I Won't Forgive You

1012 Words

"Mr. Harris, I have already given Mrs. Harris an injection and proscribed some medicine. If the fever did not recurrent tonight, she will recover tomorrow." Robert felt that he had made a wasted trip. If it wasn't for Jerome's insistence, he wouldn't even give Selina an injection. Under Jerome's gaze, he braced himself to leave the instructions and left in the rain. Jerome heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Selina's complexion had become normal. He didn't forget what Robert said and took Selina's temperature once in half an hour. He would not have a good sleep tonight. At three o'clock in the morning, Selina's temperature went up a bit, which made Jerome alert. Fortunately, her temperature dropped again after half an hour. Jerome's mood went up and down like a roller coaster

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