
The Rejected Alpha's Secret Love


Sequel to The Intrusive Mate

Ivi Tash is a strong and independent Alpha she-wolf. Having lived among people for years, she acquired a taste for freedom. Therefore, when she gets the opportunity to return to the world to which she belongs, she quickly finds a way to get rid of her father's pack, so that she is not under the constant watch of her brothers.

Gideon is one of the best Alpha warriors in the werewolf community. With royal blood, his strength and power set his pack among the best-developed ones. Having the luck to meet his destined mate, he thought he had it all. But after a vampire attack, his world turns upside down. Filled with hatred and bitterness, he reluctantly agrees to accept into his pack the extremely irritating wit, who doesn't take hints and is not moved by the fact that she's unwanted. But he has a plan. To postpone her acceptance in his pack until the vampire Muse does give up.

They both think that the problems with the vampires are behind them since their biggest enemy is dead. But danger lurks everywhere, have they won the wrath of a new enemy?

Sequel to The Intrusive Mate

Cover made by Yozora Hikari

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Unwanted guest
Ivi It's been two months since I came here and he still wouldn't allow my acceptance ceremony to take place. I was leaning against the outside wall of the pack house, staring at the small building at the other end of the headquarters, waiting for the doors to open and another accepted unknown wolf to emerge as a full member of the pack. Technically, I was still a member of the Darkmoon pack and will remain as one till my acceptance ceremony finally happens. But I wasn't sure when that would be or If, for that matter. I was starting to lose hope. It was not easy to change a pack. Everyone was taking it seriously because you must be loyal to your pack and you had to have a good reason to change it. The only thing I can think of was being banished out of yours, your pack being attacked and therefore you losing it, or just following your destined mate. No one would take my reason seriously though - that I don't want to be under the care of my brothers. So I thought Gideon would be my ticket out since he was a good friend of Mason. But nooo. That dude was a pain in the ass. I didn't know what his problem was, but he kept accepting wolf after wolf, he had a problem just with me. I frowned when the doors were finally open and two males got out. Loren came and shook their hands, greeting them, no doubt. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't know when she had walked the entire distance to me. I didn't hear her loud laughter either. But when I heard her voice from so close, I jumped. "If you could see your face. Stop frowning so bad, you'll scare our new members. It's good Alpha's gone, or he may evaporate under your gaze." I looked at her bewildered. "Where is he again?!" Chuckling, she hugged me by the shoulders, directing me to the entrance of the dining room. "Not that he's not busy but I'm pretty sure he keeps making excuses to travel around. Maybe he's hoping you'll give up?" "Well, If he's hoping that someday he'll return and I won't be here, he wishes..." She started to laugh again and I smiled involuntarily. I loved her. It would be so great to stay here and be around my friend. Not that I didn't like the Darkmoon pack, but somehow I felt like my place wasn't there. I loved my brothers, their mates, and especially my nieces, but I needed to find a place where I would feel at home. And where I won't be overly protected. I needed my freedom. I didn't miss my life among people but I cherished my freedom. Life there was good because of it. Right now, my brother's pack was busy. They had to start all over again after Zyier's second attack. They had buildings to rebuild, income to earn, and they had to attract new members so that the pack number could rise again and not be as vulnerable as they are now. I knew that pig Gideon was helping them and It was annoying how I couldn't feel completely untouched and hateful toward him because of that help. He would send some of the rogues, who want to be part of a pack, to my brother. He had sent some of his warriors and some omegas to help them with their daily work. He could be nice when he wants. Too bad he doesn't have a desire to be nice to me. And what was I doing here? Absolutely nothing. The jerk told me he can't sign me to work because I wasn't a member of his pack. So I just had to sit around, doing nothing, waiting for him to stop with his torture. If It wasn't for my wolf Emery, my brain would have stopped functioning. It was that boring. I'm not used to being out of work, so I tried to turn this unwanted free time into something useful and tried to leave Emery free to run as much as I could. While I was among the people, I couldn't do it often. In fact, I hardly did, and I had almost lost touch with her. A good relationship with the wolf was a guarantee of good health and strength. And I could see the difference now. Not only could I take my wolf form without any problems, but I could feel her and talk to her now. She resurfaced. Before that, every time I had to turn, I was afraid it wouldn't happen or it would be for the last time. We