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Mackenzie's P.O.V. I felt my arm stinging, I realize the cloth from my eyes have been taken off. "Don't move." I heard a voice and of f*****g course it's him again, sitting beside me while I was laying down on the bed, looking down. I turned left to see his face. he was slowly rubbing the blood off from the cut on my arm which he made himself last night. "What are you doing?" I quietly asked without looking up at him, cause it kind of made me feel more terrified. "Can't you see?" He asked while I was observing my position, just without a white sheet, nothing is covering me. "But why?" "Don't ask much question." He ordered me as he looked at me but I took my eyes back from his, I, I just don't want to make any eye contact with him. He applied some spirit liquor over the place as I close my eyes and squeeze the sheet with my other hand. Then I saw his hand reaching to the first aid box on the table and grabbing a bandage before slightly putting it on the cut. "Can you sit up?" He asked as I nod. I can't just disobey him, who knows what he does to me? I tried to move my body but for the incident of last night, my every single organs were hurting. He never beat me up so badly like he did last night, those moments were- terrible. He helped me to get up and leaned my body against the head board while I kept my eyes closed. "Put em up." I looked back as I saw him passing me my bra and I took them with my shaking hands, actually my whole body was shaking. I slowly start putting it on as my eyesight was downwards, but still I could understand he was looking at me. I clasp my bra and he handed me over my underwear as I also take it and put it on from under the sheets. "It may sting. But don't scream much." He said as he took my left hand and started applying liquor on my wrist which had dark red stain marks, probably happened for the rope was tied so tightly. Every single time the cotton rubbed the place, the more it burnt. But I helped myself not to even let a voice out as I kept my eyes squeezed close and the other hand kept scuffing against the sheets. He bandaged my whole wrist and I opened my eyes back. "Give me your other hand." He says as he looks up at me. I lend him the other one as he started to doing the same to it "M-Mr. Orlando?" I quietly call him without looking at him. "Hmm?" "Why are you doing this?" I ask, more silently as my mind was just filled with this question. "Shouldn't I?" He ties the bandage as I take my hand back and looks at me. "Um, I mean. Last night- you, you-" I started mumbling and tucked my hair strands behind. "No, I just came to give you food and saw that you actually have a lot cuts and bruises so I just thought to help. That's all." He says as I nod. Who was the one who gave me these cuts? He slowly takes the sheets off, revealing more marks on my thighs and legs. "I maybe hurt you a lot last night." He says as he softly rubs his fingers on a bruise over my right thigh as he was looking down. I nod my head again. He stayed silent while I saw his hands applying medicine on each place one after another and I kept bearing the pain which actually occurs when your cuts are being touched by alcohol. "Why? Why are you doing this?" I again ask after collecting some guts and look at him. "Is it bothering you?" He replies with his glance down on my thigh. "No, it's just- first of all you hurt me and now you're helping me out. What do you want?" I smoothly let the words slip out of my tongue. "There's no fun at having s*x with a girl who is this much weak." He quietly laughs as he looks up and our eye contacts, making my heart skip a beat. "You're just doing it for s*x?" I confusingly ask without taking my eyes back, it's like my eyes just don't want to take off from those pair of emerald green, hazel eyes. "Maybe." He shrugs. "Or maybe not." "Why 'Maybe not'?" "There's reasons girl." He stands up as he makes his way to the closet. "And it would be better if you don't get to know what are they." "Why can't I get to know them? You've captured me here. The only thing I know the reason for that is my Dad killed your parents where I know that he won't ever do it. But if you captured me then why did you buy me? Do you buy your captives? And if you even make someone your captive, do you just rape her and beat her up who is this much younger than you? Think about it, I'm eighteen. And you-" I stop. What is his age? "Twenty four." He closes the closet and comes to me with a grey oversized sweatshirt in his hands. "Twenty four?" I surprisingly ask. "Yeah. Why, did you expect I'll be less?" He sits back. "No, I thought you're much older." "Why?" "Cause you're tall and, and um muscled that's why?" I quietly mumble as he gives me the sweatshirt. "Wear it. And it'll be great if you don't wear any pants cause your waist has a cut for which it will hurt." I take it while nodding as I slip myself through it and tuck my hair behind. "Now, answer!" "What?" "Why can't I get to know the whole story?" "Cause you're a kid. You won't understand." "That's the point! I'm a kid. I mean, so much younger than you. It means you shouldn't actually physically torture me." I split. "Enough grown up to do these things. I was saying that you won't understand the reason why I brought you here." "But-" "Now stop your nonsense and eat your food." He interrupts me as he reaches to the table and I turn left, realizing that there was a bowl and a glass of orange juice from the first. "Finish it up." He hands me over the bowl filled with Mac and Cheese and my stomach growls. Really, I didn't have anything for like a day or more. "Won't you eat?" I ask. It's not like I have a damn care if he eats or not, it's just I'm feeling a bit uneasy to eat alone. "I had breakfast, also lunch." He says as I look at the time, it's already two and a quarter? I