
2919 Words

*The Next Day* Lauren's P.O.V. "Did you reach Chicago safely?" I ask as Shawn picks up the face time with a smile. "Yeah. How are you doing?" He fixed his laptop at a certain place and sat back on a chair. "I'm fine." I reply while I take a sip from my coffee as I was leaning against my head board. "When is your meeting?" Shawn looks at his wrist watch and then at me before replying, "I'm out in an hour." "I can't wait till I also go back to Chicago. I'm really missing my bedroom." I chuckle. "Don't say like that. Johnny will feel bad that you want to leave his house." He raises his eyebrows. "No, it's not like that I want to leave him. In fact I will miss him a lot when I'll be back to Chicago." "By the way, how is he? I mean, did he talk to you about us or something like that?"

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