Good Time

2202 Words

*One week later* Mackenzie's P.O.V. "No! I won't eat." I say and cross my arms. "Ms. Ziegler, please. You haven't eaten anything for two days." Sarah insists as I sit back on the couch. "I'll only eat if you call Mr. Orlando and tell him to visit me. It hasn't been a whole week since I met him!" "But why do you want to meet him?" She asks and sits down on the couch beside. Why do I want to meet him? I don't even know why. "I don't know. Maybe I miss him. Is there any problem if I miss my kidnapper?" "No, of course. We have put so much effort so that you miss him." She quietly says. "What kind of effort?" "Nothing. Now please eat." "I said I won't! First you tell him to come." I say and she groans. "Don't act like a baby." "You can't call me a baby. Only Mr. Orlando does. Also

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