Chapter Seven: MATES?

1979 Words
I sat in the dimly lit main tent, surrounded by holograms of the kingdoms and the areas between the kingdoms and the packs. The weariness was settling deep into my bones as the night grew late, and a pang of longing for my little brother tugged at my heart. I had broken the news to him that he wasn't my biological brother, that it was love that bound us, not blood. I revealed to him his true identity, a rare dragon, and that he needed to stay behind to train and learn the ways of the dragons. I had given him the choice to stay with Nana or live with the king. Gandor's reaction had been turbulent. He had stormed off into the night, leaving behind a whirlwind of hurt and confusion. It wasn't until the next morning that we received word from his friend's mother, reassuring us of his whereabouts. His disappearance had sent a pang of fear coursing through my veins, but now that he was safe, I still felt the weight of guilt crushing my chest. Rector's voice broke through my thoughts, reminding me that it was time to depart for the Shadow Crown pack. In my absence, the care of my warriors had been entrusted to the witch Margot. I had developed a deep respect for her during my time with her pack. She was fierce and unyielding, and I trusted her to lead my warriors in my stead. As I prepared to leave, Rector insisted on driving, citing his duty as a male presence. I couldn't help but laugh at his stubbornness. "You could care less that I am the supposed queen," I teased, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "The male ego in you is being shattered by the fact that it is tradition for the male present to drive a vehicle. We are, however, on the same level of authority. As a side note, I have decided to make you my beta." The words hung in the air, a silent declaration of my trust in him. We both knew that despite the traditions and titles, we were partners in this journey. Rector kept trying to persuade me to allow him to drive. As a matter of fact, he considered it his royal duty. "I know that you are a queen. Come on Ashina, you are a queen. It is not advisable for you to drive yourself anywhere," Rector pleaded, flashing me a mischievous grin. I chuckled at his persistence and replied, "You could care less that I am the supposed queen. The male ego in you is being shattered by the fact that it is tradition for the male present to drive a vehicle. We are, however, on the same level of authority. As a side note, I have decided to make you my beta." "Ashina, you are right. All I want is a chance to drive," Rector admitted, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "You have always been the driver. It's not fair that you have never allowed me to drive. I apologize for sounding like a kid, but come on, it's not fair." I couldn't help but chuckle at his earnest plea. "You do have a point," I mused, realizing just how much it meant to him. Tossing the keys back to Rector, I handed them over. As he almost missed catching the keys, he did not expect me to hand them over to him. The moment he catches them, I see him jump for joy, “Awesome!” he yells, excitement bubbling over as he dashes to the driver's seat. "Finally, I get the chance to take the wheel!" As Rector rushes over to the Range Rover, his eager expression mirrors my own excitement at finally getting to drive the vehicle. He opens the door for me, and as I step in, his warmth and eagerness almost palpable. "You're such a suck-up," I scoff playfully, swatting his hand away. "I don't need help getting into a car like an old lady, you know." Though I appreciate his chivalry, I can't help but tease him about it. Our schedules have been out of sync, with daytime feeling surreal and nighttime increasingly restless. My body rebels against this constant change, always feeling like it's ready to doze off. As I finally succumb to sleep, I find myself in a valley of colorful blooms with a shimmering waterfall to my side. My majestic wolf, Kiera, with her striking bluish-black coat, approaches me. Overcome with emotion, I drop to my knees and embrace her. She's not just any wolf; she's an Alpha. "I've missed you, Kiera," I whisper, my heart heavy with emotions. "You've been avoiding me lately." "Turning 18 in a few weeks is weighing on me, Ashina," Kiera murmurs, her voice filled with wisdom beyond her years. "I need my beauty sleep. I can feel my body changing every day. It won't be long before our mate finds us. There's something in the air, a sixth sense that's stirring within us wolves." "Kiera, do we really need a mate?" I question, my uncertainty clear. "I've seen the good and the bad among the dragon pairs. The idea of having a mate... it scares me. I can't let myself become vulnerable. And Malcolm... I have to kill him." Kiera huffs, her eyes reflecting understanding. "Ashina, what makes you think our mate won't offer support, instead of being a burden to you? He's our missing piece. We can't ignore that bond." As my wolf lays down in my dreams, I place my head on top of her fur, nestling into her warmth and closing my eyes. Heaven on earth, that's what this feels like, no doubt about it. But then there's someone nudging me, and I keep swatting away the hand. I heard the car door open and shut, and I realized my door had just opened. Ignoring Rector's attempts to wake me up, I remained snuggled