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Lauren's P.O.V. From Shawn: Night hun To Shawn: Good night I text back as I close my phone and get down from my bed after removing the sheets which had covered up my body. Today, I really had a big argument with John when I came back home. How? I mean how can he not like Shawn? Johnny is just too much excessive. Shawn is not like any other random guy. He cares for me and also loves me a lot. And I don't only know it, I believe it. He's always there for me, always stays around. Shawn is really one of a kind. Johnny can't just see it. How can he also? He always listens to himself, never tries to understand me. I walk outside as I skip the stairs down and go to the kitchen. It's almost midnight as a result the whole house is silent and lights are turned off. I turn on the kitchen's light as I grab a carton of milk from the fridge and close the door. As I was about to pour it in a glass, a sound hits me. Is it John? But he must be asleep right? I keep the packet on the counter as I slowly walk to the stairs and go up. I trace the sound and realize that it was coming from a little far away from my room, at a corner. "Um, John?" I become confuse as I see him walking out from there while there was bit moon light passing through. "Lauren? You still didn't sleep yet?" He rose an eyebrow. "I will. But what are you doing here at night?" "It's my house, I can have some work right? Don't worry, just go to sleep." He says as he pasts me and I notice him going to his room, shutting the door close. I turn back to the corner and go a little bit forward, there was just a door. He has tons of rooms in his house and I don't even know how much and what does he even do with them. I keep my hand on the door knob blank minded and try to open it, realizing it's locked. Johnny always keeps all of the rooms locked which are of no use. Maybe there's nothing also here and what can there be even? I take the thought off my mind and turn back to go back but I heard a sound, realizing that it's the sound of the lights going on. I look down, mild yellow light could be seen. Wasn't the light off till now? What does it- My mind was playing with thoughts that I actually should knock the door, but maybe John can hear it. Wait, but why any one would be here? If someone was staying back at house, John would eventually tell me that. Still, how did the lights go on? Maybe there is someon- "Lauren? You still didn't go?" I suddenly hear a voice as my heart skips a beat and I turn back, Johnny is standing there with his narrowed eyes. "Yeah, um, well.." I tuck my hair behind while mumbling. "You should go to sleep." He says as I don't reply and rush to my room, closing my door. _ _ _ "I'm going to Darian's today." I say as I let out a yawn and pull a chair, letting myself sit. "Your wish." Johnny says as he takes a sip from his coffee while his eyesight was on the phone screen while his thumb was scrolling down on it. "What would you like to have miss?" I look up as I see the cook standing beside. "Um, bacons? And green tea." I say with a smile and she goes back. I look at Johnny. Should I ask him about last night? "What happened?" He says as he gives me his glance from the corner of his eyes. "Nothing. Are you staying home today?" I ask as he locks his phone. "No I have to go to office. Why? Do you want me to stay back?" "No, I'm gonna leave after breakfast. What are you gonna do at home if I'm not home." I say as he nods. "Lauren, you didn't actually tell me how long you're here. I mean, when do you need to go back to Chicago?" "A month." I reply. "Can't you somehow stay here at Toronto? We three are here, why go to Chicago alone?" "I do. I have my job there John. I just can't leave it." "I'm not asking you to leave your job. I'm just saying you can keep your art work going in Toronto also right?" "But Chicago is much more better for artists and painters than Toronto." I say as he looks down on his phone again. "I get it." He quietly mumbles. "You know Johnny? I'm thinking I'd rather move on to Paris." "Paris?" He raises his eyebrows. "Paris is a much better place. So I'm thinking after I finish my course which I'm doing now over painting, I'll move on to Paris." I say as he listens. "First finish it. Then you can decide." He says while standing up and taking his blazer from the chair. "Okay." I lightly nod. "Bye." He walks to the door after sliding his phone in his pocket. I notice him going out of the house and get up as I walk to the window, making sure he drives off. "Miss Orlando?" I hear a voice and turn back. "Your breakfast." "Um, yeah. Thank you. I'll have it after sometime." I say as she smiles and goes back. I again look through the