don't expand the conversion as I start filling my mouth with all the food. But it was feeling a bit weird cause he was looking at me while resting his elbow on his knee and head against his hand. I chew on the food as I swallow it while looking at him. "Do you live alone?" I suddenly ask to remove the awkward situation. "Um yeah." "You were talking about your sister last night. You also have a sister?" "Correction, I have three sisters." He chuckled. "Three?" I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah. One of them are younger than me and the others are older." "None of them stays with you?" "Actually my younger sister came from Chicago yesterday but as she is out of house right now, I'm here, with you." He says as I mouth a 'oh' before putting the last amount of food in my mouth. He grabs the bowl and keeps it back as he gives me the juice and I swiftly let it go down on my throat. "Seems you were really hungry." He asks as I hand him over the empty glass. "Starve for a day and you'll understand how it feels." "Wait." I call him as he was about to stand up. "How am I here?" "You wanna know?" He raises his eyebrows as I heavily nod. "You were sold out." "But you said that my Dad killed your parents for why you've captured me." "Or you can say it's both." "What?" I confusingly ask. "And what do you mean by 'sold out'?" "I bought you, as a submissive." "As a what?" I furrow my eyebrows. "A modest, s*x slave." He says as my eyes go widen. "What?" "Yeah. Just you're not hot enough to be bought in exchange of three million dollars." "Then why did you even buy me?" "Cause your Dad." "If I'm not hot, then-" "Why do I have s*x with you?" He cuts me off. "Yeah. Why?" "Do you think you're the girl alive in the whole world whom I only have s*x?" He says, making me understand what kind of guy he is. "Did my Dad really kill your parents? He won't ever do it." "He did. It's true." "Won't you ever let me go?" "Not until I find some strong proof that he was the one who killed my Mom and Dad. Then when he'll be in jail, I don't need you anymore." He shrugs. "You're planning on to send my Dad to jail?" I shout. "Of course. A murderer deserves it. And I won't rest until I take my revenge." He taps his index finger on my temple before letting the words get out. "So, the main reason I'm here is, my Dad." "Yes honey." "I'm sure my Dad's looking for me." I say as he starts laughing quietly."Or you haven't left any chance by which the police could actually get you?" "I thought you didn't but really, you do have brains." He says as I stay silent. I know my Dad won't ever do it. This guy has some other motives, I'm sure. But what can I do? I'm helpless. He doesn't give a damn chance for me to get out. Why would he even give me? "Now be a good girl and stay by your own." He tucks my hair behind before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on my lips, making my whole body be in fire. He pulls out but I lean in and make our lips match again before I get back. "What am I gonna do alone?" I ask. I really become bored as hell for he even took my phone, neither there is a TV. "I don't know. It's your matter." He stands up as he takes the empty glass and bowl in his hand and says nothing before getting out, again locking me in. I lie down and look up at the ceiling as I slowly take my index finger on my lips and smile at the moment what happened just a few seconds back. Did he really only put bandages on my body cause he didn't want me to be weak to have s*x or, he really wanted me to recover. Wait, what happened to you? Stop thinking about him. He kidnapped you, raped you, tortured you. How much more will you suffer? Just stop thinking about this nonsense and make a plan how to get out. _ _ _ Johnny's P.O.V. The bell ringing snaps me out of my thought and I take my glance out from my laptop. I could've wait for someone else to come but just went to the door for myself and opened it, revealing someone's face I don't wanna see right now at this very moment. "What do you want?" I spurt before Shawn can say anything. "Actually I'm here for Lauren." "Yeah, I know. You're of course here for Lauren, but why?" "I'm here to take her on a dinner." "Well, she's not home." I lie cause she got back like a couple of hours ago. "I know she is. I talked to her on phone just a minute ago." He raises his eyebrows. "John? Is Shawn here?" I hear Lauren's voice as I turn back. "Oh, hey." She smiles as she looks and goes to him as they give each other a hug. "Laur? Where are you going?" I cross my arms. "Um, at dinner." She looks at me. I roll my eyes. "Be on time." I say before they could get on car and leave. I slam the door while I'm so much pissed off over that Mendes. Lauren was never like this before. She used to listen to me, but now she's changing. I wish I could just kill that guy. _ _ _ "Hey." I slowly swing the door open as a smile playing on my face, revealing Mackenzie sitting on the bed as she was going through some magazines. "Um, hi?" She keeps it back as I go in and close the door before keeping the plate on the table. "I brought you dinner." I slowly sit on the bed. "Why?" "Why not?" I laugh. "No, yesterday you didn't even give me a bit food and now all of a sudden, two meals at a day?" "Yeah, so?" I take the plate of pasta before handing over to her. "You ate right?" "I did." I reply as she takes it from my hand. She starts eating while I keep looking at her, making sure she finishes it up all. I don't know but from when she talked about that drug thing, it's all over my head and now I just tried it out. This drug which I have started to mix up in her food, it will make gonna do whatever I say. "What happened?" She asks as she notices me staring at her. "Nothing. You like it?" "Yeah. Thanks. I mean what you did today. I'm really grateful for this." She smiles. "I think I actually was the