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*Earlier* Mackenzie's POV I slightly opened my eyes and I examine myself sitting on the ground with my back leaning against a brick wall. I rubbed my eyes and felt an unbearable pain in my head. "Hey, she's awake." A brunette tan girl shouted as she came to me and bent down on her knees. "Hi." She stuck her hand in front with a smile and I kept staring at it. My head was filled with alcohol as I had been drinking lately but, now where am I? "Hey...?" I said as I shake my hand with her. "Do we need to change her up?" She shouted again as she turned back while a guy comes in. "Yeah, of course we need. This clothes won't work out." He said as he sat on a couch beside. I looked around the place and understand the room was pretty large with some girls filled at a corner. They were not just random teenagers like me. All crying, they are not even properly dressed. Even there are even some girls who are lot younger. What is this place? "W-where am I?" I slowly mumbled as I gave my glance to that tan girl. "Somewhere amazing." She smirked as she stands up. "What?" I gave a confusing look. "Wh-" "Who is this Ziegler? Mackenzie Ziegler?" A man opened the door and shouts, cutting me off. Hey! I know, wait, isn't it me? "She's already bought off? But we didn't even start the auction yet." The tan girl expressed with wonder. "Yeah, a guy did. Three million." He raised his eyebrows. "Three million?" She became more surprised and looked at me before winking. "Girl, you're getting an indeed rich daddy." "What?" I again asked. "Daddy?" What the hell is even happening? Wait am I being sold off to someone? Are they going to kill me and sell my organs? "Come on." She pulled me up and I was about to fall again as my body had no energy but she grabs me. I was so scared about thinking all the possibilities that can happen to me tonight. "Be a good girl." She tucked my hair strands behind with a smile. The man took me out and traced me to a room while I was examining the place. Where am I? And where is this bulky man who looks like a lab dog taking me? "Mr. Orlando?" He said as he opened the door and revealed the inner side. "I'm already late, what the hell were you doing?" I looked and saw a dirty blonde haired white toned guy with a black shirt and jeans, sitting on a white couch, with his legs crossed. "We're really sorry. She is ready. You can take her." The man said slowly. The blondy checked me up with furrowed eyebrows and stands up. "Okay." ••• "Who are you?" I asked as I was being sited at the passenger's seat of a black jeep and the blondy gets on the drivers' as he starts the engine. "Call me Mr. Orlando." He said with a deep voice. "And, your first name?" "Johnny." He said while his eyes were on the road. "Orlando - Johnny Orlando. Oh, okay." I quietly mumbled. Still the question of me being where was hovering on my head. I was thankful that he wasn't at least any old perv. But that doesn't make this guy worse than one. "Hey, Orlando? Where am I? And where are you taking me?" I asked again to know where am I or what can happen with me. "Stop asking questions." "Okay." I looked down. My head was hurting a lot, and the after taste from the alcohol hasn't gone yet. My eyesight was also a bit, like blurry. And glossy. I gave the guy my glance. He was on a black shirt with his cleavages being showed and a black jeans. It could be clearly seen that he had muscles. Yeah, it was a bit dark as it's night but I could see he had a really sharp jaw line and a pair of pink lips with a shade of red. "You're hot." I blurt out. He really is, I mean like look at that body. He turned over at me. "Really? You meet a guy and promptly say he's hot?" "What?" I couldn't get it what he was saying. He rolled his eyes as he looks back. "You're drunk right?" "How do you know?" I asked a bit surprisingly. He didn't reply as I rest my head on the door beside. My eyes were becoming more blurred and all I could see was just the Orlando driving me somewhere I don't know. I didn't know, I also didn't care. Maybe for the alcohol, my brain was not working properly and I didn't even want it to. All I just cared was that I wanted to sleep, wherever I could and how much I could. I closed my eyes but before I could drown into sleep the car stops and I get up. That guy looked at me and then got out. In a second, I found him coming over to me and opened the door. "Come on." He said as he opened my seat belt while I was staring at his hands to do so. He went in front and I kept walking behind, I couldn't move my legs properly but I was trying my best. Then he fumbled the keys before opening the door and waits for me to join him. Wait, why am I even going? "I won't go in." I mumble. "Why?" "Cause I don't know who are you." "You know my name." "Do I?" I confusingly asked. Wait, what was his name? He sighed as he walked to me and put me up by his shoulder. "Hey! What are you-" "Stop shouting." He took me inside and in a few moments I was being threw on a soft thud. "You're staying here, from now on." He said as he closes the door with him inside. "No! Why would I?!" I yelled. "Am I not the hot guy? Won't you listen to me?" He raised his eyebrows. "Is there any rule that I have to listen to the hot guy?" "I don't care if there's any rule or not but you are listening to me or else it won't be good." He said as he came to me and hold my jaw. "Leave me!" I tried to get out of his grip but he just pressed his hand harder. "I hope you don't want to see the consequences." His hazel eyes were looking into mine with an angry look. Anyone could get scared at his action and I was no different than others. "What are you gonna do to me?!" I yelled as he left me and soon I realize something like metal pointing right on the middle of my temple. "I'll pull the trigger." He said as my heart skips a beat. He also had a gun which scared me the most. "I will li-listen to you." I mumbled as he pulled it back. "Great. Look, you have everything you need. Clothes in the closet and toiletries in the