window, yeah he's gone. I break the stairs up and quickly go to Johnny's room. Last night, I thought about it a lot. There must be someone in that room. I also noticed him peeking in there before. And now, all I have to know what John is hiding, I can't even do anything, I really have a curiosity mind. So, all I have to find is the master key of this house and maybe I think I know where he keeps them. I open his closet and go through the drawers. There were some random files and other things until I saw a little box in a corner of the last drawer. I slowly take it out and open it, revealing some keys. I knew it John would of course keep them here. I take out the master key and put everything back as I close the closet. I get out of his room and make myself go to the door. But before using the key, I think of trying to open it, but it went it vain. "Hello?" I softly knock the door with my knuckle, no reply from the other side. "Is anyone here?" I again knock but still the same results. If there's no one maybe I shouldn't get in. Or, let's give it a try. I fumble the keys and open it as I slowly let myself get in and my suspection clear up as I see a girl's back was facing me while she was on the bed. But why did Johnn- wait, I turn back as I hear boots padding on the hardwood floor and coming closer. I quickly close the door and somehow lock it. "Miss Orlando? May I know why you are here?" I turn back after sliding the key in my pocket as I see Daniel, John's manager whom he trusts, a lot. "I-I was just passing through." "I don't want to be disrespectful but Mr. Orlando has told no one should come at this certain place of this house. I'm sorry but you have to leave immediately." "Um, yeah." I mumble as I look back to the door for a second and walk downstairs. I have to check out that room later. _ _ _ Mackenzie's P.O.V. "What are you doing Mr. Orlando?" I ask after coming out of the bathroom as I see him taking my clothes out of the closet. "You're leaving." He says as he puts them up in a small suitcase. "Reall-" "No, not leaving, shifting." He cuts me off and my smile disappears. "Why?" "Don't ask questions." He closes the case. "I have packed your stuff up. Now let's go." "But where? And why?" I curiously ask. "I said don't ask questions." He comes to me as he grabs my right wrist and I see him putting a cylinder shaped type something on. "What's this?" I ask confusingly. "It's a device. Go a mile radius away from me and it will give you a shock. Trust me, it's really painful." He locks it around my hand. "Why would I go a mile away from you?" "We are going out of house, if you try to escape then I would need this right?" "But if I get a shock what can you do? Wait, is it a kind of GPS or something? I didn't know that this kind of gadget even exists." I say while examining the thing as he rolls his eyes. "Stop your nonsense. Come on." He takes the black suitcase in his hand and opens the door while I look at the time. "It's eleven and a half at night and you're-" "I said shut up." He interrupts me before grabbing my hand and walking out. "Mr.-" "Don't talk now." He closes the door and takes me downstairs. The whole house is just lighten up with the hall room's light, nothing else. We get out of the house and he makes me sit on the passengers' seat before keeping the suitcase in the back. "Now, I have one more thing to do." He says as he gets in the drivers' seat. "What?" "Move back." "What did you say?" I confusingly ask furrowing my eyebrows. He keeps his hands on my arms and turns me back as he starts wrapping a fabric around my eyes. "Why are you doing this?" "Cause you can't see where you're being taken." He ties it up before moving back. "Why? Where are you taking me?" I ask as my body started to become cold. "Don't be scared. I'm just shifting your living place. That's all. You can't just see the way to there." He says as I feel the car starting to move. "But why can't I?" "Cause you can't know where you're being stayed. Now will you stop asking questions please?" "No, tell me the reason why are you shifting me!" I yell as I hear him sighing. "My sister got to know you were there. That's why. Happy?" "Wait, it was your sister?" "You met her?" "No, actually, I heard a girly voice from outside." "Yeah, it was her." He says as I keep silent and rest my head on the seat. As my eyesight is blind, it's feeling a bit weird. "Am I at Toronto?" I ask a few minutes later. "Why do you want to know?" "Just, randomly asked." "Yeah. But you can't know more than that." "How would I know if you don't tell me?" "I won't even tell it mistakenly." "Why would you even?" I quietly mumble. The rest of the ride was silent. Well, not an awkward one. Sometimes I feel