started having breakfast. Weeks ago I would've just drunk a coffee but Emery was obviously a beast that needed food from dawn to dusk. Haha, yeah. You want me to be a beast. That won't happen with just a coffee, right? I rolled my eyes but my lips twisted into a smile. "You're doing it again." Loren chuckled with her mouth full. "What?" "Not being able to hide that you're interacting with your wolf." I looked at Pears who was sitting against me and he looked like he was barely keeping from bursting out in laughter. My cheeks started to burn. Big deal. It is... I stopped answering Emery, feeling my face frowning at her lack of shame and I blushed again while Pears and Loren laughed loudly. "You guys!" I whispered, looking around the room and sighing with relief when I saw nobody was watching us. A commotion outside caught my eye and I got up and went to the window to see what was happening. The prick was coming home. I turned to Loren. "Why is he returning?" She focused, apparently mind-linking him. "Some of the other packs complain of vampire presence." I left my breakfast and went outside. My mouth slightly opened when I saw he was naked to the waist again. Unaware of what I was doing, I eyed him from head to toes. I approached slowly, waiting for the pack members to finish their greetings, and then bit him. "Is it Shirtless day again, Alpha?" He turned to me and his eyes read despair as he saw me standing next to him. Without uttering a word, he confidently walked to the pack house. I smiled. At least there was no sign of his good mood now. As unpleasant as it was to talk to him, I had to put the cards on the table. I couldn't go on like this. I would either kill myself or kill him. I walked into the building and saw him talking to Loren, laughing, and then sitting down to breakfast. I entered the hall and sat back in my seat. If I had to, I would wait for him all morning, but I would get answers to my questions. He ate a considerable amount of food, talked to everyone at the table while I waited patiently. When he finally stood up and left, I quickly got up behind him and touched his arm. Some burning sensation surprised me and for a moment I looked into his eyes confused. He raised his eyebrows mockingly when I continued to stare at him like a fool, and that brought me out of my trance. "We need to talk, Alpha." He nodded and I followed him to his office room. We sat down and he looked at me expectedly. "For a reason, which I don't understand, you're still postponing my admission to your pack. I'm not going to ask you why, although I'm curious. I just want to know how long we're going to play this game." He raised his eyebrows, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. His face remained serious though. "What game?" I sighed deeply. "Your game. The game where you know that I'm waiting for an acceptance ceremony, spending my last money, staying without a job and you keeping going somewhere." He straightened his back, gathering some documents on a pile. Then he looked at me again. "Oh, that game." We kept looking at each other silently, like a strange competition between our eyes was happening. No one looked away though. "Since we're going to be direct, you know very well I don't want you here." "But wh..." "Doesn't matter why does it? I'm the Alpha and If I say no, then it's a no." "Then why haven't you chased me already?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you serious? I tried. But apparently you won't leave on your own." He brushed his hair nervously. "Look, you know why I'm giving you the slightest attention? Because you're the little sister of my best friend. Other than that you're just a pain in my ass. Why don't you leave me alone?" "I need a favor. Just someone who could give me a hand and…" "Not gonna happen." I tried to fight my disappointment, anxiously searching for a solution. "That's it." He looked at the door behind me that flew open in seconds. "Send Miss Tash out. She's leaving today." Then he looked at me with determination."I should have sent you earlier. It's not like you don't have where to go. Your brother will be happy to have you back." "I won't go there." I spilled the words before my brain could catch up with my mind. He eyed me suspiciously. "I won't go back. I'll go to the forest and I'll probably end in the paws of some rogue." My dramatic voice kept laying out the words and I could almost see Emery rolling her eyes. Before Gideon could say something, his face went rigid and I could tell that someone had mind-linked him. "Bennett, take Miss Tash to her room." And he quickly walked out. I mind-linked Loren. Hey, what is happening? They found a group of rogues near our borders. Oh. Not oh. They're all dead, except one. But he doesn't smell like a rogue, not even like someone's pack member. Then? How is it possible? You're either part of a pack or you're a rogue. That's why they need Gideon. Stay at home, baby girl. We're not sure If it's safe out there. ....... Dear Readers, I hope you'll like the beginning of Ivi and Gideon's story. The book is still not finished. I have a couple of chapters left and I'll try to write them by the end of the month. The updates will start automatically on January the 1st. Happy holidays!

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