bathroom. Now be a good girl and have a shower." He kept the gun in his belt. "And, don't try to over smart me or else your dead body will be lying on the floor." He got out of the room and I heard keys fumbling from outside, enough for me to understand he has locked me in. I fall down on the bed as I stared at the ceiling. Where am I? ••• "Done?" I hear a voice as I look up. That guy came in as he closes the door and I sit up on the bed. "Have you taken a shower?" He asked as I nod. I didn't really want him to point a gun at me again so I just did listen to him. After hearing my answer, he sits on the bed and looks at me. "You're Mackenzie Frances Ziegler right?" He asked as I look down at his jeans, he still has the gun. "Y-yeah." I quietly replied him. "Are you afraid?" He chuckled as he noticed me staring at the gun. He slides it out before he keeps it on the bedside table. "Now I don't have it." He said as I slowly nod. I don't wanna make him mad but is he really asking the girl whom he forcefully took home that if she's afraid or not? "So, you want to play a game?" He asked as I furrow my eyebrows. "What game?" "Just do what I say and I promise you'll have fun." He came to me as he places his hands on my arms. "What are you doing?" I didn't like the way he's touching me. I'm not a toy that he'll play with me. Who am I kidding? Of course he'll play with you, he f*****g paid millions for you. I took a sharp breath as tear started floating in my eyes. I'm not sure how long I'm going to handle this or what this guy is capable of. "Do what I say or I'll take it back." He pointed at the gun with his eyes as I gulp. "Now, answer. Aren't you drunk?" He asked as he leans me against the head board. "Yeah. Maybe." I mumble as he smirks. But that doesn't mean I'm not understanding your mischief, dickhead! "It'll be much easier then." "What easier?" "To play the game." He reached his hand to the table and pulled out the drawer. A red piece of fabric was being taken out from in it and his hands started to tie it around my eyes. "Hey, what-" "You remember the gun?" He said and I stopped moving as he tied it around. Leaving me completely blindfolded. Now I'm more scared than ever that I might even passed out. What if he kills me or harm me now? "Now, you will just say what are you feeling. Okay?" He said as I nod. "So, what am I doing?" He asked as I felt hands which are not mine outlining my shoulders to my collar bones. "You're, you are - um, touching me?" I say but it comes out in a question. "And now?" He says as I feel my shirt getting loose as the buttons were being unbuttoned. "You are opening my shirt?" I said. "Good girl. Keep going." I feel the shirt slowly going down and something soft and warm placing over my collar bones as it moves in a sync. "You are kissing my body." I quietly said. Then two hands trail down and starts unbuttoning my jeans as the lips were starting to place bites. "Why are you taking my jeans off?!" I yelled as they already was taken off from my body. I was about to push him back but he holds my hands. "If you want to play it easily then stop yelling." "No! Leave me!" "It'll be just fine." He pinned my hands against the wall and tied my thighs around his waist. "This time, I'll go easy on you. For the first and last time. So, don't force." He said and I felt a pair of lips just placing over mine as I let my tongue get over. Our kiss moved in a sync and my body started to feel it deeper inside me. I took my hands out of his and kept them on his neck as I pulled him closer. "Be a good girl." He pulled out as I went down to his sweet spot and started leaving hickeys as his hands trace to my back and took off my bra. "Can I take it off from my eyes?" I asked as I pull back and take off his shirt as fast as I can. "No." He said a bit strongly as he made me lay down and his shirt less body hovers over mine while he was leaving bites on my neck. "Please?" I quietly say while panting and I felt him taking his one hand down to my underwear. My head wasn't functioning properly and I'm not sure what should I do. He's raping me and I'm letting him do it. This much weak I'm right now. Lord save me. He moved his lips to mine as he kissed me hungrily and in a second moves up to my temple then slowly trailed down and he took off the fabric with his lips and it dangles down on my neck. I open my eyes as I met his face just an inch always from me while his tongue was licking his lips immensely. I bite my lips. He actually showed me a gun but the s*x was getting better. God, the alcohol will definitely ruin me tonight. He took off my underwear and threw it on the floor as he reached his hand to the drawer while sitting back on his knees. He was unbuckling his pants and when I closed my eyes to not see that scene, I felt like a total dork. That's pretty lame Kenzie, why are you closing your eyes? I slightly open them again and I see him sliding into a condom. When he was already done, he looked at me and I didn't know why but a smirk appeared. In a few moments, he crawled up to me and sucked my n****e while I felt him sliding in through me as I gasp. I didn't know how the time passed away and after sometime I found myself lying on the bed, completely left exhausted after the orgasm. As I examined the person beside me, he was buttoning up his shirt. Without uttering a word, he handed me the bed sheet and I took it fast, realizing I was full naked in front of the person who was almost about to kill me. While numerous thoughts were crossing my mind, he grabbed the gun from the table. As my heart started to beat out of my chest. "You had s*x with me and now are you gonna kill me? Then what are you gonna do? Sell my organs in the black market?!" I blurted out as he shook his head while laughing quietly. "Sell organs? Like really?" He chuckled between the laugh and traced the gun slowly on my cheeks from my jaw as I closed my eyes. "I just wanted to tell you that..." he stopped it right over my lips. "You're such a good girl, honey."
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