one who did it to you, last night." I quietly say as she doesn't reply. If I didn't help her, her health could've been much worse and I of course won't want it. Cause only by her, I can get access to the proofs of her Dad killing my parents. I can make Kurt split it out. I have to start going easy on her also. If I keep raping and beating her night by night, she'll try to escape, which will be not good for me. And it's also a plus point that which I'm drug I'm giving her, it will slowly make her lure towards the person whom she founds is caring and loving. So, she'll be addicted to me if I be the person, very soon. "You did." She snaps me out of my thoughts. "Okay, let's just forget about it. You wanna have something else?" I ask. "No, I'm full." She says as she keeps the plate on the table. "I mean, you wanna grab a drink or something?" "Um, I'm still illegal." "But I thought you were drunk when we first met." I raise my eyebrows. "Oh, well, actually, I was at a party and just you know? Got drunk that's all." "No problem. You can drink. It's fine." I stand up and get out of the room, not forgetting to lock it. I skip the stairs down but before I go to the bar, I sit back on the couch and make a call to Lauren as it's almost midnight and she's not back yet. I tried her number more before but she didn't pick up. Neither she did it now. I rested my head beside. I don't have a little bit trust over Shawn. Who knows what kind if guy is he? What if he's not right for her? I let out every thought of my head and go back to Mackenzie's room before grabbing a bottle of red wine from the bar. "Do you think I really should-" "I said it's fine. Don't worry." I cut her off as I pour the liquor in her glass and give it to her. "Okay." She quietly mumbles after staring at the glass for like a few seconds and taking it in her hand. "I'm sorry." I say as she takes a sip. "Why?" "Cause what I did to you." I slowly move my finger rounded over my glass as I looked at her. "I-It's fine." She silently says as she again takes a sip. "I won't hurt you again." I slowly keep my hand on hers. "I promise." Maybe I really would be a good actor. "Y-You do?" She asks. "Yeah." I lean in as I softly kiss on her temple. "Just you have to promise me one thing." "What?" "You will listen to me." I say as she stays silent and I kept waiting for her to answer while I take a sip from my wine. "Can't I ever meet my Dad again?" "You can. But not now." I say as she nods. "All right. I promise." She says as I smile. Darling, you just don't know whom you've gotten yourself into. I don't think I can actually keep this promise of mine. But I will definitely keep this one, I promise you, I will of course make you suffer. Even if it's physically or mentally. "Hope you'll keep it." I say as I take the bottle and pour more in her glass. "I don't break my promises." She says as she takes sip after one another. "I also don't." I say quietly. "Do you think it's good to drink this much?" She asks as she pours in herself this time. "Maybe it's not. You're still under aged." "Then should I stop?" She takes her glass down from her mouth. "Your wish." I smile as I get close to her and slowly tuck her hair behind while I keep the glass from my hand back. "Do you know one thing?" She says as she was looking at me. "You have beautiful eyes. I close my eyes and lean in as I kiss on her lips and she also leaned back in. "Maybe. I do." I softly reply as she kept staring at me. She didn't let a word out after keeping her glass on the table and pulled me closer as she kept her hands on my neck and kissed my lips fevereshly. I slowly placed my hands on her back as she sat on her knees and trailed her lips to my jaw and I felt her hands rushing down to my shirt and she started unbuttoning them. "Wait, wait." I push her back as she becomes a bit unprepared. "We can't do it. Tonight." I say as I make her sit down. "B-But why?" "Look." I tuck her hair behind. "Your haven't recovered yet and I don't think it will be good if we have s*x tonight." "I don't think I actually had it with you anytime." She quietly mumbles while looking down. "Why?" I confusingly ask but then realize what she's talking about. "Yeah, I know every time we had s*x, you didn't want to. But tonight we can't. It's for your own good." I continue. "Not every time." "Except once. First time we had right?" I chuckle and she nods. Maybe she's literally drunk or the drugs have started to do its work- maybe both. "So, sleep now all right?" I kiss her again and stand up. "Maybe you shou-" "Mr. Orlando?" She interrupts me. "Yeah?" "Will you stay with me?" "Why? Are you afraid?" "N-No, it's just, like..." she starts mumbling. "Okay, it's fine." I go and turn off the lights as she slips herself under the sheets. I lie down as she places her head on my chest and tied her arms around my body while I keep my hand on her back. "Frances?" I call her as she looks up at me. "Is your body still hurting?" "A bit." "Don't worry it'll get better soon." I reply before kissing her temple as she gets back. "Why do you call me Frances?" "Isn't it your middle name?" "But not nickname." "I like the name Frances." "And Mackenzie?" "It's also good but I prefer that one more. Why, is there any problem if I call you by that name?" "No, why would I? It's eventually my name." She says as I keep silent. "Are you afraid of me?" I ask after a few minutes. "Sometimes I am. And sometimes not." "Are you now?" "No." She replied. "Maybe, now, I'm feeling better than anytime." So, the drug is eventually working. "Why are you feeling better?" I ask as I run my fingers through her hair. "I-I don't know. I'm just feeling good. Now." I keep my chin on her head as she wraps her hands tighter. I'm sorry baby girl, but, I'm not that much of a gentleman you're thinking I can be.
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