like Mr. Orlando has some mental problems. Who actually makes a girl kidnapped by someone else and buy her in exchange of three million dollars? He could've just kidnap me on his own, rather than wasting this much money. It has been a few months since I graduated and was about to join college at New York with my friends until he captured me. My life was going good but now he is just here to ruin it. "We're here." He says as the car stops and I feel his hand untying the cloth and I take it off. I look outside and see a house while opening the door and letting myself get out after he took the suitcase from the back seat. "Am I staying here?" I ask as I wrap my arms for the coldness and he gets out before walking to the door. "Yeah." He says while opening the door with keys and give me space to get in. I walk in as he also does and closes the door before turning the light on. There was a white leather couch and a TV in front. "Come on." He went inside while I looked back and saw a kitchen behind. "It's your room." He turns on the light as I get in. The room was pretty bigger than the last one I was staying at. It had a quite comfy looking king sized bed and a big closet against the wall. "Am I staying alone?" I sit on the bed foot. "No, there will be a chef of yours who'll make you food and some guards outside so that you're safe here." He keeps the suitcase at a corner. "Safe?" "I mean, so that nobody finds out you're here. And this house is not that much big, just one bedroom, a drawing room and a kitchen. You won't get scared." "Who said I get scared?" I take my shoes off. "You were just asking if you would stay alone or not." He says as I don't reply and lie down on the bed. "Frances, I was thinking something." He says as he sits on the bed and I prop myself up with my elbows. "What?" "We should make this relation between us official." He says and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Official?" "You know why I bought you?" "Um, yeah." "Why?" "A-As a submissive?" "Yes. And you're gonna be my submissive." "No." "Of course you would. I bought you for this. And remember what you said? You'll listen to me and it's final." "But-" "If you want to get out, listen to me for a few days and I will let you." He interrupts me and I keep silent. "What do you actually mean by a submissive?" "Means you're having s*x with me whenever and however I want. But if you want I can go a bit easy on you, I mean if you obey me." "Easy on me? What do you wanna say?" "You heard anything like sugar daddy?" "Sugar daddy?" Well, I did hear something like this before but never knew what it actually means. "Means you're gonna please me anytime I want and in exchange I'll give you anything." "Anything?" "Just without freedom." He says and I fuse off. That's what I actually wanted. "So, what do you actually want?" "You're gonna stay at this house as my submissive. And if you listen to me, I'll give you whatever you need." "The point is, you actually want to use me as a s*x slave? Nothing else?" I ask and he nods. "Yes. You got it. But for that we have a set of rules here." "Rules?" "Rules and regulations." "What rules?" "Rule number one, well, you know it, always listen to me. Rule number two, I won't physically or mentally hurt you unless you disobey me. And rule number three, you can't deny me anytime to have s*x and it can be whenever or however, it's upon me. Rule number four, you can't have any kind of s****l desire towards any other guy without me, neither can think of anyone else." If I even think of anyone else, how would he know it? He can't read my mind, can he? "And why am I gonna agree to the fact to be your full time submissive? Am I a prostitute or something?" "Prostitutes have s*x with strangers and I think we actually know each other. Also,I'm not asking you to spend nights with tons of guys like they do, it's just me. And why wouldn't you agree? I bought you as a submissive so you have to stay at that way." "You kidnapped me at first!" I yell. "I don't care who kidnapped you and who didn't. I just care I bought you and that's final." He says as I stay silent. What can I do? I can't even escape cause it has been like a week I'm staying with him and I already got to know that he won't leave me a single chance to do so. If he can shift my living place for just a reason his sister saw me, he can do much more things. Also, I'm afraid he will again torture and rape me if I don't become co-operative. "So what's your final decision Frances?" He rose an eyebrow. "But won't you keep your promise? You said you'll let me leave. But when?" "Soon." He smiles. Is it true? Or he's lying? "Okay." I quietly mumble."I agree to the fact." "And what's the fact?" "The fact to be