Chapter 6 (No prisoners )

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Edward (Pov)   This is hell to me man, how can it be easy for her, I want to be close to her and hold her and kiss her sweet lips , and yet she seems unaffected", Edward say to his best friend and second in command Victor. "You are to eager Edward, she is a wolf remember and I think they take longer and I mean really you are not the warmest of people" ,he laughs at his own joke. "You are not funny Victor , she is my mate and yes she is a wolf ,but we can make it work can't we?", Edward say feeling a bit helpless and unsure , so he looks to Victor . "Come its time for breakfast and I need to see her", so the two vampires hurry down to the dinning hall but it is simply to quiet and no sign of Morgan.  "Where is Queen Morgan?" ,Edward ask irritated and worried, maybe she ran," My apologies King the Queen is still in her room, so we did not want to wake her, her handmaiden Dina said she is fine", the lady of the hous say. "Fine then I will go get her she must eat with me". "Just be gentle my King, remember she was kept captive , so she might be scared!", Victor shouts to Edward as he runs in super inhuman speed to her room. He knocks and soon he hear her angel voice that he misses so. "Yes you may enter", Morgan say and so he opens the door. "Good morning Morgan, are you sick?". She frowns at his forwardness. "No why , do I seem sick"?. "No it's just you were not at breakfast so I was worried". She looks to a smiling Dina, then to him. "I am not sick, I just thought I will get my breakfast in my room". "O ok do you want it in here, why not with me in the dinning hall then, if you are still afraid..." but before he can finish she stands up walking to him. "No Edward it's not that, I , I was just used to get my food in my room", she says and he gets what she says and feels like a i***t for forgetting this.  "You never have to be afraid , you are free to come out of your room Morgan and go where you please the only thing is if you go of the grounds you can take some of my guards to keep you save, but other then that you can and may come and go as you please, this is not another prison for you , this is your home now as it is mine and your friend Dina", Edward say wanting to take her hand ,but she retreats again at least she smiles looking relieved. "Thank you Edward that is very kind of you", she says and it warms his  cold heart to know she feels better. "So will you join me then ?". "Sure I would love to". So the two make their way to the dining hall and once again Morgan feels over the moon at seeing this place, it is so interesting and strange at the same time. "You don't like the castle do you?", Edward ask her as they come to a stand still before they turn in to the  dining room. "O no it is not that, I just find it a bit strange and  I must say it is much prettier as that compound". "Good that is a relief, now come get something to eat". He says and they go to sit where Victor and one or two of the Elders already sit and Morgan finds it weird to see vampires around a table, she thought they only drink blood. " I see our King did not scare you to much my Queen" ,Victor says smiling to Morgan and then at Edward. "If you do not keep quiet I might scare you Victor,", Edward say to Victor while looking to Morgan, "Don't mind my dear friend Victor, he sometimes talk without thinking", But Morgan laughs for the very first time in his presence which makes him very happy to see.  "Well then I think I will get along nicely with him, it happens to me as well, always getting into trouble", Morgan shyly say back and Victor bows to her. "I like her My King, it seems you have met your match", Victor shamelessly say. The table had fruit and croutons, yogurts and cereal and her favorite pancakes , she took two pancakes and added some syrup to them and while doing this some of the syrup runs down her hand and palm, Morgan doesn't really see it ,but Edward does and he is so enchanted by it he looks at her in wonder and amazement, what has this wolf done to him. He could not take it anymore so he reached for her hand taking it in his putting the syrup aside which by the way he decided will be on this table every damn day as long as he get to watch her pour it , so she looks to him frowning in what he might want to do with her hand then she sees the syrup dripping now  also onto his hand then he leans in to her hand, it's as soft as silk and as white as snow that falls in winter yet it is so fragile yet alluring , so he move his lips and softly not to harm her he licks the syrup from her hand and palm , his mouth is a plesuere cove and the lust overflows in his cold heart , Morgan seems very affected by this act and simply don't want to take her hand from him, his lips are cold but this heat resides in them as if just for her, the feeling of him touching her so intimately makes her heart go into overdrive,now she wonders what it will feel like to have him kiss her and on to her lips as he is doing to her hand. Soon he looked up with lust and desire in his eyes and Morgan is so shy she simply take her hand from him , "Thank you Edward, I did not see I was dripping ", She says feeling her cheeks getting all warm and most propobily red now. He makes her feel so alive all the time and save to, something she never felt before. "No need to thank me or apologize , I would love to do it again, I mean if it happened again, you dripping that is", he corrects himself seeing the other vampires only smile as they tend to whatever they are having . "May I ask a question?" ,Morgan ask  diverting this heated combertation and they all look to Edward as if they want to know badly too what she wants to know, so he shakes his head agreeing to her. "Seeing you are vampires, do you only drink blood ? or, what I mean is I see you eat as I do" ,she says and they all smile at her innosense . "We are indeed vampires and yes we do drink blood , but only that of animals which we also eat and yes we tend to have food like you if we should need it, we have come a long way since the dark ages Morgan and you will also know we are only monsters when we need to be other then that we try to be good". Edward say and this makes her like him even more , now seeing why he bares the name King so well. "Thank you , that is good to know then". So they all laugh and eat . After breakfast Edward asked Morgan if he could show her around his castle and she agreed. They walked around and in a bit darker hallway there was a big door and so Edward walked her near telling her to open the door ,Morgan was not very happy wondering what he was up to but then as she opened the door she was overcome with adoration , it was big and bold but priceless, she stepped in as she could not stop herself from moaning to herself as she touched all the books she could get to, it was a library full of wonderful books and it felt like she was indeed in heaven. "This is marvelous Edward, you are so lucky". He smiles and goes to sit on one of the chairs by the window. "Thank you and yes I am very, so do you like it?", he says still smirking and so she looks to him. "Yes I do it is simply heaven". "Then it is yours ". She looks to him frowning and smiling at the same time clapping her hands together as a child on its birthday. "Are you joking with me King?". Morgan say and he shakes no. "I will not joke with you, this is yours now and as long as you want it and besides you are my Queen Morgan, my true mate and what is mine is now yours to, and you are right this is like heaven and to me you are the angel in it". Morgan is so surprised she has no words only this feeling in her to kiss this man she felt afraid of but came to like a bit more. She walks to him and takes the leap of faith, she lands a soft kiss on his cheek , then looks him in the eyes. "Thank you , this means the world to me". This was the first time she felt alive again and knew she could be happy here with him and he well he was so over the moon he simply smiles and vowed then and there to always make her happy like this  and never wash his face again after her kissing him, now he knew she would be his one day,he would make sure of it... 
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