Chapter 21

813 Words

Ricardo I hated tardiness, it was one thing Pa would say didn't make me a Mexican. If I had to wait on someone I would complain they weren't on time. "Hijo, you're Mexican. Act like it," He would say while I would wince about the time. I'd been sitting here in the hotel bar, as nice as it was, for the last thirty minutes and I'd flown a long way for this meeting. I didn't expect to be kept waiting. I didn't even know who I was waiting for. She knew who I was because I had a white rose in my lapel pocket. I felt as if I was on some cheap blind date, the typical bar setting, sipping on a glass of wine, even though it was a little early in the day for drinking it. With the sea breeze and the atmosphere, I couldn't help but indulge myself in the beauty of it all. I even gave Juan some time

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