your submissive." I say silently. "Great. Don't worry I'll also let you have anything if you obey me." ▪▪▪ Johnny's P.O.V. Keeping just an eighteen year old as your submissive when you're twenty four, it's a bit awkward. It really is. But, I can handle it. I had to shift Mackenzie. Cause that night, Lauren was in front of her door and Daniel also told me the next day she was again there. Maybe Lauren has some suspects but I'm way too ahead in this kind of stuffs, just shifted her, easy. I kept a cook for her who will go to her house three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And also told that cook to mix the drugs, twice a day. Hopefully, my plan will work out if she keeps taking the doses. The house she is staying at is my penthouse where I don't even go once a year. Lauren's not aware of that place so it's safe. As the door is locked, she can't get out neither can let any one in. Also there are two security guards outside so it's fine. I park the car and get out as I go into the house. Today was a really busy schedule for me, as a result I'm tired as hell. "Hey." I walk past the hall as I see Lauren on the couch. "Hi." She replies without taking her glance off from her phone and I don't expand the conversion as I go upstairs but then hear the bell ringing. I look down as I see Lauren getting off from the couch and going to the door. "Who is it?" I ask while she opens the door and I skip the stairs down. "Shawn." Lauren moves her head to me and smiles. "Why?" I narrow my eyes as she lets him in and give him a quick hug. "Why? To meet you." He says. "Meet John?" Lauren asks as she closes the door. "Yeah, actually I wanted to talk to him." "What a great timing. John just came back now." "What do you wanna talk about?" I ask crossing my arms. "I will. But I want you to leave us alone Lauren." He turns back to her. "Why?" "Please? I'll tell you later." He softly kisses her as she nods with a smile. "Bye guys." She walks to the stairs but stops beside me. "I hope you won't mess things up." She says before getting upstairs. "So? What now?" I go to the couch as I sit down and he also takes a seat. "Johnny, you know I'm dating your sister." "Yeah?" I rose an eyebrow. "You also know that you hate it." Of course, I do hate it. "And I want to know, why?" He continues. "Did I tell you that I hate it?" "You didn't tell me, but told it to Lauren. Also, your behavior doesn't seem like you're quite fine with it." "Okay, yeah I agree I don't like it. And the main reason is you're really older than her." "It's fine. I mean, five years, it's-" "It isn't." I cut him off. "It isn't fine at all. What if you're not right for her? I don't even know you personally." "Then try to know me. I'm not denying, am I?" "I don't even want to know you." "And may I know the reason behind it?" "I told you, you're really older than her. And Lauren also has suffered through this relationship problems before, I don't want it to repeat again." "I know about her past. She told me. But I'm not like this." "How can I believe you're not?" "How can you even believe when you don't know how am I?" "Shawn, I just don't know and don't have any care how you are and don't even want to. As an older brother, I won't ever want my baby sister to date with a guy who is five years older than her. Got it?" "Is it the only reason or there's something more?" He narrowed an eye. "What do you mean?" "I think it's not the only reason. You're also fed up on me cause I took the bid at LA. Right?" "Do you want to say that I'm doing it for business?" "Probably. But if you want I can give this plot to you." "Wait, are you actually trying to say that I will sell my sister to you?" "No it's not like-" "Look Mendes, I got it what kind of guy you actually are. You're trying to bribe me thinking that I will give my sister to you for only this stupid bid? Never." "I'm not bribing you Johnny. I'm just trying to say that you-" "Enough Shawn." I interrupt him. "I was thinking that maybe I can handle it, the relationship between you two but now when you're saying all of these stuff, maybe no. You can't date my sister and that's final." "I wasn't trying to bribe you. You started it." "Me? What do you wanna say that I care more for business than Lauren?" "No, it's not even like that. It's just complicated. I thought maybe you're pissed off over me for the bid so I offered it to you. But you're taking it in a wrong way." "I'm not." I stand up. "Now get the hell out of here before I throw you out." He stands up with his hands in his pockets. "I hope Johnny, someday or not you'll actually try to understand. It will just take time for you to take things normally." _ _ _ Mackenzie's P.O.V. I turn the TV off as I dig my