From Now On

1134 Words

"Jerome, when will you let me go?" Selina looked at Jerome blankly. Jerome smiled at her mischievously and said, "When I'm tired of you, I'll let you go." Then, he handed the porridge to Selina, but it was already cold. "Eat it and be healthy. Only then will you have the strength to give me a child. Selina, remember, your life and death is up to me. Don't provoke me." Then, Jerome left the room. Selina's tears fell into the porridge. After a long time, she took a deep breath. She comforted herself, 'No matter how powerful Jerome is, he is still a human being rather than a god. He couldn't control everything. I will get my chance.' Selina believed she would find a way out. Before that, she could only endure. She should hold on for Maurice and for herself. Selina began to eat the po

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