Chapter 5

1395 Words

Chapter Five Newland leans back in her seat, her arms folded despite the handcuffs. "I don't know why I'm here," she repeats for the sixth time. "Why don't we refresh your memory then, Ms Newland," Elias says, pulling a set of photos out of the folder he showed me over coffee. He lays them out on the table between us and pushes them across to the woman in question. "This is your victim, Zana Clarke." He points to a blonde girl smiling happily up at us. The happiness is gone from her face in the next photo, replaced by a vacant expression covered in blood. "And this is what you did to her." I study the woman as I wait for her to deny that she had anything to do with it at all. Elias prepared me for her to say all that. "You have no proof it was me," she says, right on cue. At least

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