into my wolf's comforting embrace. But Rector had other plans, as he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, then unceremoniously heaved me into a nearby pond. Breaking the surface of the water, I gasped for air, coughing up water. There's no way I won't m**m Rector now; I am dead serious at this point. With my hands continuously removing water that was dripping from my hair and entering my eyes, I yelled, “Rector, get your arse over here!” When Rector yelled back, "Nope! Those drippy eyes convey vengeance to me; I am not stupid. It is my pleasure to wait right here next to the Rover." “There is nothing I hate more than you, Rector!” I exclaimed, dragging myself out of the wet pond, feeling as though my clothes were glued to me and weighed a ton. And the look on Rector's face? It makes me growl! With pride, Rector smirks like a cat devouring a canary. Just wait till I get my hands on him! Rector doesn’t even get dry clothes for me. OOOH, I'm hating him right now. Upon reaching the Rover, I punched him hard in the arm. “That hurts! That hurt, Ashima." Gritting my teeth, I replied, “No, it did not, you big baby!” Taking my suitcase out of the back, I grabbed my clothing. Black jeans, a t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black knee-high boots complete the ensemble. There is a hidden pocket in my boots for a switch blade. A revolver is tucked away in my jacket. In order to keep my hair in a messy bun, I brush out my long black hair. Rector pulled over to the side of the road in the country before we met the King of the East, giving us time to wake up and prepare for our meeting. We are being followed by our men who are parked in a black SUV behind us. It is evident that they are snickering at the exchanges between Rector and me. I walked over to the SUV and threatened to cut off their balls if they continued to laugh. Immediately, they rolled up their windows and locked their doors. "COWARDS!" I screamed. I disliked the name Rector; it reminds me of a church building. As an infant, he was abandoned on the steps of a church where he was raised until he transformed into a wolf. In fear, he ran away as he did not know what was happening to him. A young lad was spotted by my grandfather, and instead of killing him for being a rogue, he took him under his wing. Rector was the nickname given to him by the people at the church. Rector informs me we are only twenty minutes away. Taking a look around the countryside, I can see trees for miles in all directions. It is a different viewpoint from that of growing up in the mountains. In the distance, I could see wolves running from their pack alongside us. While keeping a straight face, I maintain my composure. Our tinted windows ensure that they cannot see us, but a wolf's ability to see and hear exceeds that of any human. I really need to make sure I earn some respect here, and not come across as a giggling little girl. If I have to throw down with every Alpha to prove my worth, so be it. They don't even realize how powerful I am, having a mix of Alpha and even royal blood in my veins. We veered onto a dirt road on the left, and the warriors there signaled for us to follow it to their castle. Soon enough, we found ourselves surrounded by a pack of wolves, dutifully guarding our path. It's just how they roll, always keeping their pack safe. We had to take a right turn on the next road, steering clear of the human world in order to stay hidden. Fifteen minutes later, we took a left once more and, in the distance, I could see the castle. It was a stunning sight, elegant and regal, with white walls and gold accents, with grand Greek pillars flanking the entrance. The doors were guarded by majestic wolf statues perched on pedestals. As I stepped out of the vehicle, the unfamiliar sight of the castle before me left me in awe. The grandeur of the structure made me wonder if my own castle back home was undergoing a similar remodeling process. Rector hurried to grab our bags from the back of the vehicle, and as my warriors parked their SUVs, a regal figure descended the stairs with a grace that left me captivated. Her confident demeanor and elegant attire marked her as royalty. I couldn't help but smile as the woman approached, her aura exuding poise and warmth. "Greetings, Your Highness," I said, my heart racing. "I'm afraid we haven't brought any baked apple pies, and I'm unable to detect their aroma." Her disappointed expression tugged at my heart, and I longed to make amends for any unintentional oversight. Meanwhile, Rector grumbled about my excess luggage as he dragged it along. From the back of the vehicle, his voice rang out. "Ashina, why do I smell peppermint fudge? Are you hiding them?" I called him over, trying to divert his attention from the mysterious scent. As Rector approached, his gaze momentarily locked with that of our hostess. A realization dawned on me, and my heart sank as I understood the unspoken connection between them. They were mates, and I could sense the tension in the air. To make matters more complicated, my wolf companion, Kiera, grew restless, adding to my anxiety. Losing my beta had been hard enough, and now I feared the toll it would take on my sanity. I struggled to maintain composure as I navigated the emotional challenges that lay ahead.
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