Chapter 43

998 Words

I wanted to move. I wanted to scream, to run away and hide but I couldn't budge.  My eyes were locked on the wolf charging towards me. His fangs were bared. At least it would be quick, I thought. This powerful animal could kill me in an instant and that was exactly what he intended to do. I started to back away as he got close to the house. At this point, running wouldn't help (not that it ever would have). He would easily catch me and hiding was pointless. He would sniff me out. I closed my eyes as he reached the porch and jumped. This was it. Jon was still trying to catch up. He wasn't going to make it. I was going to die.  I heard a thud and a frantic scurrying and opened my eyes to see the gray and black wolf desperately struggling to get up the stairs of the porch. He must have tripp

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