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Ashina’s Perspective- I usually lead my army under cover of night, but this time, I was stunned to see how many new packs had joined us. It was a great honor to have so many young warriors willing to follow me. Our reputation as the Imperial Army had spread far and wide, and even some bear shifters showed an interest in joining our ranks. But with our presence now known to other species, I couldn’t shake the fear that Malcolm, our enemy, would become aware of us too. My first move was to find the King of the East and lure out Malcolm, who was falsely claiming to be the King of the West. It was crucial for Malcolm to confront me before innocent lives were lost in our battle against his oppressive rule. With over 200 warriors, we were too large to remain hidden. I decided to let them establish base camps near the eastern and western borders of the mountains. It was time for us to split up and become less visible, even if it meant traveling during the day. In our instructions to our warriors, Rector and I stated that they should patrol only at night and remain in the shadows. The use of light or fire should be limited to a minimum. It would be detrimental to our interests if Malcolm discovered our base camp and took us hostage. I must win this battle. My heart desires vengeance on my parents, my people, and myself for the life I had lost with my biological family. My people have suffered unjust bloodshed at the hands of that monster, and I desire retribution for them. For all that you have done, Malcolm, you will be destroyed by my wolf. I will cause you to die a slow death. We will then expose your remains to the buzzards for them to consume, and we will hold a party while we watch your flesh being torn from your bones. My promise to the moon goddess and to you is that I will protect her children and my people. Every night, there are men with me whose only purpose is to fire up my warriors, preparing them for the approaching time when we will avenge our people and reclaim our Kingdom. I refuse to let my male and female warriors lose hope, for without hope, we cannot seek justice. We must only allow determination and anger to fill our hearts as we prepare to defeat the evil beast, Malcolm. I have come to understand that both my mother and aunt were (were/witches). Though my witching abilities were never trained, I know they will be invaluable in this war. Margot plans to bring in more witches, and amidst all this chaos, I must find time to train myself in the arts of magic. Andor’s Perspective Meanwhile, Andor sits alone, wallowing in self-pity within the walls of the Eastern Kingdoms Castle. He reminisces about the day when his newfound mate rejected him at the tender age of eighteen. It was his birthday party, and as he watched, Minerva, the popular cheerleader for the football team, twirled and danced with her friends in the center of the dance floor, surrounded by some of the other football players. She never even glanced my way, even though we were in the same crowd. There's no doubt in my mind that it's because of the scars I have. One runs along the hairline on the side of my face, barely noticeable under my long hair, but it's always been a source of self-consciousness for me. There are also scars on my body from being whipped with silver wire dipped in wolfsbane. My sister and I have different mothers, and hers was my father's true mate. She was dear to him, and he loved her to the core of his being. After she died while fighting by his side in a war, he went insane and sought solace in other women. As my father emotionally disintegrated, his sister cared for my older sister. He slept with several women, including my mother, who became pregnant with me as a result. He didn't want anyone to know I was his son unless he was mated to the child's mother. So, my mother became his chosen mate, despite not being his first love. As a result, he hated me, even though I bore his name. Since my mother was only an omega, he believed I needed harsh training. If I didn't punch as hard as he liked, I would be punished, usually by a silver whip. I was subjected to this treatment from a very young age. Not a single day went by without him whipping me. As my sister grew to love my mother like her own, she started standing up to my father for both my mother and me. This only resulted in my father disciplining me even more, thinking I couldn't defend myself and that my sister had to step in like a she-wolf. It's important to note that I was only five years old at the time. At twelve years old, I saw my father raging in the open, his fists pummeling my mother. She was bleeding profusely, her skin barely visible through the blood. As my sister tried to protect her, he also lashed out at the child he claimed to love. As I made my way out, I snatched a gun and pointed it at the feral Alpha wolf facing me, swiftly putting an end to his life. Taking down a feral alpha is no easy feat, so using a weapon was essential. When I turned around, I was met with a large crowd kneeling before me. I was uncertain why the pack were kneeling, so I shouted, "STAND UP!" I needed my mother and sister to be taken to the pack doctor. The Royal guards immediately escorted them there. Thankfully, my sister survived, and her wounds healed well. But my mother didn't make it, passing away after a week in a coma. My sister had to pull me out of the tears, and explain that I had become the Alpha, as pack law states that whoever kills the current King/Alpha becomes the Alpha. As she explained, she would assist me with running the pack, and together we would be able to overcome this obstacle. During my time in junior high and high school, I attended during the day while my sister pursued night school online. Simply put, my sister instilled in me the essence of an Alpha. She made sacrifices, foregoing parties and hanging out with friends to search for her mate. I am forever thankful for her guidance, and when she finds her mate, he must treat her with respect or face the consequences. On my birthday night, I stepped onto the dance floor under the bright full moon, which cast a glow on my mate's fair skin. She exuded a captivating scent, like a blend of peppermint and chocolate. At eighteen, she stood by my side, and I felt honored to have her as my mate. But as I approached her, I saw in her eyes not love, but guilt. At that moment, I knew she would reject me. Minerva approached me with a solemn air and declared, "I, Minerva, daughter of Beta Wilson, reject you as my Alpha and mate." As I fell to the ground, the pain was unbearable, but I could not display weakness in front of my pack. Rising to my feet, I, Andor Alpha of the Shadow Crown Warriors Pack, accepted her rejection and banished her from our pack for her disrespectful manner. We allowed her twenty-four hours to leave and a week to renounce our pack and join another.
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