight already. Sorry for disturbing you. I'll go now. Good thing I just live there." Gwen said laughing. They then noticed they were both laughing. Kristian opened the door for Gwen. Gwen seems to like his action and thought of something differently. "Goodnight!" Gwen said. "Goodnight too" Kristian replied. They both go inside their own house. Kristian goes back to the living room and pick up the teacup and put it in the kitchen sink. After cleaning everything he then went into the room to get a bath towel. He put down his cell phone at the study table and went inside the toilet. He was so masculine and handsome. After he took a shower, he wraps his body with the bath towel. He went to the sink and took his toothbrush. He put some toothpaste and brush his teeth. Up... down..left... right... gargle... spit... gargle again. After that, he wipes his face with his face towel. He took his shaver and shaving cream. He is used to shaving it even though it's still short. After shaving he went inside his room and put on his clothes. He wore his favorite boxer shorts. He sat beside the bed and set his alarm clock. He planned to go to the gym first thing in the morning before starting to work on finishing his novel tomorrow. After setting his alarm clock he put his cellphone on the side table. He then lay down at the bed. Slowly he felt his eyelid heavy and started to fall asleep. "I love you, Kristian" "I love you, Gwen" Slowly their lips met. Gwen felt Kristian soft lips and so as Kristian. It's quite long while their lips were intact until... Kristian woke up from his sleep, catching his breath. Why Gwen? Why is Gwen in his dream? Why not Kasandra? Why is he kissing Gwen? That's the question he had upon waking up. He looked at the alarm clock and noticed that it's only almost an hour since he fell asleep. But really, Why it's Gwen? He kept asking himself. But why it's Gwen? As he continuously asked himself. He then tried to sleep again and wish of dreaming about Kassandra. He wants to dream of Kassandra.
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