head in the couch. It's been a whole week since I was living without Netflix. So maybe after getting a TV set, I over used it. It's like maybe ten or eleven at night and already I'm sleepy as my eyes were stuck on the TV screen for the whole day. What will I even do without this? I yawn and I make myself comfortable as I decide not to go to bed and just sleep here at this couch. It's cozy enough- "Asleep?" A voice knocks me out of my thoughts and I slowly open my eyes. "How did you come in?" I ask as Mr. Orlando takes his blazer off and keeps it on the table. "I think I have keys." He replies as he sits down on the couch I was laying on and rests his head back. "Why are you here?" I close my eyes as I quietly mumble. "To check you up. How are you doing?" "Fine." I grunt. "You like the cook?" "Mhm." I hummed. "Hope you're enjoying yourself." "Enjoy? Can someone live without phone?" "You can." He says as I groan. "I can't." "If you couldn't then how are you alive now?" "Maybe.." I prop up as I lean on my back and face him. "I'm half dead." "I can lend you mine." He takes his phone out as he sticks it in front. "No, thanks." I fake smile. "What will I do with yours?" "Maybe you have a point." He slides it back into his pocket. "Do you play guitar?" I ask as I point him the guitars with my eyes which were hanging on the wall. "I used to. But not anymore." "Why?" "Became busy with businesses and stuff, didn't got enough time." He says as I nod. "Now, get up." He picks his head and looks at me. "Um, what?" I confusingly ask. "Get up." I furrow my eyebrows as he keeps staring at me and I stand up. "You know what to do next." He shrugs as I mentally sigh and go to him as I get over his lap and swiftly kiss his neck while my hands go down to his shirt and I start unbuttoning it. "Good girl." He smirks as he places his hands on my lower back and pulls me closer as he pushes me out and licks my collar bones. "You wanna continue it here? Or go to the room?" I ask while I open his shirt and slowly outline my fingers through his abs. "Quite." He whispered as he takes his hands down on my thighs and ties them up around his waist. "But-" As I was about to finish he shoved his hand in through my leggings and moved his lips to the back of my ears. "I said quite." He said with a deep voice as he slowly trailed his finger on my underwear and pulled the waistband. "Let's make a rule. No talking while I do my work. Okay?" He bit my lips as he slid a finger inside me and I closed my eyes. "You agree?" He shoved another finger in and let them go reach to the depth. "Yes.." I gasp. "You know one more rule right?" He moved his fingers in smaller circular motions while the other hand of his go down from my lower back. "Call me..." he waited for me to reply as he pulled his fingers out and slid both of them in together, roughly. "Daddy-" I gasped loudly as I took my hands deeper inside his shirt. "Seems like you're aware of the rules huh?" He squeezed my ass as his fingers kept moving up and down. "Yes daddy.." I quietly moaned to keep up his beat. "Now, how about we-" He slowly licked my neck as it gradually went to a bite. "-take it in a much hard way?" He let another finger inside as I dug my head in his shoulder. "Oh, daddy." I moan as I slide my hands upwards and tie them up around his body. He makes me feel like this needs to be stopped but at the same moment, I want to continue. "Hurting?" He whispered before he started placing hickeys on my neck and pulled me more closer by my back. "N-No-" I pant as he pushed his fingers much deeper and roughly pulled out, again letting one slide in. "Want it to hurt?" He says moving his finger against my walls. "No." I reply as I started leaving sloppy kissed on his jaw line. "Why?" He pushed his finger deeper inside and fast. "-daddy" I almost screamed and kept breathing. "No answers?" He pulls his finger out before again squeezing my ass. I took my hands out of his shirt as I placed them on his cheeks and kissed his lips feverishly as he got his hand out. He pulled out from the kiss as his hand traced from my back to my face and his thumb slowly rubbed on them. "What do you think? Do you taste good?" He says as he reached his other hand to his lips and he slowly sucked his index finger. Without letting a word slip out of my mouth, I kept staring at him sucking his fingers clean and then he looked at me. "Maybe you don't taste that much bad." He made his thumb get in my mouth which was on my lips and gestured me to lick it, as I did. He pulled his hand out and leaned in as our lips match and it moves in a sync then pulls out in a second. "Wanna go to the room or continue it in here?"
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