Chapter 4

1251 Words

Chapter Four I pace back and forth, trying not to let the frustration eat at me too much. "Sit down, Harper," Elias instructs. "How can I sit down? I chased after that woman and because of that, the person we were supposed to arrest got away." My voice cracks, even when I don't want it to, betraying more about my emotions than I really want known. "Harper," he says sternly. "Sit down." I sigh and slump into the chair behind the desk I've now learned is my own. "Look at me, please?" I brace myself for the anger I know will be in his eyes and turn to face him. To my surprise, his gaze is full of compassion and understanding, though I don't get why when I just royally messed up the first time I went out on a mission. "This is a good lesson to learn," he says calmly. "Though I wish it

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