Chapter 30

1139 Words

Jon and I stood up and straightened up my clothes, trying not to look guilty. I was worried Carrie was going to be mad that I had snuck out here to be with Jon but, if anything, she seemed amused.  "Lacey, get your ass back in here. You need some sleep!" She laughed. "Jon, go sniff around somewhere else." I giggled.  "Give me a minute to say goodbye." I said, still chuckling.   "Fine." She said, closing the backdoor.  "I guess I will see you tomorrow?" He said. I felt annoyed. All I wanted was a minute alone with Jon and even that got spoiled. I started to pout. "You're pretty cute when you're irritated." Jon joked. I giggled.  "We will see if you still feel that way when you're the one who irritated me." I said. Jon laughed and gave me a quick kiss.  "I have and you still are." He s

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